Yan Cheng brought her into his arms. She already wrapped her arms around his waist, yet she wants to maintain some distance from him? He revealed an expression as to say, “women all like to lie.” He narrowed his eyes and curled his lips up. “But you threw yourself in my arms.”

He seemed to be saying this in a proud tone even.

Chen Jinyao clenched her teeth and pinched him. He had a nice figure and there was no fat on him. She couldn’t even pinch him. She suddenly paused, her words stuck in her mouth. In the end, it became, “you have a nice waist.”

What was scary was that Yan Cheng shyly laughed when he heard her praise.

Chen Jinyao exclaimed, “Your inept advisor came up with the idea of giving me flowers?”

Yan Cheng shook his head. He refused to let anyone take his spotlight.

Chen Jinyao answered expressionlessly and came up with the conclusion, “Then your inept advisor must’ve suggested transferring money, giving me red envlopes, and came up with your hairstyle.”


In reality, women were hypocrites.

At least, when Chen Jinyao saw Yan Cheng’s message, she felt shocked but more so sweet inside as if she had just dropped into a jar of honey.

“I like the one in the front.” She didn’t act shy either. The one behind was pretty good too. “The pose is normal, but I don’t like your expression. Don’t tug the corner of your lips up. Right, right. You need to act reserved. Otherwise, it doesn’t seem like you’re here to pick up your wife with that playful smile of yours.”

After that she paused and then swallowed her last sentence.

She licked her lips and decided to reword it tactfully.Yan Cheng was dumbstruck.

They remained silent for two minutes and then the two finally separated from the embrace.


After all, they couldn’t stand by the door the entire time, right?

Their position seemed a bit indescribable.

Chen Jinyao walked to her desk and turned with one hand behind supporting her. She looked up and lifted her brows. “What’s your plan after I get off work?”

Yan Cheng responded honestly, “Let’s go eat. I reserved seats at a restaurant.”

The sunshine silently poured in and there seemed to be specks of dust floating in the air.

Yan Cheng shoved his hands into his pocket and lazily looked down. What he saw was Chen Jinyao’s expression and she seemed to be saying, “told you so.”


The fingers rubbing against the clothes paused and the man immediately realized that his plan was common and generic. It wasn’t unique at all.

Chen Jinyao guessed his plan without any effort. There was no surprise whatsoever.

He shifted his gaze and touched his nose, feeling a bit awkward.

Chen Jinyao continued, “You also booked a room in a hotel.”Yan Cheng was flabbergasted.

The office suddenly became silent and the atmosphere immediately tensed up.

After a while, Yan Cheng turned and looked at Chen Jinyao again, feeling like he had just been burnt by her words. Wearing an extremely serious expression, he walked to her and pinched her chin, forcing her to look at him. He pursed his lips and said crudely, “Look at my eyes.” After a while, Yan Cheng declared, “That’s not who I am. Don’t frame me.”

Chen Jinyao doubted his words and responded half-heartedly, “…Oh.”

“Tch.” Yan Cheng narrowed his eyes and suddenly laughed. He cleared his throat, “But if you want it now, it’s not too late either.”

Chen Jinyao was speechless.

Yan Cheng laughed and checkmated.

They looked at each other silently.

Chen Jinyao didn’t admit defeat. “Sure.”

Yan Cheng’s smile froze and he was bewildered.

To speak the truth, this happened too quickly and he couldn’t process it. It was the complete opposite of what he imagined it to be. Damnit, he was actually caught unprepared.

…He was completely defeated.

After a while, he found his voice. “What did you say?”

“Sure.” Chen Jinyao lifted her chin high, smiling a provoking smile. She said the word slowly as to give him a lingering death.

Yan Cheng was speechless.

He didn’t lose anything this time!
