Episode 146

Translator : MissMe

Editor : Aru

Side Story 6. Small and precious thing (3)

“So the prince and the princess got married and lived happily ever after. End!”

When Yssius read the ending of the fairy tale book with a confident expression, Cassius and I clapped our hands with a big smile.

There were still unfinished documents rolling around by us, who cheered with all our strength.


“Wow! This story was the best today!”

I gave Yssius a big hug as I praised him.

Then Yssius grinned and put his face on my shoulder.

Most children of Yssius’ age ask their parents to read fairy tales, but Yssius is unusually fond of reading children’s books directly in front of Cassius and me.

Of course, Cassius and I were willing to be Yssius’s audience because it didn’t matter if we were reading or listening.

And every time he finishes a fairy tale book.


It was essential to pay storm compliments.

“Right, Yssi is the best. This Yssi’s story is the best.”

I praised him as I adored him and let him go so Cassius could do it too.

Then Cassus opened his arms as if he were hugging him, but Yssius looked wistful.

‘I guess the sediment is still not completely gone.’

Cassius apologizes to Yssius as soon as he woke up in the morning, whether due to the shock of using a separate room.


Yssius eventually forgave Cassius for his desperate apology that lasted nearly half an hour.

Still, though, not completely relieved, Yssius had a pouty face every time Cassius approached.

“Yssi, Daddy too!”

Cassius shouted at Yssius, who was not hugged by him.

At his fervent request, Yssius hugged Cassius with a slightly reluctant look.

“Thank you, Yssi. Good boy.”


Yssius, who retorted Cassius’ words, escaped from his arms and settled next to me.

Cassius looked a little disappointed, but he didn’t ask Yssius to give him another hug.

Without noticing Cassius’s appearance, Yssius lay on his stomach on the bed and stared through the last page of his fairy tale book.


“Yes, Yssi?”

I pushed the documents aside for a moment and stroked Yssius’s little head, reading passionately as if to enter a fairy tale book.

“You told me I am a prince. Am I like the prince here?”

Asking, Yssius’ fingers pointed to a painting of a prince dressed in splendid garments and holding a wedding ceremony with a princess.

“Well, I guess so. Although you’re a little better than that.”

As a matter of fact, Yssius is a prince but better than that prince.

But for Yssius, who doesn’t even have a governess tutoring yet, that concept will be a bit difficult.

“I see.”

Yssius nodded his head.

Then he turned the pages of the fairy tale book to the front.

This page shows the prince on a mission to rescue a princess trapped in a tower.

“Daddy is like the king in here, right?”

Yssius turned his head toward Cassius and asked.

At that time, Yssius was resting his hand on a painting of a king who was tasked to the prince.

“Yes, it’s similar. Why did you think that?”

Cassius smiled softly and asked.

Then Yssius answered by sticking out a picture of the king in the fairy tale book to Cassius.

“The king here sat in a very high chair like Daddy.”

Perhaps he remembered Cassius’s appearance in reality and thought of it.

“Right, that’s a good one.”

Cassius said with a pleased look on his face.

Yssius read all the fairy tales and heard compliments from Cassius. Now that he heard quite plain praise, he looked more overwhelmed.

Cassius then continued, whether he noticed it, and rolled it up, even more, asking Yssius.

“Who do you think Mommy looks like?”

“Mom? Mommy is…….”

The sound of a small head rolling seemed to be heard all the way here.

Yssius long agonized over the answer to Cassius’s question with a face so serious as to wrinkle between his eyes.

“I don’t know.”

“Oh, no one looks the most similar?”


After a moment of agony, Yssius handed over a fairy tale book, pointing to an illustration of the prince fighting the dragon.

“Here, I think Mommy looks like the wizard.”

At the tip of Yssius’s finger was a painting of a wizard who covered his whole body with a black robe and chanted spells.‘He’s my child, but he’s pretty good.’

Sometimes I show magic in front of Yssius, but I never tell Yssius that I’m a wizard myself.

Probably, he found it out on his own through explanations that appear occasionally in the book.

“Yes, Mommy is a wizard. How did you find out?”

“Because the wizard got a fire in his hand just like Mommy.”

Oh, that’s why.

“And the wizard always hangs out with the prince.”

Yssius said in a rather convincing voice.

Now that I hear it, it makes sense.

“Mommy doesn’t wear black very often, so I think it’s a little different…”….”

“Oh, I have black clothes, too.”

“Oh, really?”


At my words, Yssius’s eyes glistened.

“Have you ever fought a dragon?”

“Uh… we’ve met.”

“Wow, really?”

“Yes, but I didn’t fight because she was a good dragon. She helped Mommy and Daddy.”

“Wow……..I see.”

Yssius’s eyes sparkled more than when he read fairy tales.

If I knew this would happen, I would have told him about dragons sometimes.

“Yssi, didn’t you think Mommy was a queen?”


“Yes, the person next to the king.”

I turned the fairy tale book to the front and pointed to the picture of the king.

A gorgeous queen with a handkerchief next to the king.

