Episode 51

Translator : Missme

Editor : Aru

“Hey, Eugene.”

Sitting on the ground with two legs crossed, I walked toward Eugene looking through the spellbook and said in a voice full of grandeur.

When Eugene heard my voice, he looked at me obliquely, then lowered his head again and answered blandly.

“What is it?”


“Hey, don’t look down, look at me. I have something to show you.”

Then a huge sigh came from below.

‘This jerk, he’s sighing for the sake of hearing me.’

Even with such a show of annoyance, Eugene looked at me with his blue eyes squinted at me.

“Show me quickly. Don’t make me wonder.”

“Hehe, you can look forward to it.”


Feeling a smile on the corners of my mouth, I opened my hands confidently.

At the same time, flames burned in my right hand, and streams of water flowed from my left hand.

Seeing it, Eugene muttered with his eyes wide open.

“More than last time……..It’s gotten bigger.”

“Yes. Look at this.”

After turning the body and extending the hand in the opposite direction, it increased the output of the flame and water.


The flame, which stretched out in a flash, wriggled like a dragon and cut through the void of the gym, and a transparent column of water swirled around it.

Increasing the water’s output, the thick stream completely swallowed the flame, and when the flickering redness in the clear water disappeared, both the water and the flame disappeared without a trace.

Looking around the tranquil gym again, I turned to Eugene and spoke proudly.

“What do you think? Didn’t I do a good job?”


But Eugene was staring blankly into the air of the gym, perhaps not listening to me.


“Huh? Uh.”

Only after I called his name did Eugene come to his senses.

“………tt has improved a lot.”

“Right? Didn’t I do a good job?”

“As I always say, don’t be too conceited.”

“Oh, you’re so petty. You need to praise me little by little to make it better.”

“I told you it was good when it was needed. I just told you that you’ve improved, and you’ve never complimented me either.”

Surprised by the words, I stood up from my seat with my eyes wide open and looked at Eugene, who cracked his pants.

“Don’t tell me, do you want to be praised by me?”

“Who said I wanted it? That’s not what I say.”

“Strong denials are strong positives–”


Eugene calmly cut me off.

Taking a step forward, he stretched his right hand toward the air and looked straight ahead with sharp eyes.

“This time you’re showing me what you practised?”


A yellow spark temporarily burst from Eugene’s hand, who answered my question briefly.

At the same time, the smell of electricity touched my nose.

But the yellow spark that had burst from Eugene’s hand had vanished without a trace within seconds.

‘I always feel it, but it’s really fast.’

An attack so swift that the route is indistinguishable.

It was simply a magic fit for the Ace family.

I smelled a stimulating electric scent for a while and waited for the yellow flash that hit the target to get into my eyes, but even though I waited quite a while, no yellow flash was visible.

As I was looking at Eugene’s silvery backhead with my arms folded, I walked forward and asked, thinking it was strange.

“Well, Eugene, I’m sorry, but where was that magic–”But Eugene, who opened his eyes wide as if surprised to see me, hurriedly pulled my arm with his left hand and shouted.

“Hey, it’s dangerous, it’s behind you.”


Unknowingly caught by Eugene, I looked forward blankly.

It was just that moment.

A yellow spark suddenly burst out of the air with a light ‘pung’ sound of the explosion.


My mouth opened naturally at the sight.

The resources were different from the sparks that erupted from the attack magic that Eugene used before.

The yellow mass of light gave off a magnificent beam of light like a huge fireworks display, and around it, a yellowish fireball trickled down to the ground like water from a shower.

Unless I’m mistaken, the yellow flash only comes out when using the weakest offensive magic. With magic with the weakest offensive power, it can produce such a visually intense scene.

“That’s cool. How did you do that?”

Then Eugene answered indifferently in a low-key voice.

“I practised.”

“No……that’s too obvious.”

Then Eugene asked with a face that he couldn’t understand.

“Then what are you asking?”

“What’s the principle, the principle? That’s what I’m asking.”

When I explained enthusiastically by mixing my hands and hands, Eugene opened his eyes thinly and thought for a momentarily, as if he was lost in thought.

“Well, my magic basically explodes when it hits the target. That’s how I maximize the impact, but if magic wanders in the air without touching obstacles, it doesn’t explode for a while.”

“For a while, it means that at some point it will eventually explode.”

Eugene answered my words with a nod.

“That’s right. And by then, it’s more spectacular than usual. The power seems to be increasing a few times, and that magic is weak in strength in the first place, so there’s no great harm in the first place.”

Eugene said, glancing at the magic spot.

