“Should I enter to pick her up?”

Standing in front of a giant glass pyramid, I shifted my gaze between the gorgeous blonde girl by my side and the locked black door. At that moment, I felt a tingle within my fingers, and my face froze up. Truthfully, I would rather face a thousand Sirius than prepare for what’s to come.

“No, she should be arriving anytime soon.”

Lilith answered my question with a beautiful smile. However, her eyes surely weren’t expressing jubilation. Crossing her arms around mine, the girl stuck closer to me than we did in bed, ensuring that no gap could be seen separating our bodies.

And her actions weren’t without a good reason.

Over a month had passed since Irina had entered the Dimensional Domain to train with Variel and Luminita. During that one month, several unbelievable things occurred within the Moonreaver Dimension. From Sirius attacking out of the blue to the Bloodborne House’s invasion to me training and finally beating Sirius.

That one month was likely the longest one of my life.


It might be hard to remember at this point, but the main reason why I was allowed to enter the Moonreaver Dimension in the first place, was because of Everwinter House’s deal with the Moonreaver House to enable Irina to train in the Dimensional Domain.

Irina was going to train peacefully within the Dimensional Domain, the mystical creation of the Moonreaver House that allowed Lilith to grow exponentially quicker and develop her own domain, something that most Vampires covet. Fortunately, during the Bloodborne-Moonreaver War, the Bloodborne House largely ignored the Dimension Domain and focused on the main enemies at hand. Whether it was because they feared the Everwinter House’s wrath or they simply didn’t know Irina was secluded there, I don’t know. But the result was that Irina had more than a month of uninterrupted progress within the Dimensional Domain.

And due to that, the girl grew at an unheard-of rate.

From what I understand, Irina had completed her training ahead of schedule and was now ready to emerge from the Dimensional Domain.

Logically, I would be over the moon to see my precious little sister once again. And don’t get me wrong, I really want to see her again. I have been missing her dearly, after all. But with the advancements I’ve made with Lilith… I had to admit, I was afraid to see Irina’s reaction.

Irina was someone who loved me dearly. In fact, she loved me so much that she kidnapped me to prevent the other three girls from finding me. Irina’s possessive nature was so bad that she’d even fought in a fist fight with Lilith the moment they’d met to keep me away from her. It was abhorrent behaviour in any circumstance, but alas, I couldn’t stay angry at the adorable lass.


Lilith was no better. The girl was so consumed with being by my side that she’d almost waged war with the Everwinter House just to bring me back. And after the incident at Starfall, Lilith’s obsession with me only grew until it reached a point where she was only satisfied if we became Bloodmates.

And even after we consummated our love, Lilith was still insecure. She continuously stuck by my side; if she could, the girl would undoubtedly mark every corner of my body, telling the whole world who I belonged to.-.

With Irina locked within the glass pyramid to complete her training, everything was peaceful for a time. But now that she was about to emerge…

“They’re coming out.”

Hearing Lilith’s words, I instantly snapped my head away from the girl and locked in my vision at the tall, menacing door. The seal that had been placed on the black door slowly unravelled, and the structure rapidly changed. The beaming light emitted from the glass pyramid slowly dimmed out, leaving not a single ounce of magic power remaining. At the same time, the door that locked Irina in had been fully unsealed, revealing three distinct silhouettes.

I was familiar with the first two that came out. Variel walked out with poise and elegance, much like his usual self. Meanwhile, Luminita was sauntering sideways, her eyes darkening beyond belief. It seems like the maid had quite a hard time within Dimensional Domain, likely due to taking care of Irina and her constant whining.


But my gaze only remained on their appearances for less than a second. The one that drew my attention, the entity that took my breath away, and the magnet that hypnotised my eyes…

Was the woman who stood in between them.

Over the past month, I’d always thought I could reconstruct Irina’s image in my brain at any moment. But I was sorely mistaken. Now that I’d seen her again, my heart started to pound violently, my face flushed, and my throat chapped.

