In the depths of the vampire's home, we continued to kill many of their weaker offspring. Despite how it may have looked from the outside, their base was quite large. Aside from Barons and Viscounts walking around, it seemed to be empty.

Slaying some of the vampires, Alicar left their corpses to dissipate on their own. We continued to make our way further inside, looking for some of their stronger members.

[Vampire Detected]

[Rank]: Baron; [Remaining Blood]: 100%

It was another Baron.

Within a few seconds, Alicar dashed over, cutting its head clean off. After a few more seconds and a few more strikes, the Baron was down for good. These weak vampires continued to engage every once in a while, but it made us wonder.

What were they really doing?


[Vampire Detected]

[Rank]: Viscount; [Remaining Blood]: 100%

From behind, a Viscount tried to catch me by surprise. In one clean movement, I turned my body around, cutting its head off. Unlike with Alicar, this vampire wasn't regenerating.

[Rank]: Viscount; [Remaining Blood]: 0%

I guess cutting a vampire's head off was an instant kill for me. They were basically the same as humans when they were fighting me, in terms of durability.

After cutting down a few more weak vampire's we quickened our pace towards the depths of the dark, moist cave. Our footsteps echoed through as we walked, there was no way they didn't know we were here, so there was no point in trying to be discrete. There was very little visibility aside from the few torches they had stuck into the walls.


We continued further inside.


(Vampires' POV)

"Lest, there are humans who have ventured into this cave."

"Are they strong?" he asked, still with a slight musical intonation in his voice.

"They've killed quite a few of our offspring, I'm going to need you and Fuola to go and check it out."


"Alright~"With his long white coat swaying behind him, Lest began making his way over to the main tunnel. Fuola was walking slightly behind, following Lest in his mission. On the way, they saw Celeste sitting by herself.

"Are you doing anything at the moment?"

"T-there were humans... and they were really scary... there were vines grabbing at my legs..."


Lest looked out into the distance.

"Do you remember where they were?" he asked.

"Y-yes... but... I don't want... to... go..."

"It's fine, me and Fuola will protect you, so there is nothing to worry about~"

Lest smiled at her.

"Come on, show me the humans that hurt you~"


(Earlier - Celeste POV)

As Celeste made her way through the cave, she heard the sound of screaming and shouting, accompanied by the sounds of swords clashing and bodies smashing into the ground. Sensing danger, she quickly ran over to see the situation for herself.

Around the corner, lay the degrading bodies of several vampires. All of them were wrapped up by some thick, green vines which were protruding from the ground. She quickly drew her crimson blade from her hip, preparing to fight whoever the attacker was.

However, before she even had time to react, there were already vines latching to her legs. She looked up at the boy who was doing this to her. Robbie looked back at her with an apathetic look in his eyes.

"You look stronger than the vampires I just fought," he said.

"What is this?! Get them off of me."

"I will, after you answer a few questions."

She swung her blade cutting the vines. She struggled to break through their thick fibres, but after a few swings, she managed to cut them, giving her legs space to move.

"You're being annoying..." mumbled Robbie.

A few Viscounts and Earls came over to assist in the fight. As a result, Robbie was forced to focus on the bigger threats. In the chaos, Celeste managed to escape, running through the dark, endless cave.


(Vampires' POV)

Lest and Fuola followed as Celeste began leading the two of them to the area she previously found Robbie. They walked through the cave, without any fear whatsoever, they were the strongest weapons at the Second Progenitor's disposal after all.

As they continued through, there was a faint scream in the distance.

"Ah, is that another one of the humans~?" questioned Lest.

However, as he looked over at Fuola, he noticed a very serious expression on his face.

"...was that... Maia?" muttered Fuola.

"Huh? Oh, are you talking about your girlfriend? We can have a look af—"

Before Lest could finish his sentence, Fuola had already run off, sprinting in the direction of the voice. With no choice, Lest was forced to let him go. He still wanted to take care of the human who was attacking Celeste first.

"Celeste, you should go and keep an eye on Fuola."


"You said the human who attacked you was near this area, right?"


"Alright, I'll come join you in a little, make sure Fuola isn't going crazy. If he is, come find me."


Listening to Lest, Celeste rushed off, chasing behind Fuola who had just sprinted down a different route. Now that Lest was by himself, he looked up and smelled the area. He noticed the scent of a human nearby, not only that, but there was also the scent of plants and other foreign materials.

After searching for a little longer, Lest notices the sound of footsteps coming from around the corner. Suddenly, he felt the sensation of something wrapping around his legs.

"Aa~ this must be the vines that Celeste was talking about?"

Looking to his side, Lest saw the scene of dead vampires strewn around the ground. It seemed that Robbie had killed all of the vampires that came to engage him.

"You look important, are you the Second Progenitor?" he asked.

"Na~ I'm but a weak little offspring. Although, I have come to collect the debt you've gathered."

"Debt? What are you talking about?"

"Look at all them on the ground, you don't just get to kill my offspring, you know?"

"We'll see about that."

Robbie drew [Nija-T'an-Mo] as Lest raised his deep red blade.
