So, because of this, one day Earlene decided to do a little bit of investigating herself. Even though snooping around just wasn't her style.

In her usual authoritative state, Earlene pranced around the estate looking for the other girl, hoping to catch a glimpse of what had been occupying her time lately. After a few interrogating a few other servants on the way, Earlene soon began to get a clearer picture of what might be occupying the other young lady's time so much that she was so unavailable recently.

Armed with the army of naughty suspicions bouncing around in her head, egging her on, Earlene marched in the direction of the training ground, hoping to exert some of her pent up energy on the stranger who had stolen her friend from her. Of course, the training ground wasn't Earlene's favorite place, especially since she was someone who would do anything to boycott practice or anything the remotely concerned her home lessons. But as she headed there, this time, she walked with a zeal unlike never before.

As she approached, she heard the familiar laughter of Adalia's ringing voice, echoing through the space around her, and filling the atmosphere with a warmth that only her could generate. Pangs of jealousy struck Earlene from within, and she made no effort to control herself. Spurred on by the mental image that was already taking form in her head, Earlene surged in the direction of the laughter.

Earlene's impromptu visit proved to be even more fruitful than she had anticipated. She saw first hand the happiness that tied Adalia down. She saw why Adalia had been so absent lately. She saw why it seemed like her friend had dropped off from the surface of the earth. Standing at the entrance of the training ground, looking down at Adalia cackling in laughter as she mimicked the stranger's training, it all became clear to Earlene.

Normally, the presumptuous, rebellious side of her would jump in immediately. But, for some reason, she hesitated for a while before disturbing the peace of both of them.

"Ehm Ehm ehm…"


She coughed rumbustiously, announcing her presence. Xzavier who had been hanging upside down from a rail doing push ups jumped down apprehensively. Adalia who had been entertaining herself with her own theatrical display, swiftly turned round to see who had intruded on their personal space. Glad to see who it was, Adalia's eyes lit up brightly as she called out to her friend and mistress;

"Earlene! What a wonderful surprise!!"

She beckoned on her with all sincerity;

"Come, come, come…"

"Don't act like you're so happy to see me…"

She spoke as she skulked in a playful manner.


Adalia grinned mischievously. Earlene's self abortion had grown on her. She no longer saw her as overbearingly eccentric. In fact, that trait of hers had metamorphosed into a kind of seductive narcissism. Having grown used to her in that manner, Adalia was aware that Earlene was only joshing. So, she stroked her ego, and indulged her whim.

"Oh my baby! You know I can never forget you! Come give me a hug!"

With the way both of them got along, none would ever suspect that they were hand maid and mistress. Earlene rushed into Adalia's arms and they Hugged each other.

But as soon as Earlene broke off from her embrace, she turned to Xzavier with her famous death stare. Honestly, if there was ever a look that had been perfected due to incessant practice. It was this. Earlene glared at Xzavier like he had stolen her jewel or something. The switch up was just insane! Only a few seconds ago, she had been laughing and hugging Adalia, and now, she looked like she was about to pulverize Xzavier right where he stood! It was insane!"You!" she exclaimed as she pointed at Xzavier,

"What have you done?!"

Adalia was smiling. But Xzavier was most definitely not smiling. With a puzzled expression, he turned around, hoping there was someone else behind him whom the young lady was addressing with such vitriol.


"I am talking to you waxavier!"

Wow, that wasn't even his name.

"Come on Earlene, don't be like that, you know very well that's not his name…" Adalia petted her.

"What?" she protested, "Isn't he built like a wax figurine?"

Without giving her the chance to respond or defend him, Earlene back to face him with the accusation she had been waiting to throw in his face;

"You! Ever since you came here, you've been hugging Adalia all to yourself!"

Xzavier's eyes widened in surprise. Was she being serious? But Earlene wasn't done, she didn't spare him one bit;

"Don't even try to act surprised! I know that you're doing this on purpose…"

Again, Xzavier had no words. Feasting on his silence like a vulture devouring a carcass, Earlene continued;

"Earlene doesn't play with me again as often as we used to ever since you got here. It's all your fault waxavier!"

