– Babies’ First-Month Celebration (1)

Lei Tie asked, “The person?”

Lei-Qin Shun said, “Third-gongzi ran away in a hurry, all the while not losing his smile, said to go to other relatives’ homes to announce.”

“He’d been hoping for a son, it’d be strange if he isn’t like that.” Qin Mian turned his head and asked Lei Tie, “A-Tie, will their family’s washing-third ceremony be a little more celebrated?”

Lei Tie, who was pondering over the matter of cutting trees, raised his head, “More than Wei Shi’s.”

Qin Mian said to Lei-Qin Shun, “You tell Uncle Fu what we said, he will know what to do.”

Lei-Qin Shun understood, “Yes.”


That very day on Lei Xiangyi’s son washing-third ceremony, Qin Mian and Lei Tie went together, followed by Lei-Qin Le, who was carrying a gift box.

At Lei Xiangyi’s house, all the guests had arrived earlier.

The baby’s childhood name was Niuniu1 and he had yet to get a formal name. Lei Xiangyi wanted to wait for Lei Xiangzhi to come back and let him draft the names.

After lunch, the midwife presided over the washing-third ceremony. First of all, an incense burner table was set up outside the labor room to consecrate Goddess Yunxiao, Goddess Cuisheng, Goddess Songzi, Goddess Douzhen2, and thirteen other god statues. The censer had to be filled with fragrant rice in replacement of incense ashes to insert incense sticks, under which were pressed ritual money, mock ingots, and other god worshipping tributes. On the head of the heatable-brick bed in the convalescing woman’s bedroom laid the offering for the statues of Kang Gong and Kang Mu3, three bowls of oil cakes for each deity. After the midwife prayed, she kowtowed three times.

Qin Mian felt very novel and watched on seriously. He always thought the washing-third ceremony was unscientific, so he didn’t hold it for his two little babies.

As soon as the midwife held the baby, the ‘’washing-third’’ officially began.


The first to begin was the member of the family in accordance to superiority and seniority, taking the lead to add a small spoon of clean water to the basin and then put some coins or fruits and so on; it was called ‘’add to the basin’’. It was said that the more things added in the basin, the luckier the baby would be in the future. However, the things added to the basin belonged to the midwife.

Qin Mian was very curious about what the few outrageous Lei family members would add. He stood amongst the crowd with the mood of watching with amusement as people made a fool of themselves.

Lei Tie stood shoulder-to-shoulder with him. When he caught sight of his wife’s slightly upturned lips, a trace of a smile passed through his eyes.

Lei Daqiang, Du Shi, and Wei Shi were the elders; they were the first to add to the basin. Lei Daqiang put a handful of copper coins into the basin, about 20 of them. Not bad. The midwife smilingly sang a congratulatory speech, “A few brasses, very rich.”

When Du Shi scooped a ladle of clean water into the basin without any expression, it was unknown which few guests couldn’t restrain from sneering. Du Shi went to glare at them fiercely, but she couldn’t find anyone. She lifted the corner of her skirt and sat down heavily on the chair.

The midwife was used to all kinds of scenes, her face remained unchanged and she still cheerfully sang, “Long flowing water, clever and sensible.”


While holding Qingqing, Wei Shi put a handful of copper coins like Lei Daqiang.

Lei Xiangren swaggered up, his right hand quickly swept over the water and the water sloshed for a while. There was a glimmer of disdain in the midwife’s eyes, believed that others had not seen it – he didn’t add anything at all.

The guests were not blind. They could see at a glance that there was not much in the basin. Several people murmured in low voices, and their disdainful eyes glanced at Lei Xiangren from time to time. They all thought in their hearts:

Zhao Shi sashayed forward and added a ladle of water to the basin. Her face did not look even half ashamed.

Lei Xiangyi’s expression was very calm, probably had not held any expectation for that couple for a long time.

Lei Xiangli and his wife, Sun Shi, both added 20 copper coins. After all, it was unseemly to outdo their parents.Then, it was Qin Mian and Lei Tie’s turn. As soon as Lei Tie put something in, there was a tinkling sound in the basin. When the crowd looked closely, it was a silver longevity lock, worth at least a tael. In terms of adding to the basin, this was a big spend.

