The village was located in a lush green valley, surrounded by rolling hills and dense forests. The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the landscape. The air was fresh and clean, with the scent of pine and wildflowers on the breeze.

I stood at the edge of the village, gazing down at the collection of thatched huts and stone buildings below. Smoke rose from the chimneys, and I could see the villagers going about their daily tasks. It was a peaceful scene, but I knew that I had to attack.

I turned to the barracks, where my minions were gathered, ready to follow my orders. Chloe stood at the front of the group, a fierce look in her eyes. She was my most trusted lieutenant, and I knew that she would follow me into battle without hesitation.

Together, we marched down into the village, our footsteps echoing on the cobblestone streets. The villagers stopped and stared as we passed, their faces filled with fear and confusion. I raised my hand, signalling for my minions to stop, and stepped forward to face the village leader.

"Surrender now," I demanded, "or face the consequences."


<Advanced System Controls>



[Resource Division] (798 Minions)

[Show More]


[Combat Division - Standard] (590 Minions)

- 28x Advance Warrior Minion


- 60x Warrior Minions

- 338x Scout Minions (Swordplay)

- 164x Scout Minions (Archery)


[Combat Division - Magic] (310 Minions)

- 29x Scout Minion (Fire Magic - Residential Heater)


- 43x Scout Minion (Fire Magic - Projectile Controller)

- 52x Scout Minion (Fire Magic - Flamethrower)

- 31x Scout Minion (Water Magic - Ice Warrior)

- 27x Scout Minion (Water Magic - Arctic Wind)

- 19x Scout Minion (Water Magic - Water Manipulator)

- 15x Scout Minion (Wind Magic - Defensive Wind)

- 21x Scout Minion (Wind Magic - Visceral Turbine)

- 32x Scout Minion (Wind Magic - Projectile Enhancer)

- 19x Scout Minion (Earth Magic - Brute)

- 14x Scout Minion (Earth Magic - Solid Control)

- 8x Scout Minion (Earth Magic - Land Scaler)


[Utility Division] (76 Minions)

[Show More]


I had a vast horde of minions at my disposal, each possessing unique skills and abilities. After consulting with Chloe and the intelligence variant minion, I carefully selected the numbers I would bring to the village. Though the village may be small and lack a formidable warrior population, I intend to maintain a powerful army to deter any potential attackers. With my fearsome minions by my side, I will confidently march towards the village, ready to defend against any threats that may arise.



<Advanced System Controls>


Army Selection


[Combat Division - Standard] (347 Minions)

-7x Advance Warrior Minion

-40x Warrior Minions-200x Scout Minions (Swordplay)

-100x Scout Minions (Archery)


[Combat Division - Magic] (55 Minions)

- 0x Scout Minion (Fire Magic - Residential Heater)

- 5x Scout Minion (Fire Magic - Projectile Controller)

- 10x Scout Minion (Fire Magic - Flamethrower)

- 5x Scout Minion (Water Magic - Ice Warrior)

- 5x Scout Minion (Water Magic - Arctic Wind)

- 0x Scout Minion (Water Magic - Water Manipulator)

- 5x Scout Minion (Wind Magic - Defensive Wind)

- 0x Scout Minion (Wind Magic - Visceral Turbine)

- 5x Scout Minion (Wind Magic - Projectile Enhancer)

- 10x Scout Minion (Earth Magic - Brute)

- 10x Scout Minion (Earth Magic - Solid Control)


The city was surrounded by a moat, which had recently been completed by the woodcutting minions. The moat was filled with spikes to deter any potential invaders. A retractable bridge allowed access to the city. The city walls were being constructed by the builder minions and were almost half complete. There was a tunnel leading from the city to the nearby forest, which I planned to check after the expedition.

The total number of soldiers in my army was going to be 402. I had recruited minions from various fields to fight for my army. After selecting the army, the minions I had chosen separated from the rest, and after some time, the magic minions appeared from their area and joined the combat minions, taking their positions.

The army was standing in keen discipline, and I was happy with the size of my army. Before departing, I wanted to improve the security of the city, so I put the remaining 20 warrior minions through brute force training. It would take six hours, but after that, the city would be impenetrable.

I also checked the work report and saw that the digging was complete and the miner minions had returned to their homes. The woodcutting minions were now laying spikes inside the newly completed moat. I had uploaded the city's plans to the main menu, so all necessary minions would begin their work on their own.

The builder minions were busy constructing the wall, which was almost half complete. After this expedition, I planned to check the tunnel to the forest to see if it needed anything further. After checking everything in the city, I left with my minion army.

The brute force minions were at the front, followed by the combat minions (swordsmen), then the archers. The magic minions were in their own formation behind the archers, and at the end were me and Chloe, riding our horses and surrounded by the warrior minions.

The army passed through the city doors and emerged. The doors had been built by the builder minions and looked very strong. The bridge also looked strong, and as we left, I saw it retracting. It was exactly what I had wanted.

Beyond the city, the landscape was dotted with farms, where food was grown to feed the minions. There were also mines and forests, where different types of minions worked to gather resources.

As the army prepared to depart, the sun was rising over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the scene. The air was crisp and cool, with the promise of a bright and clear day ahead. The soldiers were eager and ready for battle, their weapons and armor gleaming in the morning light.

After leaving the city, I focused on the task ahead. Chloe told me that we should be at the front of the army, but I disagreed.

There were decisions that needed to be made at this time and I took a few moments to consider.