“But the condition is that magic has to stay in the air all this time. Without bumping into other objects or people.”

“Of course, I’ll control the magic moves. You just saw it.”


“I can adjust it by looking at it with my eyes. This is the first time I’ve found out while practising.”

So far, Eugene’s attack magic has mainly aimed to reach the target quickly so that the opponent cannot respond.

‘’It is said that he’s practising for a performance right now, but …….’

If the time and path of the magic explodes like today, and the path is unknown except for the user, it would be quite embarrassing to the other party.

In other words, it is a tactic that can be used in battle.

‘That’s scary……’

I thought quietly, clenched my fist in my right hand.

Everyone is working hard in an invisible place.

“Anyway, if we match this technique with your simultaneous operation, it’ll be visually spectacular. We may not be able to use strong magic because of safety issues.”

“Oh, I asked the professor, and he told me not to worry about it because they’re going to put on the shield.”

“Really? Then you’d better use something as flashy as you can.”

Eugene raised his head crooked and looked at me and talked.

‘Oh, right. Come to think of it.’

“Eugene, since you tell me to use something flashy–”

“Oh, what is it?”

“I have one more thing to show you. But it’s not that powerful yet.”

“Show me.”

Eugene raised his head and put his chin in his right hand.

“Do I have to step back?”

“No, I think you can just stay there.”

I answered and slightly opened my right hand.

And I closed my eyes, took a deep breath.

As I recall the flame magic more intensely and clearly than ever before.

The moment I opened my eyes, I immediately invoked the flame magic of a size similar to the torch on the wall rose from my hand.‘More strongly’

I clenched my teeth, recounted the magic circle that came to mind, and the figure that seemed to be fluttering, resembling a haze of flames.

‘More hotter. . . .!’

At the moment when the heat seemed slowly gathering in the left eye, the flame on the hand blew its size and splashed the spark.

I could feel the heat on my palm that I could not feel from the previous flame. Soon the flaming flames turned blue.


I heard Eugene muttering to himself.

Seeing the blue flame dancing on my palm, which was hotter than usual, I smiled quietly, forgetting the sweat that was flowing from my forehead.

The feeling of the whole body heating up.

I loved the feeling of being united with that dancing flame.

Gradually, the surroundings began to look blurred.

All I could see was a blue flame to see whether it was wide or not.

‘Is it like this yesterday… ?’

Yesterday was a smaller flame than this.

Has there ever been a time when the surroundings got blurred and you didn’t even feel the heat?

The moment I thought so in my mind, a sharp pain came over to my left eye.



A blurred vision showed the blue flames disappearing without a trace.

With a terrible feeling as if rubbing my left eye with a hot knife, I grabbed my face and fell forward.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you? Spade!”

I breathed out in sudden pain. The floor looked hazy because I was constantly out of focus.

‘What is it, why…?’

At that moment, a red flame rose in front of me.


It wasn’t what I had bloomed.

I don’t feel any heat in my hands, so that’s probably right.


Yeah, it wasn’t the spark of reality that I was looking at.

I’m looking at another memory of Yerine now.

With a burning left eye, I could see that the red flames had devoured the mansion.

With my burning left eye, I saw a bright red flame engulfing the mansion. Smell, stinging eyes, screaming. And the sound of cracking trees in flames.

Yerine remained alone in such a place, crying in a bloody voice. With a terrible voice full of rustling, unbelievable that it was a child’s

‘What is this…….?’

As soon as I was frozen in the tremendous sight I could see, I could hear Eugene’s voice.

“Yerine! Wake up!”

That’s when I came to my senses.


When I raised my head in amazement, I could see the face of Eugene, with blue sapphire eyes wide open and calling me in an urgent voice, not the terrible scenes of the mansion.

“What, you, what’s wrong? Are you all right?”

“Oh? Ugh…”

My left eye was throbbing again. Eventually, I couldn’t stand it and held my eyes again with my hands.

“You………. put your hand away for a minute.”

“Hey, I don’t think I can, uh…….”

“Wait a minute, really for a minute, I won’t touch it, so put it away a little.”

Eugene held my left arm gently, speaking in an unusually muted voice.

Eventually, when I lowered my left hand, he put down my arm, and came up and began to look closely into my eyes.

So close I could see his face gradually turning into embarrassment, at a very close distance.

Then, for some reason, he tried to talk, but he shut his mouth several times.

“Do it if you want to talk, don’t if you don’t. What’s wrong?”

I couldn’t stand it and grabbed my eyes again and said.

Only then did Eugene, who was biting his lips, open his mouth in an unusual voice.

“You… What the hell is that?”