Unbelievably, my little sister had become far more beautiful.

Irina’s long white hair that resembled that of the first snow of Winter flowed elegantly down her back and deep towards her waist. Her mystical, winter-grey eyes glistened with the light of a serene lake untouched by man or nature. Her feminine figure, which had been completely filled up, was now even more apparent with her enthralling, skimpy outfit, showing much more of her snowy white skin, which had seemingly become milkier and captivating.

And most importantly, the aura around her had changed significantly.

Not to say that she wasn’t alluring before. The only way I could describe it was Irina used to have this childlike demeanour to her movements; no, her overall appearance seemed to hide a hint of adolescent rawness. But now, Irina’s appearance is far more mature. It had been so refined that she looked more like a woman than a girl.It was all too… enticing.


Irina’s eyes landed on me, and her exhilaration was hard to miss. She shouted my name with pure bliss within her voice as she started to examine me from head to toe. Her adorable little feet shuffled forwards as if wishing to rush to my arms and thoroughly enjoy my scent. But, after taking two steps, her body momentum changed.

A myriad of emotions changed within her face. The happy smile Irina once had quickly turned upside-down. First came confusion, then shock, until finally… That smile became a full-on rage face that burnt with the anger of a million volcanoes.


Irina’s sweet voice was replaced with a banshee’s screech that burst the eardrums of any who dared to listen in. The nails on her fingertips proliferated, and her wail generated a snowstorm equivalent to that of a major blizzard.

Following the momentum of the cold winds, Irina flew right at Lilith with magic power sending tremors within the area. As if she’d expected this reaction, Lilith raised her hand up and created an invisible wall within the dimensions, blocking any progress my angsty little sister had.


“Irina, calm yourself. You’re embarrassing yourself in front of Jin.”


The two shared some cryptic messages, forcing me to create question marks in my mind. However, Irina made the next deadly move before I could ask any questions.


The snowy-white girl raised both her hands in the air, and a torrential pressure descended upon the masses. Magic power, an amount I’d never felt before from Irina, turned the grassy patch of land into an era of Winter ice and snow. Behind Irina’s back, an image of a fantastical woman made out of snow appeared with a face resembling the Goddess’ Vengeance. Holding her icy sceptre in one hand and a winter globe in the other, an imperial breath escaped from the Goddess’ mouth, generating a blizzard that broke through Lilith’s protection.

However, Lilith wasn’t taken aback. Instead, she let out a whistle of faint praise and said:

“Domain, huh? I’d expected it, but seeing it with my own eyes is still a shock. You must be happy. It took me many months to create one, and you perfected yours in just one.”


“Haha, I can’t do that now, can I? After all, Jin and I are now…”

“SHUT UP!!!”

Irina’s power overflowed, and thousands of icy weapons appeared overhead. Spears, swords, scimitars… You name it. The girl had reached a mastery over her Winter Sovereign Aspect that controlling every single one of those created weapons was as easy as breathing for her. Crushing her outreached palm into a fist, Irina sent all of those weapons flying, hoping to catch a taste of Lilith’s refreshing blood.

But before I had to intervene to stop the madness, Lilith snapped her fingers, sending all of the icy weapons into another dimension. Her pure vale eyes soon turned deep crimson, as magic power escalated from her petite body. An illusion of a Blood Moon appeared behind her back as space around her distorted.

Lightning coils crackled as they fell from Lilith’s Blood Moon and struck violently at Irina’s vicinity. However, none damaged the unimpressed girl as mirrors made of ice deflected all lightning bolts away.

“Come to think of it, we have never decided who was the stronger one, huh?”


“Haha, I like that expression. I never really got along with you anyway.”

The two girls stared at each other with looks that could kill a thousand people. With their domains fully deployed and magic power filling the sky, the two entered into a battle that could only be described by the complete destruction of life and creation as we know it.

“Good evening, Master Jin. Good to see that you’re well.”

However, a certain old man acted as if the apocalyptic battle wasn’t happening and came up to me with a pleasant smile.

