"So? Did you like the result, boy?"

"What do you want?" Asher didn't beat around the bush, knowing there was certainly something else that this man wanted. "Why are you doing this?"

"Huh? I already told you, boy. I hate your father with passion and hurting him for fun uplift my mood."

Asher's expression turned hard as he gripped the phone tighter. "Do you find this funny?"

"Do I find it funny? Of course! I could be doing something more productive, but here I am, talking to a kid!" Mister Devilsin intoned in a knowing tone, showing no sign of remorse for poking fun at Asher. "Don't worry. It's worth it."

"Stop now…" Asher's voice shook along with his entire body. "Stop calling me."

"Why, Asher Quinn?" Mister Devilsin cocked his head to the side. "I thought we were friends now since I helped you find out the truth."



"Why? Are you scared that now that you know the truth, you aren't confident about your inheritance anymore?" asked the man that was akin to a devil whispering in Asher's ears. "You used to think you're on top of the world, so it's understandable. At any moment, you can lose everything. Don't worry. For as long as you keep that secret to yourself, you will be fine."

"I mean, what can go wrong, right? Maynard isn't willing to do a DNA test for obvious reasons," the man continued like a friend who wouldn't stop talking. "You just have to be careful and, of course, continue being exceptional. Don't cause too much trouble and you'll be safe."

There was a moment of silence as Asher's stiff shoulder relaxed. When his lips parted and a deep breath slipped past them, a hushed question flew out of his mouth.

"Tell me," whispered Asher, ignoring everything that Mister Devilsin said. "Is Maxen Cloven… who is his father?"

This time, Mister Devilsin didn't answer. Asher didn't know if the man purposely stayed silent because being silent could mean many things, or if Mister Devilsin truly hesitated. Either way, Asher was simply asking, not because he really need an answer.Asher wasn't stupid. He was smart enough to put the pieces together.


"Please do not contact me anymore…" Asher spoke under his breath. "... don't worry. I will contact you soon, Mister Devilsin. I just need some time to process this."

With that being said, Asher didn't hesitate to end the call. Another deep huff escaped his mouth, closing his eyes while running his fingers through his hair. Asher then leaned back, cocking his head back with his eyes on the ceiling.

"My gut feeling never failed me," came out a whisper, recalling his first impression of Maxen.

Asher confessed to Cosette back in the Blac's ancestral home, the reason he was wary of Maxen. Asher felt like Maxen was a person who would take everything from him, and it turned out that was true.

"Haha…" another dry laugh slipped past Asher's lips as his eyes swirled with bitterness. "... what a melodramatic life. I feel like I am in a movie."





Knock Knock

"Huh?" Luke furrowed his brows as two light knocks came from his door. He turned his head ever so slowly at the door, staring at him, blinking.

Knock Knock

"Who's here at this hour?" he wondered to himself, pushing himself up from the beanbag. The knocks continued at the same pace while Luke drag his feet toward the door.

Knock Knock "Wait." Luke ruffled his hair in irritation. "What the heck? Do you know what time is it —"

Luke halted as soon as he opened the door and saw the person standing outside. His brows furrowed as his lips curved down, not pleased with the guest he had tonight.

"What are you doing here?" asked Luke, switching his defensive mode, assuming Asher would try to tell him to go back home. "If you came here just to tell me to go home, you're wasting your time. I'm not going home even if you cry a river."

Much to Luke's surprise, Asher said something different that he didn't expect.

"Can I stay here for tonight?" asked Asher, making Luke's brows elevate.

"What did you say?" Luke shook his head as if that would clear his hearing. "I think I need to clean my ears…"

"Can I stay at your place tonight?"

Luke slowly set his dilated eyes back to his brother, mouth ajar. He didn't hear Asher wrong. His brother was asking if he could stay in his place; here, in this small place that was even smaller than Asher's room back in the Quinn Residence.

"If that's okay with you." Asher forced a bitter smile on his face, staring at his brother's shocked countenance. "It's alright if you don't want to. I just missed my little brother and want to spend some time with him."

Luke unknowingly held his breath, assessing Asher from head to toe. Now that he thought about it, Asher was just in a casual sweater and pants. Something Asher would wear indoors, but not when he was outside. With this detail alone, Luke already knew something was wrong on top of the obvious sadness in Asher's eyes.

A deep breath escaped Luke's nostrils, pushing the door wide open while standing on the side of the door.

"Come in," invited Luke, tipping his head inside his apartment unit. "My place is small, but it's clean. Just don't complain or I'll kick you out."

A subtle smile appeared on Asher's face, nodding in understanding. With that being said, Luke turned on his heel and walked inside. Meanwhile, Asher just gazed at his brother's back before stepping inside.

The place was indeed small, as it was a studio unit, but it was clean and organized. Ironic how Luke's room in the Quinn residence was always so messy. Asher simply needed to look around once to see how everything was set up before his attention fell on the books and notes on and beside the small study table on the floor.

"You're… studying?" asked Asher, twisting his body in the fridge where Luke was getting something to drink.

"Ahh…" Luke glanced at his brother before he shift his eyes to the books behind Asher. "Well, exams are coming. I don't have connections anymore to get me into a good university, so I have to maintain good grades in the last two years of high school. Hopefully, I'd get a scholarship."

Asher's eyes softened, watching Luke take out a carton of juice before the latter faced him.

"Want some juice?" Luke offered, and Asher simply smiled before he nodded.

"Yes, thank you."
