Her eyes flew open, and she frowned slightly.

She got up and walked outside without thinking. Her only intention was to see what had happened, but when she stepped out of her office, what she saw made her freeze.

Yan Cheng had knocked into Su Ran.

Su Ran looked very angry. “Can’t you look at the road when you walk?”

Yan Cheng narrowed his eyes and raised his chin slightly, his face as expressionless as always. “Weren’t you the one who kept looking at her phone instead of paying attention to the road?”

Su Ran’s phone had clattered to the ground, and thankfully, it wasn’t broken.

After witnessing this, Chen Jinyao remained silent, but her mood was extremely complicated.


The gears of fates had moved again.

In the original book, the third meeting of the two main leads was when the male lead accidentally knocked the female lead to the ground. The only difference was the location of this incident.

This was… the last straw.


Eight o’clock in the evening, after eating out.Chen Jinyao frowned and stared at the increasing red numbers on the elevator panel. Her heart was already a mess.

She tried to suppress it and act like nothing was wrong, but to no avail.


Yan Cheng, who was standing next to her, looked down at her silently. He frowned.

This bad feeling again.

Chen Jinyao couldn’t hide the emotions on her face at all. He could tell that there was something wrong again, and it was even worse than before. He squeezed her hand, bringing her attention to him.

When she looked up, her gaze was blank. Her eyes were slightly red-rimmed, causing the man’s heart to lurch. After thinking for a bit, he raised his hand and silently patted her head. He refrained from asking her what was wrong until the elevator stopped at their floor, and they were inside their apartment.

Just as she bent down to take off her shoes, Yan Cheng grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Her mind blanked as he pressed her against the door.

He trapped her face between his hands and forced her to look at him, then he leaned down and pressed his forehead against hers.


“What’s wrong?” he asked softly, nuzzling the tip of her nose with his.

In the dim entryway, his voice sounded unusually affectionate.

“Did someone bully you at work?”

The stunned Chen Jinyao responded instinctively, “I’m thinking about divorce.”She regretted it as soon as the words left her lips. Their surroundings immediately plunged into silence. So silent that they could hear each other’s breathing and heartbeat.

Her body tensed. She could sense that his breathing had become heavier, and the aura around him had changed slightly.

Gulping, she was contemplating whether she should try to salvage the situation when Yan Cheng pulled her arms upward, pinning her wrists together in a forceful grip. His body pressed against hers, almost stealing away her breath. She squirmed and struggled. “Let go.”

“Let go of what?” The man’s voice instantly turned cold.

She calmed down and cleared her throat. “Let go of me.”

He narrowed his eyes dangerously. “No.”

Chen Jinyao: “…”

This stalemate continued for a few more minutes. Even though they were evenly matched, the close proximity was not good for her heart.

The city lights outside the window were dim. The space inside their apartment felt like a small world of its own.

After a long time, the man opened his mouth and broke the silence. His dark eyes were indistinguishable and his voice was hoarse, but when he spoke, it was with a harsh warning: “I’ll give you one more chance. Say that again.”

Chen Jinyao shrank back.

The Yan Cheng in front of her right now was less unreliable and arrogant and more solemn. He was like a cheetah ready to swallow his prey.

Duni started to meow from somewhere in the apartment. Chen Jinyao turned her attention to the cat and didn’t answer until the man’s patience was exhausted. He sighed dejectedly, “Why are you doing this again?”

It was evident from his tone that he was tired. After all, who wouldn’t be after being subjected to another person’s hypocrisy and unreasonable behavior for seemingly no reason?

“…” But she really didn’t know how to tell him.
