Chapter 412 They... were all drained to death in the end

   "It's a long night and a lot of dreams, let's go tonight. I've let the light step on it a bit."

  In order not to alarm anyone, only Shen Mingjiao and Fu Guang, the best martial artist present, went there.

   Yun Shu pretended to be her and wandered around the building. Because Yunshu is the most similar in figure to her.

   Fortunately, there are lush trees in the stockade, and few people walk around at night, so it is very easy to hide.

   It turns out that she said this too soon.

  Fu Guang took her by the shoulders and borrowed some strength among the shadows of the trees. About half an hour later, the two came to the area of ​​Xizhai.


  Shen Mingjiao stood on a tree, looking at the darkness below, and only through the faint moonlight, she could barely see the layout of the house.

  Fu Guang whispered in her ear, "There are about 20 guards below, in the east and west directions, but the guards are lazy and most of them are asleep."

  Shen Mingjiao breathed a sigh of relief. Came here tonight just to test the waters and didn't intend to make it a one-time success. It is not impossible to hypnotize people here. It's just a lot harder. However, she also carried a powerful sweating medicine given by the witch doctor.

  She was led by Fuguang down the tree branch and came to the opposite eaves. As soon as he stood still, Fuguang's body froze,

  Shen Mingjiao seemed to hear a strange "hissing" sound coming from her ear, and something cold and greasy approached behind her.

  In an instant, a chill ran down her spine, her blank mind was filled with only one thought, no wonder the guards were so lax. It turned out that it wasn't the guards who relied here at all.


  She mouthed "Run" towards Fuguang.

   Just when the two were about to turn around and evacuate, a black shadow seemed to pass by in the distance, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps, mixed with the irritated roar of a giant beast.

   It was the elephant he saw during the day.

  The snakes around the roof, after hearing the roar, swarmed and fled in fright.

  The guard who fell asleep was awakened by the movement. After seeing the elephant, he didn't show much surprise, but frowned impatiently, and continued to close his eyes to meet Zhou Gong.

  The elephant came to a grassland slowly, and left contentedly after a full meal. It was only then that Shen Mingjiao noticed that apart from some houses on stilts, the place was actually very desolate.


   It is probably because of this that this elephant often comes to graze, so that the guards are not surprised to see it.

   But thinking of the black shadow that flashed past just now, I feel that this is too much of a coincidence. When they were in danger, this elephant happened to appear...

   Just as they couldn't find their way before, the black shadow appeared to point them in the direction.

   After waiting for a while, after all the guards fell asleep, the two walked over from a weed forest.

  Shen Mingjiao took out the powerful perspiration medicine given by the witch doctor and sprinkled it around those people. Scanning the rows of connected stilted buildings, he thought about starting with the one with the most guards.

  The two carefully climbed up the wooden stairs. People cannot live on the bottom floor of a building on stilts like this.

  Shen Mingjiao took out two luminous pearls from her bosom, which she pulled out from the warehouse of the palace just before departure, and she did not expect that they would come in handy.

  The wooden door was locked from the outside, but that didn't bother Fu Guang. Shen Mingjiao pulled a thin hairpin from her head and handed it to her.

   Not long after, with a soft click, the wooden door opened.

  Shen Mingjiao heard a burst of shallow breathing, which meant that there was someone in the room.

  When she got closer, Shen Mingjiao saw a person lying on the bed by the faint light of the luminous beads.

  The person on the bed obviously didn't sleep soundly, and sat up in shock when he heard the movement.

   "Xiuxiu, it's really you!"

  Xiuxiu blinked blankly, thinking that she was dreaming, and murmured weakly:

   "Ma'am, why did you come here, were you also arrested by them?"

  Shen Mingjiao stepped forward to support her, touched her skinny body, and couldn't help being surprised: "Why are you so thin?"

   Less than ten days had passed since she disappeared. In such a short period of time, even if she didn't eat or drink, she shouldn't have lost so much weight.

  Fu Guang found the teapot and poured a glass of water to her lips.

   It wasn't until the cold water entered her throat that Xiuxiu believed that it was really not a dream. "Ma'am, are you here to save me?"

  She took a sip of water and said in a low voice: "That day, when I went to the back mountain to pick fruit, someone covered my mouth from behind and knocked me out.

   When I woke up, I was here, and I wanted to escape. But every day someone watched me specially, and someone came over the day before yesterday and poured two big bowls of blood on me.

  After that, they forced me to eat various tonic soups. "Speaking of this, she cried in fear:

   "They must be treating me like an animal, and they want to wait until they are fattened up before killing them. But if I don't eat, someone pinches me by the neck and force-feeds me down.

  It’s horrible here, I want to go home…”

  Shen Mingjiao patted her bony back comfortingly: "Okay, I promise you, I will definitely send you home safely.

   But not now, I still have some things to figure out. "

  Xiuxiu blinked blankly: "Really!"

  Shen Mingjiao nodded heavily: "Well, I will take you away after we finish the matter."

  After confirming that she was rescued, Xiuxiu finally regained some energy, and was able to comfort Shen Mingjiao and the other two.

   "You don't have to worry, I heard from the people who take care of me that no one will come to take my blood during this period. Madam, although I am busy with your affairs, I will eat well."

  Shen Mingjiao asked: "What else did you hear?"

   Mentioning this, Xiuxiu shrank her shoulders in fear: "What the **** is this place?

  I listened to the chatter of the guards outside. They arrested many people. Those who were arrested...they...were all bled to death in the end. "

  She pointed to this building on stilts, "I saw it during the day, and there are dried blood marks on the corners of the walls... I don't know how many dead people have lived there..." The more she talked, the more frightened she became...