“Variel… Shouldn’t we stop them?”

“Ah, if you want my honest opinion, it would be better if we stayed out of it. The Young Miss has been missing you deeply, and she has looked forward to meeting you. However, her emotions took over once she saw you in that state. Don’t worry; she should go back to normal after she lets off some steam.”“That’s letting off some steam?”

I saw Irina summon a Winter Dragon, which sent out a breath that could freeze an entire forest. At the same time, numerous mysterious runes created distinct white particles that seemed capable of freezing anything, be it eternally burning flames or the Earth’s molten core.

If that was just blowing off steam… I can’t imagine what it would be like if Irina was fully serious.

“Wait, you said something about the state that I’m in? What do you mean by that?”

“Oh? Are you unaware? You’ve signed a Bloodmate Pact with Miss Lilith, hadn’t you?”

“Yeah, I did. How did you and Irina know that?”

“Oh dear, it seems like you’ve been kept in the dark. You do know that the Bloodmate Pact creates a soul bond between two Vampires, right?”

“Of course, Lilith explained the ritual to me beforehand.”

“Yes, but did you know that your scent changes once you form a Bloodmate Pact?”

“… What?”

Now that was news to me. I’d thought that the Bloodmate Pact only created a mark similar to that of a wedding band. I’d never expected that my scent would actually change.

“It’s a measure that most Vampires use to keep other potential troublemakers from sniffing around their spouses. The Vampire Ancestor was the one who created it to stop his consorts from being pursued by his subordinates. That way, when someone smells the Vampire Ancestor’s essence on his consorts, they will know to back away.”

“Wait… It had that function?!”

I’d never thought to smell myself, so I didn’t know my scent had changed. Alas, it was far too late. Irina had smelt Lilith’s essence on me, and she instantly knew that a Bloodmate Pact had been formed. Now I understand why Irina jumped at Lilith instead of into my loving arms.

“Yes, and since the Young Miss is quite obsessed over you, it may take a while for her anger to quell.”

“Can’t I just form a Bloodmate Pact with her as well?”

“Of course, you can! It’s just… She wanted to be your first, you see.”

“This again…”

These girls are really making my head spin. I can’t give my firsts to all of them, right?! Now that I think about it, what if the remaining two girls are the same? Jesus, what other firsts do I have left to give?!

While my head was busy thinking of other ideas, the battle reached its climax. The two girls were now holding a head of sweat while holding onto their domains. Mountains had been destroyed, and forests wholly uprooted. One half of the battlefield had been turned into an arctic wasteland, while the other had become a river of stars with numerous craters on the floor.

Apparently, they were evenly matched up till this point. But they were about to change all of that.

“Let’s end this!”

“I’ll kill you for touching Brother!!!”

Lilith and Irina shouted at each other as they congregated their magic power for one final attack. All of a sudden, the Moonreaver Dimension began to quake. The sky was trembling in terror, and the ground showed signs of fear. Amazingly enough, the two possessed the power to bend nature to their will.

Fuck me… Perhaps the reason why I had to train so hard wasn’t to fight other Vampires, Outer Demons and whatnot. It was to survive dealing with the women in my life.

But still, I can’t just cower back like a coward. They were my lovers, and so… I should be the one who stops them.

However, just before I could summon out my Soul Armament and join the battle, their domains dissipated away, and the magic power they gathered returned abruptly to their bodies. Unsure of what was going on, the two turned their attention to the skies, only to see a silver-haired knight floating in midair with a cross look on her face.

With a wave of her finger, two of her clones rushed at Lilith and Irina respectively, detaining and preventing them from fighting anymore.

“Sister Capella! Unhand me!”

“Nope, I can’t do that, Lilith.” Rather than address her in a respectful manner that she should, Capella frowned and sighed: “I’m your guardian now, so it’s my job to stop you from doing anything stupid.”


Ah… I see how that is.

Looks like my little party just got a tad bit bigger.
