Yuuki and Cosmo were standing a few meters away with the referee in the middle of them.

Yuuki only crossed his arms waiting for the match to start.

However, Cosmo was stretching once again with a smile on his face.

Yuuki didn't really understand why Cosmos was shirtless since Cosmo was a grappler.

Why doesn't he understand? Because the ground of this arena isn't a soft mat, but a hard ground.

Cosmo's skin isn't a hard and tough skin, but rather it is a very soft skin that is similar to a girl.

Yuuki wouldn't be surprised if Cosmo bled his skin when Cosmo rolled around in the ground after this fight.


If Cosmo was a striker type of fighter then he understood, but Cosmo was a grappler of a fighter and fought on the ground thoroughly.

"ARE YOU READY?!" The referee looked at both of them. "TAKE YOUR STANCE!!!"

Ohma looked at the match with a calm expression. 'I'll definitely face you.'

"Ohma, who do you think will win?" Yamashita asked.

"Yuuki," Ohma answered without hesitation, but suddenly he frowned when he saw Yuuki's stance.

"Grappling stance?" Yamashita was also very surprised.


They looked at the match with serious expression since they didn't understand what Yuuki meant by using that stance against the "King of Grappler".

That's right!

Grappling stance!

Yuuki was in grappling stance when he usually didn't do any stance in the past. His left leg was in the front and right leg in the back while both of his arms were in the position where it was very easy to grab his opponent. Yuuki's opponent was known as the grappling master, but Yuuki wanted to face Cosmo in the grappling contest.

At this moment, everyone couldn't understand what Yuuki was thinking, but suddenly they were also surprised by Cosmo's stance too.

Cosmo was in an upright stance.


The upright stance is usually being used by Muay Thai fighters.

Cosmo, who was a master grappler, suddenly turned into a striker.

It was a very strange scene for everyone and they couldn't determine the conclusion of this battle.

The referee was also confused, but he knew that he couldn't stop the match. "BEGIN!!!!!"

Cosmo was jumping lightly and his expression seemed at ease.

"And we're off!!"

"This match has taken a surprising turn right out the gate!"

"Would you believe it?! Imai Cosmo, the best ground grappling specialist of the Kengan Matches is giving up on grappling and it is looking for a contest of blows!!"

"And his opponent, Yuuki, suddenly put a stance of grappling right in front of Cosmo! Is he going to fight Cosmo in a grappling contest?!"

The commentator shouted excitedly until someone started to attack first.

Cosmo was the one who initiated the fight, but it was quite normal since he was in an upward stance.

Yuuki put all of his focus into Cosmo and at this moment that everything was moving slowly.

Cosmo was very agile and started with his first move. He charged very fast toward Yuuki and started with a fast jab right away targeting Yuuki's head.

Yuuki saw Cosmo's punch was moving at his face, but he didn't move until there was only a 10 centimeters distance between his face and Cosmo's fist. Cosmo felt a bit weird, but then suddenly he was startled by Yuuki's grappling technique.

Yuuki moved his head backway a bit and held Cosmo's hand with both of his hands then jumped wrapping both of his legs at Cosmo's hand which Cosmo to punch him.

Just as the match had started, Cosmos's arm was being held by Yuuki.

Cosmo who was being locked by Yuuki knew that he needed to escape or else it would be hard for him to escape when he fell down on the ground, especially when his joint was being bent. He knew that if this continued then there was a high chance of his arm being broken and he couldn't let that happen.

In the moment, where both of them would drop on the ground, Cosmo used this chance to counter Yuuki. He rolled to the right and used his legs to wrap around Yuuki's legs to lock it up. He used his legs to twist Yuuki's leg's joint.

Yuuki knew that Cosmo was a genius grappler fighter, and the easiest way to defeat Cosmo was to break both of Cosmo's hands. However, he didn't expect that Cosmo would counterattack him right when he was locking Cosmo's arms.

In that moment, where Cosmo was doing his counterattack, Yuuki's decision didn't show hesitation and let go of both of his arms right away.

Cosmo was confused by Yuuuki's action and didn't expect for him to let go of his arm lock, but he thought that it was a good chance to defeat him. He twisted his body and held Yuuki's leg tightly to lock it up ready to give a painful experience when they dropped on the ground.

Yuuki's hands which had let Cosmo's arm touch the ground first then twisted his body ready to slam Cosmo who was hugging his leg right into the ground.


Cosmo was suddenly caught in a strange situation. When both of them would drop on the ground suddenly it stopped before it changed direction. He was holding Yuuki's leg and saw Yuuki moving his body with only the power of his arms and waist alone.

Muteba who saw this couldn't help but whistle when he saw the power of Yuuki's waist. He looked at Togo and smiled at her.

"What's with that smile?" Togo frowned.

"Nothing, I understand why you love him that much," Muteba said and knew that the power of waist would relate to the power of man during the bed. From the sound of the fight, he could tell that Yuuki's waist was very powerful and it might even be stronger than him.

"What do you mean?!" Togo raised her voice.

Muteba sighed and started to explain.

Togo twitched her lips and didn't say anything since it was right.

Yuuki's body seemed very flexible and strong at this moment moving downward very fast ready to slam Cosmo who was holding his leg on the ground.

Cosmo, who was ready for the impact, started to change his mind at the last moment.