Once again, Xzavier wanted to tell her that that was really not his name, but he didn't get a chance. With Earlene, Xzavier just couldn't seem to catch a break. Earlene kept on talking to him like she was a queen bee and he was one of her worker bees.

"You're going to have to be punished you know. If you help me out with my homework, I may consider forgiving your transgressions…"

She said with an air of finality.

Xzavier finally saw where all of this was going. In fact, this was all a ruse to get him to do her assignment for her. To be honest, Xzavier didn't really hate this naughty, boisterous, young lady. Actually, he thought her kind of cute in her own way. Her stubbornness and willfulness came off as her being obnoxious, but Xzavier suspected that this was her nature. Her brashness seemed to be within reason.

Before Xzavier could react to the brazen request Earlene had just put forward, Adalia swooped in with a defense;

"Earlene!" she shrieked.

"What do you think you're doing huh?"

"I don't know what you're talking about…"

"Oh I think you do you naughty girl!"

Both of them understood each other, only Xzavier was left out of the loop. Adalia pressed on;

"Don't mind her Xzavier, the governor has expressly forbidden everyone, including servants and teachers from helping Earlene out…"

Earlene desperately wanted to counter, but she, more than anyone else here knew that this was the whole truth. Undiluted, and uncut.

A bit disappointed that she could not manipulate Xzavier into doing her will this time, she glared at him darkly.

"You're lucky Adalia got you out of this one waxavier."

Xzavier had actually gotten all that he needed to know about no helping Earlene. But just so he could get under her skin, he turned to Adalia and asked innocently;

"Say Adalia, what were you saying again about what the governor spoke concerning his little girl? What is she trying to do by getting me to try to help her?"

"Who are you calling litt—"

Adalia caught on and acted accordingly.

"What an astute question Xzavier. By trying to solicit your help in such a benign way, Earlene is trying to cheat since she is supposed to do her work independently without any external assistance!"

Any other vain mistres wouldn't stand such level of familiarity from her servant, but Adalia could dare to critics Earlene like this because their relationship had far superseded that of mistress and handmaiden. At this, they were more like sisters.

Of course, Earlene caught on to the game Adalia was trying to play. And therefore , having no room left to maneuver, she surrendered to Adalia's tactics.

"I see you still got it huh Adalia. You just couldn't let me have this way out!"

She blushed as she stormed out, leaving. Xzavier and Adalia behind, chuckling at her petulance.

In situations like this where Xzavier and Adalia backer each other in a face off against others, their relationship became more and more fiery. Without them realizing it, like the slow fire that gradually engulfs a forest, their friendship had grown into a heated relationship with subtle erotic undertones. They complimented each other well. And because they had spent more time with each other, they grew closer and closer each day, adapting to eac other's presence and steadfastly growing on each other.

One major factor that stood as the evidence to their increasingly heating relationship was the undisputed longing to see each other. If they weren't together, they would find themselves looking forward to see each other. Every moment they were apart was spent thinking about each other. Especially, tea time. That was their special time. Every morning, after Xzavier finished running laps around the house, Adalia never failed in her duty as Xzavier's unofficial tea giver. Of course, it wasn't her duty per say, but Adalia took it upon herself to fulfill this task for Xzavier. At this point, it was more than just the tea. It was so much more.

The tea was merely symbolical. It was just an excuse for them to spend time together. Even when it rained, Adalia still found her way to Xzavier's room with a jug full of the hot steaming liquid, along with a small tea cup, all on a silver platter. Because he couldn't train outside, he would work out as best as he could inside his own room with Adalia keeping him company. He always looked forward to tea as some kind of reward. Each time he took a sip and quenched his thirst with the rich, hot, steaming liquid, Xzavier could taste the care and effort in it.