With a sincere smile on his face, Lei Xiangyi slightly nodded to Lei Tie.

The midwife’s smile, at last, became more real as she sang aloud, “Longevity lock, lock both riches and fortune!”

Qin Mian added a string of copper coins to the basin. The crowd gauged that it was a string of hundred coins, in other words, a 100 Wen.

The midwife cheerfully sang again, “A hundred coppers, the life of a hundred years!”

Afterward, the relatives and villagers added to the basin; a few people added copper coins, while most people added some joy fruits or water.

Once adding to the basin was over, the midwife picked up a mallet and stirred it into the basin. She sang, “One stirring, two stirrings, three stirrings; the older brother leads the younger brother to run. Seventy, eighty…”4

After that, she used the water in the basin to bathe the baby. It was also a relatively long process of singing, saying good words without restraint.

At the end of the ceremony, the midwife congratulated the family, more or less asking for a tip. Lei Xiangyi grabbed a small embroidered pouch from his pocket and handed it to the midwife, thanking her.

The midwife weighed the pouch and nodded to herself. On the whole, this host was not a fool, but as for the one who seemed to be the host’s elder brother, if she was asked to do the washing-third for him later, she wouldn’t be interested in coming.

Lastly, the midwife fished out all the things in the basin – the overall gains were not small.


On the 10th day of the 5th month was Yuanyuan and Manman’s first-month celebration. The spring day was warm and the breeze was gentle.

Leisurely Farmhouse was decorated by the servants, full of festive atmosphere. Red lanterns were hung at the gate and couplets were pasted to celebrate the babies’ first month: the first line of the couplet on the scroll was ‘’Auspicious Sons Bestowed by Heaven Gladden the Whole Family’’; the second line was ‘’The Door Welcome the Nobles’ Audience to Shine Upon’’; the horizontal scroll inscribed ‘’The Whole Family Is Joyful’’.5

Leisurely Farmhouse was big, but many things were growing everywhere. If one wanted to arrange many tables, there was still not enough space. Moreover, there must be many naughty children who attended the banquet; it would be difficult to manage many people. Qin Mian and Lei Tie decided that the place of the banquet was on the grain-sunning ground.

The main purpose of giving the first-month celebration to the two children was to announce their existence. In the beginning, Qin Mian and Lei Tie released the news mainly for the villagers in the village – those who’d like to come could come, and those who didn’t, would not be forced to come. Therefore, this time, the two men intended for people to do ‘’running water banquet’’6 – served the food once a table was full. Even if you were from another village, simply said a few words of blessing and you could eat the banquet even without bringing a gift.

Different from the last banquet held by Lei Daqiang, the scene this time was quite magnificent. Early in the morning, the crackle of firecrackers sounded joyfully in Leisurely Farmhouse for no less than two quarters. After breakfast, the servants began to work in an orderly manner. Some were responsible for boiling red eggs, some were carrying tables, chairs, and benches to the grain-sunning ground, and some were transporting vegetables…

All kinds of food ingredients were continuously transported from Leisurely Farmhouse and the processing yard to the grain-sunning ground.

Some of the villagers, who had a good relationship with the Qin Mian family, took the initiative to help. It was very lively.

The kitchen was built in advance the night before yesterday. When the six chefs specially hired for the banquet arrived, they began to boil, fry, and stew.

A luxurious carriage drove into Green Mountain Village. When it passed by the grain-sunning ground, someone lifted the curtain before it was lowered. The carriage went on and stopped at the gate of Leisurely Farmhouse.

A manservant clinked the gate knocker.

When Lei-Qin Le saw the visitors, he was somewhat surprised, but not disrespectful as he received the tip and saluted, “Greetings to Nie-gongzi and Mu-gongzi.”

It was Nie Heng and Mu Chen who came out from the carriage. When they heard that Qin Mian and Lei Tie ‘’gave birth’’ to a pair of twin sons, they couldn’t sit still. With difficulty, they waited until the first-month celebration today and then reached an agreement to come to congratulate them.