  After leaving this stilted building, Shen Mingjiao was thinking about what Xiuxiu said just now,

  Why did Qingyao marry Xiuxiu's blood? Or, why must it be Xiuxiu?

  Fuguang asked in a low voice, "Where are we going next?"

  The main purpose of their coming here tonight is to find the Shui people who were imprisoned here.

  Shen Mingjiao looked around: "But there must be none here, let's go to the back and have a look."

  Xizhai is really big, but it is also very desolate. Fu Guang took Shen Mingjiao up to the roof, looking around, it was still pitch black. The two had to find it little by little.

  At this moment, a stray cat passed by, Shen Mingjiao thought of something, took out dried meat from her purse and sprinkled it on the ground.

  The wild cat smelled the smell, hesitated for a while, felt that the two of them seemed to have no malicious intentions, jumped over hesitantly, and finished eating the jerky in a few strokes.

  Shen Mingjiao asked: "Which room here is closed?"

  The wild cat raised its head upon hearing the sound, and meowed for some unknown reason.

  Shen Mingjiao stared at the wild cat's green eyes until the other's ears drooped slowly.

   Fortunately, this wild cat is not like those snakes, it is just an ordinary cat, very hypnotizing.

  Shen Mingjiao asked softly, word by word: "Tell me, which room is closed?"

  Ye Mao was at a loss for a moment, and Shen Mingjiao changed several ways of asking.

  The wild cat seemed to finally understand, meowed at the two of them, and jumped to a hill to the north. Shen Mingjiao motioned for Fu Guang to follow.

  Fu Guang followed the wild cat with his Qinggong skills, his tone was obviously surprised: "How does Sister Gillian know that it can understand your words?"

  There was the sound of wind blowing past her ears, Shen Mingjiao covered her ears and explained:

  “In fact, many small animals can understand human speech, but they can’t express it, and people who are not close to them don’t understand what they express.

  Although it is impossible for me to really communicate with animals, hypnosis can amplify the consciousness in the brains of people or animals, and wild cats are very sensitive animals. "

  The two followed the wild cat around the hills and came to the northernmost dilapidated stilted building.

  The wild cat meowed at the wooden door in front of it. Shen Mingjiao threw all the remaining jerky on her body to it.

   "Thanks! This is the toll."

  At this moment, the two of them seemed to hear the sound of iron chains colliding in their ears. Shen Mingjiao listened carefully, and then pointed to a room on the far side: "Over there."

  Fu Guang opened the door, and said to Shen Mingjiao: "I'll go in and take a look, I don't know what's inside."

   After speaking, Shen Mingjiao walked in first without waiting for Shen Mingjiao to refuse.

  The sound of the iron chains colliding in the room was more obvious, mixed with a few low wailing sounds, the sound seemed to be choked. Like the neighing of some kind of wild animal, in this silent and dark night, the hairs stand on end.

  Shen Mingjiao instantly thought of the eerie ghosts in those ghost stories. Xu Shi was mentally prepared in advance, but she wasn't too scared at this time, and she still had some expectations.

   But she seems to have always had this personality. I was not afraid when I encountered a corpse or something, but I realized it later.

  When she was thinking about these things, she had already raised her feet and walked in. No matter how high the flashy martial arts were, Shen Mingjiao couldn't let a little girl stand in front of her with peace of mind.

  The two came to the house step by step. It was only when I entered that I realized that this building on stilts was connected. It seemed that many people were locked up in the room, and there was a decaying and moldy smell, which made people want to vomit.

  Shen Mingjiao fumbled for the oil lamp, and directly lit it with a torch, she noticed just now. The windows of the house here are all fixed with wooden boards, and only some holes are left at the top for ventilation, so the light from the oil lamp cannot penetrate at all.

  After Shen Mingjiao saw the scene in the room clearly with the faint light that came on, although she was mentally prepared, she still took a step back in shock.

More than a dozen people were **** in the messy house. They were all chained to their limbs, some were tied to posts like dogs, and some were tied to shelves. They were all skinny and lost Sample.

  Because of not seeing the sun for a long time, her hair and eyebrows became snow-white, and she became so thin. Shen Mingjiao even admired her psychological quality when she saw her at night.

   But this is not over yet, Shen Mingjiao turned her head, and amidst Fu Guang's exclamation, she was facing a pair of hollow skull eyes.

   On the torture rack behind her, hung a skeleton frame. Judging from the bones, it should be a man, with both shoulder blades pierced by iron chains.

  Shen Mingjiao covered her mouth desperately, so she couldn't restrain herself from screaming on the spot.

  At this time, the sound of iron chains colliding came again, and Shen Mingjiao was so frightened that she jumped up:

   "Ah! Don't come here... We have no malicious intentions!"

   "Hehe... who are you...!" A heavy and hoarse old voice sounded,

  Shen Mingjiao heaved a sigh of relief. Although the voice sounded terrifying, it was still a living person!

  How can a living person be scarier than a ghost!

  She turned her head in search of the sound, and saw that it was an old man with a face full of dimples. The other person looked like he was over a hundred years old. It is really lucky to be able to survive in such an environment at such an age!

  She stepped forward and asked politely, "Grandpa, can I ask you something?"

  Unexpectedly, when the old man saw her face, his complexion suddenly changed:

   " are a great wizard! You have finally been reborn, and there is hope for our family..."

   It’s finally over, I have to make up the missing chapters in these two days, otherwise I won’t be able to get full attendance╭╮

   I have already bought the coffee essential oil paste, and I plan to work until 5 o'clock in the morning
