Episode 95

Translator : Missme

Editor : Aru

“Wha, What the….…!”

The Duke of Leonhart’s fists began to shake.

His face, gradually red with rage, later turned red to the point where it resembled the colour of his cloak.

“Are you insulting me?”


The Duke of Leonhart stormed out of his seat and shouted.

“How dare you–”

It was the Duke of Ace who stopped him, who was preparing to pour out his breath.


The Duke of Ace said, with his hands still raised.

Despite his monotonous voice with no pitch, his words were as cool and sharp as blades. To the extent that his voice ringing in the conference room seemed to stick to my heart.


The Duke of Leonhart also paused due to the Duke of Ace, but he did not back down and protested in a voice filled with anger.

“But Mr Trump, she’d gone too far. How can a person who has just become a Housekeeper–”

“The Duke of Leonhart.”

There was an aggravated feeling of pressure in his voice.

It meant a warning not to step forward any further.

In the end, the Duke of Leonhart also shut his mouth.


“How many times have I told you to read the report?”

A sharp look at his opponent’s chest turned to Duke Leonhart.

‘Wow, that’s. He’s really angry.’

It was only my third time attending a Housekeeper meeting, but I already knew what the Duke of Ace hated.

No, to be honest, he seems to hate everything, but I’ve found out which of them he especially hates.

‘Ace hates it most when people don’t do what they have to do.’

I had to chew my lips and think inwardly, watching what the Duke of Ace does.

I could see why Eugene cares more about rules and responsibilities than others.

The Duke himself was very sensitive to rules and responsibilities, and Eugene, who would have grown up under such a father, would have been affected.

‘Well, it’s an emergency meeting, but you don’t even read the report. You have a lot of nerve.’

I thought to myself, glancing at the Duke of Leonhart, who was standing silent.

“…… I will be careful.”

Leaving a short message, the Duke of Leonhart sat down again.

Maybe I won’t say anything all day today.

No, I can’t.

“And the Duke of Spade.”

I flinched slightly, startled by the sudden call of my voice.

“Yes, Mr Trump.”

“Refrain from making slanderous remarks.”


“Then sit down.”

I obeyed the Duke of Ace without a murmur.

“Since more than two people voted for setting the agenda, let’s vote.”

A monotonous voice echoed through the hall.

‘I’m glad things went faster than I thought.’It doesn’t matter if I was criticized or what, so I hope the seven Housekeepers will quickly think about the answer to the problem together.

More and more monsters were popping up.

And with the appearance of aristocratic victims, it was usually not a serious matter.

“But before that, I ask you to answer some questions.”

When I raised my head, the blue eyes stared at me.

It meant that he would ask me questions.

Oh, my God.

I chewed my lips and kicked my tongue inside.

‘Yes, he’s not the kind of person to let go.’

“Yes, ask me a question.”

I said to the Duke of Ace, firmly determined.

The pupils of the eyes, resembling the sapphire, have become thinner.

Like trying to analyze my weaknesses and strengths, all of them.

“Now I feel the need to take action on this issue, as you said.”

The Duke of Ace spoke out in an insolent voice.

“And I admit that I finished my work without casualties after a sudden raid.”

The Duke of Ace certainly didn’t like me very much.

Nevertheless, he didn’t ignore everything I said during the meeting.

‘But it’s a surprise to hear him talk like this.’

I saw the blue eyes that seemed to freeze the viewer’s heart.

‘Well, I’m sure it won’t end with just compliments.’

“But you know you can’t avoid responsibility for this, right?”

As expected, my hunch is not wrong.

“Of course.”

I agree with this part.

I could not be free from the fault of putting the imperial family and other heirs at risk.

“This is my mistake. But that’s why I once again insist on the formation of the special task force and the announcement of the incident.”

I said as hard as I could with my voice.

“The damage will be uncontrollable if we take the complacent idea that it won’t happen in our territory, and it won’t happen in the future.”

