Chapter 21 discusses a person’s brain power

   Wandering on the line of life and death for a while, Shen Mingjiao's legs and feet were weak at this time. With Haitang's support, he barely stood up straight.

  Looking down at Feng Lisheng, he saw that his eyes were vacant at the moment, staring at her blankly.

  Shen Mingjiao patted him on the shoulder, "Hey! Get up."

  Feng Lisheng snapped back to his senses, stood up, pulled him into his arms, hugged him tightly, and said in a trembling voice, "I'm sorry, I'm useless..."

  Shen Mingjiao patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, "It's okay, it's all over, you are already very powerful, it's because the enemy is too cunning..."

   "...putting you in this situation again..." Nearly losing you again.


  Shen Mingjiao paused her hand, lowered her eyes thoughtfully.

   Xu Daniu and the others who heard this also looked at Shen Mingjiao with complex and respectful eyes.

   "I never expected that the princess would be so affectionate towards His Highness!"

   "Yes, the princess is a weak woman, but she is not afraid of death for His Royal Highness! It can be seen that the princess loves His Royal Highness to the bottom of her heart!"

   "So, Your Highness, you must not disappoint such a good princess..."

  Shen Mingjiao: "..." No, I'm not, I don't.


  However, no matter how she explained, the group of people all had expressions of "We understand...the princess is shy...".

   Shen Mingjiao was speechless for a moment, she couldn't help looking at Feng Lisheng as if asking for help, hoping that he could explain something.

  However, Feng Lisheng didn't know what was going on, so he walked away.

  Feng Wu, who was looking for the assassin, came back, "Your Highness, my subordinates are incompetent, and no archers have been found."

  Feng Lisheng pondered slightly, and asked the guard who inspected the assassin's body: "What did you find?"

   "The deceased had nothing on him except a token."


  The speaking guard hands over the token.

  Feng Lisheng took it and took a look. It was an ordinary black token with a serial number engraved on the back.

  Feng Wu glanced, "This is the token of the Shadow Pavilion."

  The Shadow Pavilion is a well-known killer organization in the Jianghu, but today the world is peaceful, and with the efforts of those who care about the court, the court and the Jianghu are rarely in a delicate balance.

  Although the Shadow Pavilion is a killer organization, it never kills members of the Great Xia royal family and important court officials.

  Feng Wu analyzed: "But the clue is so obvious, it is likely to be framed."

  Feng Lisheng said: "No, most people would think so of the so-called smacking."

   Feng Wu was a little surprised. "Your Highness means that the people behind the scenes are playing tricks under the lights,"

   "Send someone to investigate the Shadow Pavilion first."

  At this time, the people from Wucheng Bingmasi came slowly. Feng Lisheng handed over the corpse on the ground to them and sent it to Dali Temple. It's easier to find the person behind the scenes when things break out.

  Shen Mingjiao re-coiled her hair, and was about to take the phoenix crown from Haitang's hand and put it on.

  A slender jade-like hand took the phoenix crown first, and gently put it on for her.

  At this time, the two were very close, and Shen Mingjiao could see his sharp jaw line when she raised her head.

   This was the first time she saw Feng Lisheng wearing a red dress. She had to say that good-looking people look good no matter what they wear.

  If it is said that Feng Lisheng, who was dressed in black before, gave people a sense of coldness and abstinence, then he who is dressed in red in front of him is like a glamorous beauty.

  Shen Mingjiao couldn't move her eyes from staring at his protruding **** Adam's apple.

   Tut! I really want to touch it, what should I do?

  Feng Lisheng's clear voice came from above his head: "Okay."

"What are you looking at?"

  Shen Mingjiao looked back with difficulty, touched her nose embarrassingly: "'s nothing,'s getting late, let's go!"

   After she finished speaking, she didn't look at him anymore, she just put the hijab on her head, and strided onto the sedan chair with the support of Haitang.

  Looking at her fleeing back, Feng Lisheng was very puzzled and asked Feng Wu: "What's wrong with her?"