Usually, if a child thinks his father is a king, then he would think his Mommy would be a queen, so I asked.

; Of course, it’s different because I’m the Empress, not the Queen.….’

“This person? But this person…….”

Yssius tilted his head.

“But fire doesn’t come out from her finger.”

“So that was the standard.”

Cassius lay on his side and muttered, looking at Yssius.

“By the way, Mommy. Daddy.”


Yssius, who was looking at us alternately, pointed to the last page of the fairy tale book.

“So who’s the princess?”

When asked by Yssius, I glanced at Cassius.

Apparently, it seemed that he was also stunned at the unexpected question.

“Well, it is. We don’t have princesses in our country.”

When Cassius calmly explained, Yssius opened his eyes wide.

“No Princess…….?”

“Yes, there’s no Princess in our country now, I heard there’s a Princess in the next country.”

At Cassius’s words, Yssius looked disappointed.

“I want to see the Princess…….”


This was very difficult.

No one in the Tigris Empire currently holds the status of The Princess.

“Then let’s go to the next country with Daddy to see the Princess.”

Cassius hugged Yssius and tried to soothe him and talked.

“There is no princess in our country yet……..”

Fortunately, Yssius seemed convinced of Cassius’s words.

“Should I take you to another kingdom party when you grow up?”

I thought so when I saw two people talking to each other as if they had forgotten about yesterday’s fight.

“Then do I tell her that I’m a prince?”

“Yeah, that’s right. You could tell her that you’re The 1st Prince of Tigris Empire, and the princess will recognize you.”

“The 1st what…… what is it, Daddy?”

“Oh, I’ll tell you all about it later, Yssi.”

Cassius spoke, stroking Yssius’s head immediately.

Yssius, who left himself still to the touch, looked back at me and smiled.

“Mommy, are you going with me and Daddy, right?”

When I saw that smile, I smiled face to face.

“Well, of course.”

“I’ll tell her that Mommy is the strongest wizard in our country!”His glittering purple eyes curled with a dazzling glow.

Just looking at it was a heartwarming light.


I said, holding Cassius and Yssius in Cassius’s arms with both my arms.

“Let’s go together.”



Cassius, looking at me with a deep look, kissed the back of my nose.

Soon kissing all over my face, he hugged me tightly and buried his head in my shoulder.

It’s been a while since I got married, but every time he kissed me, I seemed to heat up.

“You’re acting cuter than usual today, Cassius.”

I said, sweeping Cassius’s back against me.

“Because I couldn’t do it yesterday.”

Cassius said in a secretly disappointed voice.

“I didn’t know it would be so hard to sleep separately.”

We only used a separate bed for one night, but I can’t believe he’s having such a hard time.

“What are you going to do when you go on a business trip in winter?”

Then Cassius said with a nutty smile.

“I’ll miss you every day, a lot.”

Wow, wait a minute.

You’re hitting a hook like this?

When I was trying to calm my fluttering heart, Cassius took off his face and looked at me with a suspicious smile.

His golden eyes, twinkling in the soft light, gently bent, as if tempting.

“Just like every time you’re away.”

My face turned red in an instant.

‘Are you going to seduce me today? What’s wrong with him all of a sudden?’

Screaming inwardly, I pulled back, but the more I did, the more Cassius clung.

“Now, hold on a second. What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?”

“It’s better today.”

Eventually, unable to resist, I stretched out my arms and blocked Cassius’s lips.


“Well, please stop saying that.”

At this rate, my face couldn’t stand the heat and felt like it was going to explode.

He’s only getting more seducing skills.

As if he knew how to move on.

“Really, I’m afraid I’m going to explode if you do more….…..”

But such words did not seem to work for Cassius.

His soft lips touched the palm of my hand with a blatant sound.

Cassius took my hands off me with a relaxed smile in his eyes when he saw me unable to shut up in dismay.

“Why? Do you hate it?”

Enchanted by the fascination, I replied unconsciously.

“Oh, no….”

“Really? I’m sure you said you didn’t hate it. Yerine.”

Cassius had already locked me in his arms when I realized I had answered it wrong.

The subtle smell of soap brushed the tip of my nose and his sundry black hair chillingly touched the back of my neck.


His hot lips stayed on the back of my neck for a long time.

I wanted to cringe with an itchy feeling, but Cassius gently pressed my shoulder with his face, preventing me from cringing.


When the lips finally fell, Cassius opened his mouth and laid me down carefully on the bed.



“What do you want to tell me?”

Cassius did not immediately answer.

After a long time, he blushed and opened his mouth.

“We named two babies before they were born.…….”

“Yes, you did, didn’t you?”

“There’s still a girl’s name left.”

Cassius held my hand and said with a fervent look.

“And don’t you want to show Yssius the princess?”


“Not the princess in the fairy tale, but the real princess.”

Cassius talked, kissing the back of my hand.

“So, if you don’t mind, why don’t we make a princess tonight?”

When I heard that, I thought to myself.

‘You must be crazy, seriously…….’

While saying that with my head, I couldn’t stop my face from getting hot.

After all, we spent a long, long night together.
