From the top floor of the mansion, out the window of his room that was positioned so tactically that he could easily see the activities of anyone passing on the estate ground, he would often watch Xzavier jog past on his morning rounds. Like a sniper in his tower, Cadence would look down to the ground and clock Xzavier's time each time he jogged past his window.

On that fateful day, very early in the morning, Cadence rose from his bed with a spring in his step. It was way earlier than his regular wake time. In fact, the shadow of nighttime was still very much present. Cadence sprung out his bed without the haziness, or wooziness that was typical of one who had only just awakened. His mind was bright and awake, and his entire physiology followed suit.

He headed over to his wash bowl in the distance, and washed his face and mouth hurriedly, in the process, he splashed a little bit more water than usual, forming little puddles around him. Still suspended in a state of perpetual urgency, Cadence put on his sandals and dashed towards the direction of his father's home office. This was the second time he would surprise his father in this manner. But he hoped he would catch the governor in a good mood.

As he headed towards his father, Cadence began to realize that disturbing the quiet time of a man as important as his father probably wasn't a good idea. It was still pretty early, and most people were still awake at this time.

"Get it together Cadence!" he rebuked himself in a matured manner as he willed himself to focus.

"No negative thoughts! No doubts! No negative thoughts, no doubts..."

He repeated the mantra over and over again in his mind. It was a creed that the old mage had whipped up for him and Earlene. He instructed them to stand by it, and chant it whenever they were faced with a daunting task. Right now, Cadence held on to it with the tenacity of a toddler holding on to a teddy bear.


He soon arrived at his destination and approached the door. With a nervous rap, he knocked softly on the door. Much to his surprise, the governor called out to him from the other side;

"Come in Cadence, I can recognize your footsteps even with my ears clogged."

Taken by surprise, Cadence opened the door to the familiar sight of his father bent over at the table. As always, the ever present stack of documents dominated an entire section of the table. The soft mesmerizing glow of candlelight from multiple candlesticks, encased the room in a blanket of warmth. Cadence felt at home here, and paradoxically, even when his father wasn't physically present, he also felt strangely on edge every time he stood in this room.

Quaid on the other hand knew instantly that something was afoot without even needing to make any inquiries. The chickens do not come out to roost in the middle of the night.

"Good morning father. Forgive my interruption."

Quaid waved his hand dismissively."It's nothing. You can always come to me whenever you have something on your mind."


He narrowed his eyes and bore down on his son with a questioning look.

"There is something bothering you right?"

Cadence didn't want to complain to his father. So, he decided to spare him as much details as possible.

"No father..."

He paused briefly, but long enough for the governor to know that his son was warming up to say something.

"But I have a request to make of you."


Ah, there it is, Quaid thought. He took great pride in knowing and predicting the people around him, especially his children. Even though he spent very little time with them, in his free time, he would often ruminate on their growth, and present affairs.

Cadence wasn't usually one to make formal requests. In fact, he hardly ever asked his father for anything. At first, Quaid had believed that it was because his child had a sense of entitlement. But as Cadence grew up, Quaid observed with delight that his son was actually self sufficient and self dependent. This was a very unlikely trait in nobility. The governor was glad.

So, seeing Cadence come forward in this manner to present his request made Quaid take a step back. He was curious to know what this request could possibly be that his son had to come to him so early. Leaning back into his seat, he reached for his beard and stroked it as he waited for the ball to drop.

"Well, go on then. I am all ears."

Cadence bowed slightly, and began to fill his father's curious ears.

"Father, as you know, the vault that contains the family's treasury is under lock and strict security. So, humbly I ask that you grant me permission to access it for myself."

He bowed again.

Quaid wasn't expecting this.


Stunned by the single word reply, Cadence remained there, not sure how exactly to proceed from here. He asked himself; Fine is good right? He couldn't really tell in this moment. What was he to do with 'fine?'

A few minutes later, just as noonday crept up on the inhabitants of the estate, Cadence found himself knocking on Xzavier's door. The young man was bursting with self assurance, totally confident in the fact that he had thoroughly thought this true. There was no way Xzavier could say no to such a phenomenal gesture.

Cadence glanced at the gifts resting on the wall next to Xzavier's door and was once again convinced that he had made the right choice. The boy was but just a lad, so, his boyish frame couldn't support the large frame. So, he had a couple of servants bring them over here. And very quickly, he dismissed them. He didn't want Xzavier thinking that he hadn't been man enough to deliver the gift himself.

Xzavier had heard the rustling of feet on the other side of the door and tried his best to make out what exactly was going on. But the pattern was sporadic and irregular. Just as he was about to step up to find out, he heard a couple of feet retreating in the distance. He was about to dismiss it when the knock came. Xzavier's keen mind scrutinized the manner of the knock. During his short stay here, he had already gotten used to the way his visitors knocked.

Actually, only two people came to see him daily. Adalia's knocking pattern was more hurried and more frantic. Like she was in a hurry to get over with the whole knocking ritual and just get on with barging right it. Xzavier always recognized it any day. The second person that always came was the servant in charge of Xzavier's meals. In contrast to Adalia's urgent style, this servant was always calm and placid. He knocked like he had all the time in the world to spare. Xzavier appreciated that.

This time, the knocking pattern was different. Hence, it was safe to say that this was a stranger. Carefully tip toeing his way towards the door, Xzavier called out unsurely;

"Yes? Who goes there?!"

A small, almost thin voice answered him.

"I Mr. Xzavier! It is Cadence, the governor's son!"

Cadence nearly bit off his own tongue in regret as soon as he mentioned the fact that he was the governor's son. Like Xzavier didn't know that already! Cadence rebuked himself silently for that oversight. It wasn't like him to go around throwing the fact that he was the governor's son. In this particular case, it sounded like he was trying to get Xzavier to comply using the authority of his father. Of course, this wasn't his intention. But hearing Xzavier's voice bellowing from behind the door made him lose focus.

As for Xzavier, it turned out that the hadn't actually needed Cadence to announce his name. He recognized his almost masculine voice immediately he answered from the other side of the door. Surprised by the fact that the governor's son was here at his door, Xzavier opened it suspiciously and saw the five foot five teenager staring back at him with wide eyes, as if he half expected to metamorphose into a snarling dragon with four wings and three horns.

When he did manage to find his voice, he somehow sounded even shriller and more high pitched than he normally did. Despite the fact that he prepared himself to sound deep like a man when the time came.

"Mr. Xzavier! Please pardon my intrusion! May I speak with you for a moment?"

Xzavier looked at the teenager again, trying his best to figure out what this was about. But for the life of him, he just couldn't figure it out. He nodded slightly in approval, and Cadence wasted no time. Talking in the way and manner that he saw other grownups do, he took the diplomatic approach;

"I haven't had the pleasure of getting to know you in person Mr. Xzavier, but I am hoping that can change."
