As the battle began, my magic minions harnessed their formidable powers to keep the enemy archers at bay. The village was surrounded by high stone walls, which were quickly cleared by the relentless barrage of air attacks from my minions. The wind picked up speed, whipping through the battlefield, kicking up dust and debris as it went. I watched from a safe distance, perched atop a hill overlooking the battlefield. The clashing of swords and the sound of arrows slicing through the air filled the air. The smell of sweat and blood hung heavy in the air, as warriors clashed and fought for survival.

The village itself was nestled in a valley, surrounded by rolling hills and dense forests. The sun was high in the sky, beating down on the combatants below with its merciless heat. The ground was dry and rocky, with patches of dead grass struggling to survive. A small stream flowed through the centre of the village, providing a source of fresh water for the residents. The homes were simple, made of clay and stone, with thatched roofs and small gardens. Smoke rose from the chimneys, adding to the hazy atmosphere. The village was eerily quiet, as the residents had fled at the first sign of danger. Only the sound of the ongoing battle could be heard.

Chloe was eager to join the fight, but she was unsure of what was happening. She believed that one could only prove their worth through combat and killing, treating war as nothing more than a game. However, winning was the only thing that mattered to her. I decided to stay out of harm's way and let my minions do the fighting for me, as I had the ability to create as many of them as I desired.

My army marched towards the door, their determination unwavering. From afar, I saw the brute force warrior minions moving to the front of the ranks, their sights set on the door. It wouldn't be long before my army breached the village.I controlled my minions with precision, using them like chess pieces on a board. Suddenly, small patches of the door opened and the enemy began firing arrows at my army. The intelligence variant minion had not warned me of this, leaving me caught off guard. The brute force minions quickly raised their shields, but three of the air magic minions were struck.

They fell to the ground, unable to continue fighting. One had an arrow lodged in their arm, while the others had multiple arrows piercing their bodies. The brute force minions retreated, followed by the magic minions. The force of the wind began to dissipate, a concerning sign for my army.

I ordered the shields to be raised, as the enemy's arrows were coming too close for comfort. The remaining two magic minions took cover behind the shields and used all their strength to maintain the gusts of wind. Some of the village warriors attempted to climb the walls and attack us, with a few succeeding in their endeavors.

We were pinned down, with arrows flying in from all directions. I struggled to come up with a new strategy, but the surprise attack had thrown me off balance. The magic minions did their best to increase the wind's intensity, but the loss of the other three minions was keenly felt.



As Chloe approached me, I could see the determination in her eyes. She dismounted from her horse and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, a gesture that instantly brought me a sense of calm. I looked into her eyes and saw that she understood the gravity of the situation.

"Do you have any fire minions?" she asked, her voice steady and confident.

I had to think quickly, my mind racing as I tried to come up with a plan. Suddenly, an idea struck me and I felt a surge of energy course through my body. I had completely forgotten about my other magic minions, but now was the time to put them to use against the enemy archers who were raining down a constant barrage of arrows on my army.

"Yes, we have them," I replied, my voice filled with determination. "I know exactly what you're thinking. I was just about to do the same."

I had a group of 10 flamethrower minions at my disposal, more than enough to burn down the entire village in a matter of seconds. But that wasn't my goal. I wanted to capture the enemy's resources and use them for my own purposes.


I shouted out orders to my army, directing them to spread out in a crescent shape and surround the archers on the walls. I then ordered the flamethrower minions to move forward, using the shield of my other minions as protection. They crept steadily towards the wall, the heat of their flames already beginning to scorch the air. When they were in position, I gave the command to attack.

In an instant, the sky was lit up by the brilliant glow of the flames. Chloe shielded her eyes from the intensity of the light, and I could feel the warmth of the fire even from where I stood. The screams of the burning soldiers filled the air as the fire consumed them. I had previously ordered a wind attack to clear the archers from the walls, leaving them vulnerable to my minions' assault. When the attack was finished, the wall was empty, and the gate to the city was engulfed in flames. The flamethrower minions at the door continued to douse the gate with fire, their shields still up and protecting them from the heat.

This continued for several more minutes until I finally ordered my water manipulator minions to step forward. They unleashed a deluge of water onto the gate, extinguishing the flames and leaving the enemy with no means of defence. My army stood back, waiting for my next command as I surveyed the damage. The wall was blackened and charred, the gate nothing more than a burned-out husk. With a single push, my minions could easily breach the city's defences and claim victory.

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