I said the Duke of Leonhart, who was avoiding my eyes in the corner.

“I’ve already encountered the monster twice, and other successors have also met the monster. So I don’t think the other 7 Imperial families are no exception.”

“I agree. If we go on like this, we may see monsters in the palace as well as in seven families’ territories.”

The Duke of the Ale Club added.

Then the Duke of Ace asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Duke Spade, did you say that light and heat are the only means to kill a monster?”

“Yes. There seems to be some effect, but that alone will be quite difficult to kill.”

“Where did the claim come from?”

“I got it from experience.”

That’s what I said, I added a word with my fingers crossed.

“At the time of the battle, when they touched light and heat, they suffered, and they died after being burned for a long time.”

When the Duke of Jacqueline heard me, he opened his mouth with an expression of embarrassment.

“Then we need to discuss specifically what countermeasures to take. There are only a few kinds of magic that generate light and heat, and there are many wizards that can’t use it.”

Nodding my head, I said he agrees with Duke Jacqueline.

“Or I think it would be a good idea to form a special task force to find out how to kill the monster.”

I said so and picked up part of the report in front of me.

“We’ve saved seven bodies, and the first round of investigations has been conducted independently on my territory. We will send the additional investigation to the capital city, and we will submit the results as soon as we get it.”Looking all over the Housekeepers in the venue, I sat in a spotless position and made eye contact with the Duke of Ace looking at me.

“I was told that there were certainly eight who entered the mansion.”

The Duke of Ace said, tapping his fingers on the desk.

“What happened to one? I see you sent a warning to another compound about one escape to another territory.”

The one who was exceptionally faster than the other guys and spewed out magic at me. He slipped away from the mansion while I hesitated.

“I couldn’t catch it.”

“Why couldn’t you catch it?”

“I couldn’t use the flame magic at the last minute. In the meantime, the monster disappeared. So I missed it.”

I answered as concisely as possible. I didn’t want to add a word-of-mouth explanation.

“You couldn’t use it?”

The Duke asked, raising his eyebrows.

“The monster didn’t die well, especially after I shot several fireworks. I tried to finish it at the last minute, but suddenly the monster’s body became transparent. If I had used large-scale flame magic, other people there would have been in danger. The fire must have passed through the monster’s body.”

“Was it really the best?”

“My friend was fighting on the other side. I couldn’t use magic against my friends.”

“I hope you don’t make mistakes because of your personal relationship.”

“I’m not in a personal relationship.”

A momentary fit of anger drove the words out first.

“He was the heir of the seven families.”

Everyone knew that Eugene was the heir to the seven families who were living in my mansion.

The Duke of Ace knew, too.

He listened to me, frowned, and uttered incredible words.

“Yes, it was because of a pathetic friend who couldn’t help.”

Something was popping in my head and breaking off.


“If the friend had made a good judgment, he would have known the subject and had a good back. That way you could use flame magic without restriction.”

Whenever I heard every word the Duke of Ace said, my head thumped.

“It was a stupid judgment. He went out of the land of another province and ended up doing something wrong.”


I cut off the Duke of Ace and shouted.

My voice echoed in my head.

My hands-on the desk trembled.

A bitter smile passed before my eyes at the school’s opening ceremony.

Something hot was about to come up through my throat.

“Do you want to refute?”

I stared at him silently.

It was hard to tolerate.

“But as a result, I can’t deny it. You, your useless friend, made a foolish judgment.”

The word ‘useless’ caught my ear.

It felt like something was popping out of my head.

A person who wakes up early every day, trains, and fulfils his responsibilities harder than anyone else.

A friend who sighed nagged, but eventually helped me.

And a courageous colleague who took the lead, knowing that he might almost die.

I couldn’t allow such an existence to be described as ‘useless’.

“How can you……”

As soon as the Duke of Ace finished his words, I got up.

My voice trembled with anger.

I didn’t even use flame magic, but I felt a fever in my eyes.

“How can you say that?”

