Now Xzavier didn't know much about these creatures, but even he knew that Goblins were typically known as annoying creatures. They were classic pranksters and constantly annoyed humans. They were exceptionally good at creeping up on humans and attacking them.

They were especially fond of sneaking up on Hunters who were alone on hunting trips. This was one of their favorite tactics. Goblins were also disorganized so they sucked at coordinating massacres and attacks on a grand scale.

The flopped seriously in this regard, so they preferred sneaking up on lone hunters or single humans on the roads or in the woods. They were well known for this. However, this particular trait of theirs didn't make them less dangerous. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Goblins were bloodthirsty creatures who lived to gore and cause destruction.

They could usually be found stalking the woods or lonely highways in small clusters or sometimes, one single or more. But they could also be cowards sometimes. Whenever they came across difficulties during an attack, they were quick to abandon their objective to flee.

It was primitive instinct in them because it was their nature. They absolutely hated altercations that droned on for long periods of time. When often met with fierce resistance, the monsters simply turned around and ran.

Xzavier's mind went to work immediately. His training as a member of the Special Forces unit covered virtually everything there was to know about killing. It wasn't sadistic neither was t sycophantic, it was just what had been ingrained in him.

It also wasn't just about killing, Xzavier knew that strategic planning and mental preparedness was sixty-five percent of the job. So when he heard the summary of what the mission entailed, he began to strategize on the best possible way to locate, infiltrate and kill the head of the Goblins.


A part of Xzavier was still finding it really hard to accept this as his reality. Not too long away his life had been perfectly normal, and then in the blink of an eye, he had been yanked out of the comfort of his daily routine and dropped off in this strange world.

It all seemed like a dream, he almost felt like it was a simulation. But then again, he remembered all the times he had come dangerously close to death in the very short time he was here. The incident with the Cheetah had been one of those.

He could still remember the crushing vivid details of that night. The decapitated head of the animal which he had traded in only a few minutes ago served as the perfect reminder.

He quickly set aside his doubts and got into strategy mode. Killing a lone wild animal was one thing. Having to kill off a whole Goblin who happened to be a gang leader was a different ball game altogether. He needed all the information he could get ahead of time.

Kadin had been watching him closely. The old man didn't take his eyes off Xzavier for a second. In that very moment, Kadin would have given half his fortune just so he could get an insight to what was going on this stranger's head.

There was a certain flame in Xzavier's eyes that Kadin coveted. He looked down on youths generally, but Xzavier was a different breed. The old cunning magician looked forward to having him around. It would be fun to unravel the mysteries of his strange aura and incredible strength.


Xzavier sighed inwardly. All he wanted was to just retire to a safe and quiet place where he could enjoy the comfort of solitude. And yet, because of system, he had no other option but to accept this peculiar mission. Xzavier's clear string voice suddenly came out of the blue and disrupted Kadin's maniacal plans.

"Details. I need details."Unable to fully mask his excitement, Kadin clapped his hands delightfully as his eyes tingled with expectation.

"Wonderful! I take it that you've decided to accept the mission?"

Not wanting to risk Xzavier retracting his statement, he continued to speak hurriedly, as if he was scared that Xzavier would change his mind.

"I am glad you asked for more information. You see, I have dealt with a lot of blockhead hunters in the past. Most of them just charge in blindly after receiving their tasks.

"Few ask for more information. Even fewer make ample use of the information given."


He paused for a bit and continued;

"But I am glad that you are asking. We're off to a pretty good start."

Xzavier was getting increasingly irritated by the old man's unnecessary ramblings.

"What kind of hunter delves right into a capture/kill mission without first assessing the risks and gleaning the much needed information?"

This information Kadin had so willingly dropped off on Xzavier showed the class of crude thoughtless idiots the old magician had been working with.

Also, it was evident to Xzavier that the older man loved the sound of his own voice. Xzavier absolutely detested conversations that demanded excess words.

The only time he tolerated elaborate speeches was when a superior would debrief him on an upcoming mission.

Other than that, he never really got around to enduring superfluous speeches. Xzavier knew that the compulsive need to share too much was often a symptom of chronic liars and manipulators.

Right now, the man who stood before him was actively displaying all the signs. He knew he had to watch the old man.Unaware of the thoughts going on in Xzavier's mind, the magician delved right into explaining some details that Xzavier needed to successfully complete his mission;

"First off my dear Xzavier, you need to recognize the terrain. I don't know where you're from, but the landscape where the Goblins reside is typically steep.

"There's a lot of high ground around the road in the mountain pass and I must confess that this proves very advantageous to the nasty creatures. They have been known to jump down from terrifying heights and descend on unwary travelers…AND HUNTERS."

He observed Xzavier very closely as he dropped the last part. As expected, Xzavier showed no signs of fear. He pressed on;

"The surrounding areas are mostly woods and dense forests."

Xzavier tensed a bit at the mention of the word 'forest.' He wasn't a big fan of forests in this strange place. But fortunately for him, Kadin had given up on trying to read him. The old magician was too absorbed in his own lecture that he didn't see Xzavier's reaction.

"The Goblins themselves move in groups. But sometimes, you can catch an omega wandering on his own. The leader of this particular gang of Goblins is a shifty one. He never strikes in the same location twice.

"So, it's safe to say that he is a nasty piece of work. Not that it would faze you anyway."

He winked at Xzavier as he said that.

"Also, I don't know if you know this, but Goblins have an inclination towards cowardice when overwhelmed. When faced with risk, the tendency of them running is much higher than that of them risking their necks."

He chuckled as he gave up that last bit of information.

"This particular trait of theirs can be annoying really. Especially for someone like you who is on a mission to destroy their leader. It can be pretty difficult to kill a monster who loves its own life that it would rather flee than fight.

"Beware though, their numbers can make them pretty strong. Many a hunter have been known to be overwhelmed by the sheer vastness of just a single colony of Goblins."

Xzavier absorbed the information at the speed of light. Some of what Kadin had said confirmed what he already suspected about Goblins. The knowledge of the terrain would prove helpful to him though. He never would have been able to guess that before the hand.

Having received all the necessary information that pertained to Goblins, he set off without even saying a word.

Kadin watched him curiously as he evacuated the office. The dialog between them wasn't what he had expected. While he was still ruminating on this, the waitress who had handled the transaction emerged with a worried look on her face.

She was actually the one who had alerted Kadin when she saw the stranger. It was for this very purpose that she had delayed the payment. Not bothering with all the elaborate niceties, she accosted the old man with a barrage of questions.

"What do you think? Is he really just an ordinary dude?"

Kadin didn't answer her right away. He was very much still in deep thought. Then finally, he spoke up;

"He is everything and more. I see a lot of potential in that young man. The possibilities are endless."