  Feng Wu twitched the corners of his mouth: "...Obviously, the princess is embarrassed."

  Feng Lisheng was even more puzzled: "Why? Isn't it the first time he saw me?"

  Feng Wu: "..." Sure enough, God is fair. He gave His Highness the amazing talent of martial arts and art of war, but also took away some things accordingly.

  So he said directly: "Because the princess admires you, she will be embarrassed when she looks at you."

  Feng Lisheng was startled, Shen Mingjiao admired her!

  Just thinking about it like this, filled his heart with infinite joy.

Fearing that His Royal Highness still doesn't understand, Feng Wu, who is rich in theoretical knowledge, continued his efforts: "You can tell whether a girl likes you or not just by looking at her eyes. Your Highness, think about it carefully, every time the princess sees you, will her eyes shine! "

  Feng Lisheng thought about it, it seems to be true!

  At the palace banquet last time, which was the first time the two met in this life, Shen Mingjiao stared at him for a long time with bright eyes.

   And then came to him on his own initiative and kissed him...

  Thinking of this, he raised his hand to cover the place where Shen Mingjiao had kissed, his ears felt hot for no reason.

   As for the fact that Shen Mingjiao was interested in the money of Prince Su's mansion, he subconsciously ignored it.

  Besides, there are so many rich men in the world, why does Shen Mingjiao only value his money...


  The team set off again, but luckily they didn't encounter any problems after that, and arrived at Su Wang's Mansion smoothly.

  According to the sound of crackling firecrackers, the two took the red silk and walked over the brazier, and walked through the long and complicated ceremony.

   King Su got married, and the empress also came. After the two worshiped the first emperor, the last one was Queen Mother Su and Concubine Li.

  Unexpectedly, King Su directly pulled Shen Mingjiao up, skipping this process.

  The lively Xitang was silent for a moment,

  The queen smiled and praised the bride for her beautiful wedding dress, and the lady who was watching her words hurriedly echoed her, and the scene became lively again.

  Shen Mingjiao quietly pulled the red chip in her hand. She knew that Feng Lisheng's mother and concubine were not dead, so Feng Lisheng could not pay homage in this way, not as rumored outside.

  Finally finished all the procedures, Shen Mingjiao entered the new room, was so tired that she slumped on the wedding bed, lifted her hijab, and said weakly, "Haitang, pour me a glass of water."

   After saying that, two handsome maidservants stepped forward, one lifted the teapot and poured her a glass of water, and the other came over to give her a shoulder squeeze.

  Shen Mingjiao took a sip from the cup, looked at the two of them, and asked, "What's your name?"

  The two servant girls were a little nervous, and bowed cautiously, "Return...Princess, servant girl, servant girl Qiuju."

  Shen Mingjiao nodded, presumably it was purchased by Eunuch Hua on a temporary basis, she did not intend to change the names of the two, and signaled to Haitang that each of them gave a purse.

   "In the future, if you work hard, you will start as a second-class maid. As long as you don't do things that betray the master, the benefits will be indispensable to you."

  The two maids breathed a sigh of relief, and they both agreed.

  Shen Mingjiao ordered the two of them: "Go get me something to eat."

   Soon the kitchen brought a large table of noodles. Shen Mingjiao changed into light regular clothes, took off the heavy phoenix crown, and sat down to eat with ease.

   Haitang looked at her hesitantly.

   "Girl, it's not good for you! This is Prince Su's mansion, and the prince hasn't come yet?"

  Shen Mingjiao waved his hand: "It's okay, he won't care about these things."

Seeing that the girl was still tangled, Shen Mingjiao simply said: "Remember, from now on, Prince Su's Mansion will be our home. Here, as long as we don't do anything harmful to Prince Su's Mansion, we can live as we want. Have a good time."

   "Okay, you've been tired all day, you don't need to be served here, you all go down and rest!"

  Feng Lisheng, who walked to the door, just heard this, and felt warm in his heart for a moment.

   Xindao Feng Wu was right.