“You boy have a good memory.” Nie Heng said with a smile, “We’re here to congratulate your masters. Are your masters here?”

Lei-Qin Le said. “Both the Eldest Master and Little Master are here. Gongzis, please come in.”He led the two men inside and called a servant to let him report to the main house first.

Mu Chen looked at the flowers and willows in front of him as he smelled all kinds of flower fragrance floating in the air, only to feel his heart untroubled and his spirit pleased7.

“This Leisurely Farmhouse is truly a blessed place. Every time I come in, I feel all my exhaustion is swept away.”

Nie Heng walked slowly as he glanced at the small fish swimming in the pond and nodded in approval, “It’s true. Qin Mian and Lei Tie are the people who can enjoy it the most.”

After a while, these few people arrived in front of the main house. The white curtains on the second floor fluttered in the wind, swaying out of the window frame from time to time. Last time, Nie Heng and Mu Chen just looked at the house from a distance. As they approached, not only they looked at it up and down, but vaguely felt that the house was very special, and yet, it was not clear where in particular.

Qin Mian and Lei Tie greeted them at the door while carrying Yuanyuan and Manman.

“Nie Heng, Mu-gongzi. Hope that you are well,” came from Lei Tie.

“Nie Heng, Mu-gongzi. We are honored by your precious presence. Please pardon and excuse us for not going out to meet you,” came from Qin Mian.

“Since you two address Nie Heng by name, call me by my name too.” Mu Chen’s tone was easygoing, while his eyes fell on the baby in Qin Mian’s arms.

Qin Mian smilingly said, “Alright. You two, please come in.”

Nie Heng and Mu Chen didn’t enter but instead stared at the two babies strangely.

“These are precisely your twin sons.”

Manman was carried in Qin Mian’s arms and Yuanyuan was carried in Lei Tie’s arms. The two babies wore identical small tiger-hide hats on their heads and dressed in identical small red thin robes.

The babies changed from day-to-day. The current Yuanyuan and Manman had more defined facial features than a month ago. It made people feel that they were made in the same mold as Qin Mian and Lei Tie without having to look closely. Yuanyuan was relatively quiet and as far as personality went, he seemed to be more like Lei Tie. Manman was a living wave; occasionally, the corners of his mouth would slightly tilt up as if smiling, his eyes would rove, and his small mouth would babble from time to time.

“They look like you two!” Nie Heng laughed and took out two pure gold longevity locks to hang on Yuanyuan and Manman’s necks. Then, he sincerely said, “Congratulations on your sons’ birth.”

“Congratulations.” Mu Chen, who seemed to have corresponded with him, also took out two pure gold longevity locks.

Both of them were shrewd people with doubts in their hearts, but they asked nothing.

“Many thanks…” The corner of Qin Mian’s mouth twitched. Each of the longevity locks they gave was at least five liang8 in weight, which could hurt his son’ neck. However, it was a blessing for a baby to have been given a gift on the baby’s first-month celebration, and to take it off immediately would be unlucky. He placed the longevity locks on his arm with one hand to lighten the pressure on Manman’s neck. Five liang of pure gold longevity lock was equivalent to 50 silver taels; it was a big spend. Alas, since Nie Heng and Mu Chen gave them, they would not take them back. So, Qin Mian did not decline.


Footnotes牛牛 Niu means ox or bull. It is said that the humbler the name is, the easier the baby will survive.Respectively: (1)One of the Holy Mothers of the Sky; (2)Goddess who gives swift childbirth and protects midwives; (3)Goddess who presides over offspring; (4)Goddess who protects children from illnessThe male and female deities of heatable-brick bedI have no idea. It’s a chant of a sort.The couplets are translated by me, so might be inaccurate (actually, the whole novel translation may be inaccurate 🤔🙃).Banquet where guests arrive at various times and are served with food as they arrive(idiom) carefree and relaxed(memory refresh)A liang/tael is a unit of weight equal to 50 grams
