Over the next couple of weeks, activities went on as normal in the household of the governor. There were no ripples, there were no deviations from the structured pattern of activities therein.

Xzavier wasn't exempted from this repetitive cycle. Even though he was just a guest, he soon settled into a pattern. His daily routine began to become more and more regular as he gradually adapted to his new environment. He soon discovered that living among the top brass in an era like this, had its own merits and productive benefits. He watched dignitaries come and go at will. He watched foreign emissaries trot in and out of the governor's estate.

Xzavier was intrigued, but he didn't allow the pomp and pride of the nobles around him to get into his head. He stayed true to himself and generally steered clear of any irregularities that could potentially alter his own established system. Like a wildlife activist observing the wild from afar, Xzavier absorbed all the information in his surroundings, and remained aloof from it all at the same time.

His routine was habitual, and before long, he began to settle into it nicely.

Xzavier's day actually began before sun up. His eyes would open way sunrise, and he would spend at least an hour in bed, reminiscing over past events, purging his mind of all doubts, and basically preparing himself mentally for the day ahead. He believed in being mentally alert, physically fit, and spiritually sound. This was his personal mantra. After having this time to himself, he would then get up and workout.Xzavier didn't like to admit it, but he was a bit of an exercise buff. He was addicted to working out. With the sun lazily hanging in the horizon, undecided as to whether to rise or not, Xzavier went hard on hammering his body into shape. His workout routine was unlike the regular person's routine. He incorporated his harsh training as a member of the Special Forces into his workout sessions, and stuck to them with great discipline.

Hanging upside down, with his legs laying on the wall, and his hands on the ground supporting his entire frame, Xzavier would do five hundred pushups. By the time he was done, his head would be light from all the blood that had rushed to his head. He then proceeded to do two hundred and fifty sit ups. And then finally, he would find an iron bar that could support his weight and do either seven or eight hundred pull ups. Of course, this was just a warm up.

After completing the already laid out number for the morning, like clockwork each morning, Xzavier would then wash up and prepare for his next task. Officially, to those who closely observed him from the outside, Xzavier's day seemed to begin by six a.m.


Always on clock, at exactly six, his door would swing open. The familiar sound of the hinges of his door creaking as he swung it open, the sound of his running shoes hitting the floor of the hallways, as well as his steady breathing, all these had been burned into the minds of those who occupied the adjacent quarters close to his.

As his feet hit the ground, people would anticipate the buildup between when he starts his slow purposeful jogging, and when he finally broke into a full scale run. His morning route wasn't all that long distance-wise, but it was enough to keep him in shape and keep his powerful lungs working in top form. Because there wasn't any long, empty stretch of land in the environment, Xzavier had to be content with running laps round the entire expanse of land on which the mansion sat on.

On these runs, Xzavier would often spot several of the household staff going about their morning chores. He became familiar with their faces and duties. He noticed those who were suspiciously chirpy and full of energy in the mornings, he observed those who were obviously not yet awake even though they were standing on their feet and had their eyes opened. The doom and gloom on their faces always made Xzavier laugh. He didn't offer his advice, but he knew that they could definitely use some morning run in their lives.

Of course, it made no sense to commit this information to heart, and waste mental space by storing up useless trivia. As useless as this might seem, this was all just to keep his mind busy, and also to prevent him from going mad with boredom. After running a few laps, depending on his mood and mental energy (for he didn't have a fixed number, just in case some unsavory individual was keeping tabs on him), he would then return to his room for another treat that he seemed to look forward to more and more with each passing day.

Xzavier was alone. But at the same time, he wasn't alone. Adalia, the blonde maid whom he had shared a moment with in the training ground, had managed to inject herself into Xzavier's daily routine without being intrusive. Actually, Xzavier welcomed her presence without complaints.

At the beginning when Adalia began to look after Xzavier in a doting way, it hadn't been deliberate, but as time wore on, they both relaxed into the comfort of this cycle, and gradually began to lean into the dynamic until it became the norm for them.


After Xzavier finished his morning run, by the time he got back to his bedroom, he would find a cup of tea and a fresh clean towel waiting for him to clean up his sweat. This simple, and yet significant favor Adalia showered on Xzavier wasn't taken for granted by the latter. More often than not, he would relish the tea as he sipped on it at long intervals. Savoring the nutrients and care in the tea, Xzavier would take his time with each cup.

​ Each time he drank the tea left for him by Adalia, Xzavier would remember his first day in Victoria City with her in the government official's office. Silently, they had had their own fun with the coffee served them by the office attendant. Although, it hadn't been that long ago, to Xzavier, it seemed like a while ago. The tea was very relaxing. It was exactly what he needed after a very aggressive workout session.

Xzavier wasn't sure what was in it, but the way it seeped through his body, attacking the tension in his nerves and filling him with a general sense of warmth, Xzavier suspected that this was the kind of stuff only rich people had access to in this era. It wasn't psychedelic in nature, neither was it a stimulant. It was just what he needed at the time after a rigorous exercise.

Usually, one of the servants would bring in his breakfast in a silver tray. He normally ate from the same ration as the governor. And Xzavier was very much impressed with the governor's taste in nutrition. Though it was hard for anyone to know this, but the fact was the governor ran his household like a tight ship on a schedule. Right down to the meals that would be served at any given point in the week, Quaid had it under control. He could hardly be heard shouting or barking orders, but he got things done.

Xzavier was very much impressed by this trait. He actually expected every meal in the governor's house to be in the form of a medieval feast, but every time he was served a meal, Xzavier found himself astonished by the simplicity and richness of his meals. In essence, the household's meals were centered on whole grains, fruits, nuts and vegetables. But the chefs in the kitchen got creative with them.

After breakfast, Xzavier would rest his mind and body for a while. Then, by noonday, Xzavier would leave the comfort of his bedroom and delve into another round of work.


The training ground was fast becoming Xzavier's favorite spot. Around midday every single day for six days a week, he would go there to hone and perfect the skills he needed to use. Xzavier was well aware of the fact that he had an ample amount of time to kill. And because he didn't have any pressing tasks or responsibilities tying him down, he dedicated his free time to keeping fit.

Training like a mad dogs in an animal fight club, Xzavier furiously went hard in the training ground with great vigor. He made took full advantage of the training ground and explored all the accessories involved. Leaping over obstacles as fast as he could, he would time himself and push himself to the limit of his abilities. After exhausting himself, he would repeat the same thing the next day over and over till he felt he was far better than he was when he first arrived here.

Fortunately, all his firearms had sound suppression devices attached to them so Xzavier also practiced his shooting.
