Chapter 258: Chapter 215: All Skills Reach Mastery_2

Avril looked at Vincent Wolf and asked: “How do you feel? How was it?”

“It feels great!”

Vincent Wolf savored the feeling for a moment before quickly saying:

“I’ll continue right now.”

Then, Vincent Wolf continued to tell the second half of the second chapter.

“Wukong, upon hearing this, shuddered in fear and kowtowed in worship: ‘I beg for your mercy, my lord, and hope you will teach me the method to avoid the three calamities. I would never forget your grace.’ The Ancestral Master said: ‘It is not difficult, but you are different from others, so I cannot pass it on.’


Afterwards, Vincent Wolf talked about Wukong obtaining the “72 Earthly Transformations” and “Somersault Cloud, ” being expelled from Mount Lingtai by the Bodhi Patriarch, returning to Flower-Fruit Mountain, only to find it had been occupied by demons. He then killed the demons and reclaimed Flower-Fruit Mountain as king.

“Understanding one’s origin, awaiting the honor of being inscribed into the Immortal Register. After all, it is unknown what the outcome will be, or how staying in this realm will ultimately unfold. Listen to the resolution in the next chapter.”

Principles of Bodhi, Eliminating Demons to Return to One’s Origin, and

Merging with the Primordial Spirit.”

As Avril was still absorbed in the story, Vincent Wolf had already looked at the countdown timer, getting ready to end it.

“The rewards this time are really huge. All the skills have been upgraded to a proficient level, and a powerful new super-level skill has been obtained.


Additionally, I’ve found a way for Dragon Town to evolve into a true dragon.

You could say it’s perfect.”

“But the Ancient Simulation took place in such a small space this time. However, the simulation has given me the token which grants me the ability to enter and exit Dragon Palace. Next time I come in, I’ll explore within the Dragon Palace to see what good places there are.” [The time for this Ancient Simulation has reached six hours]

[This Ancient Simulation is now over]

In the next instant, his consciousness had returned to his original bedroom. [Options you can keep after the simulation ends:]

[Option 1: Synchronize the memories, knowledge, skills, and battle experience gained in the simulation.]


[Option 2: Synchronize the race level.]

[Option 3: Synchronize the growth level.]

[Note: Make the pet beast synchronize with the final exit state of the Ancient Simulation.]

After releasing Barry and Flora Gates, Vincent Wolf said:

“I choose the first one.”

After making the choice, Barry went unresponsive, as if frozen or crashed.

However, Vincent Wolf knew that this was because Barry was currently receiving information, so its brain was processing the information and had no time to deal with the external body.

“Flora, use your Sky Star to cast an Unruffled Ancient Well on Barry.”

The Unruffled Ancient Well would allow Barry to focus on processing the skills and should shorten its awakening time by more than half.

Flora Gates waved her two paws, and a beam of light shot out from her necklace around her neck, hitting Barry directly.

When Barry was hit, the light circulating on its body’s surface sped up, and its body began to change, just like Vincent Wolf’s situation in the Ancient Simulation.

While Barry was waiting, Vincent Wolf began to sense himself.

Since Barry had already reached a proficient level in all skills during the Ancient Simulation, Vincent Wolf should now be able to use all of Barry’s skills in theory.

“I won’t try the ones I’ve already mastered. I’ll just try the newly acquired skills.”

“The two super level skills are Mimicry and Water Serpent Dance.”

“The advanced level ones are Devour, Duplication, Extreme Speed Healing, and Death’s Touch.”

Vincent Wolf closed his eyes, slowly integrating the insight of these skills into his human body, and gradually releasing all the skills.Vincent Wolf glanced at Barry, who was still unconscious, not wanting to disturb him. He decided to start experimenting within the room together with Flora Gates and Dragon Town.

This room was indeed small, not allowing much space to spread his wings; he could only give it a shallow attempt.

Vincent Wolf didn’t dare try out the Dance of Water Dragon, afraid that it would bring an end to this star-rated hotel. The first thing he experimented with was mimicry.

When he reached mastery level in mimicry, Vincent discovered that he could change his face, body height, and shape at will, control the growth and shortening of his hair, and even grow an extra pair of arms or wings with sufficient energy support.

However, while he could make these changes, maintaining them for an extended period or even permanently required a vast amount of energy. Most significant mimicry required the support of Energy Crystals, making it hard to achieve using only his abilities.

“This mimicry skill seems to be quite perverse. On the surface, it may seem like a disguise technique, but in reality, it may also enable regeneration of severed limbs and the recreation of a shattered heart.”

“If I could reach the perfect level, my head might regenerate even if it explodes. If I could attain the state of transcending and sublimating, then it’s highly possible I could change my own species, transforming into a divine dragon, a phoenix, or other mythological creatures.”

Resisting the urge to test his ability to change his sex, Vincent moved on to testing another high-level skill – Devouring.

He took out the Void Stone from his spatial bracelet, hesitated for a moment, and then swallowed it whole.

After swallowing it, Vincent circulated his energy, gathering it in his abdomen, and began to digest the Void Stone.

“The effect of devouring boosts digestion, increases the energy absorption threshold, and reduces the probability of body bursts. When digesting Demon Beasts, if their species rank is higher than my own, there’s a slim chance it will elevate my own species rank.”

“If I directly devour this Void Stone and combine it with my well-established base of knowledge, I should be able to digest it entirely without any problems.”

Vincent could feel the constant flow of spatial energy entering the Beast Space, which made him worry. However, he soon discovered that this time, the spatial energy was gentle, entirely different from what he had absorbed before, so he relaxed and began to meditate.

After an hour of meditation, Vincent’s realm had successfully reached the high-level Beast Master profession, just one step away from becoming a Master Beast Master.

“Since I can digest the Void Stone, the Energy Crystals should be even less of a challenge. In the future, I might try consuming some Energy Crystals before a battle.”

“Right, this devouring skill has a chance to improve my own species rank when digesting high-level Demon Beasts.”

“Now that I’ve learned devouring, is it possible for me to elevate my own species rank if I eat those high-level Demon Beasts?”

“Speaking of which, what species rank do humans count as? Extraordinary?

Commanding? Or simply Awakened?”

After thinking about it for a long time, Vincent started testing multiplication.

Initially, Vincent thought that multiplication was just a subordinate replacement for mimicry, only capable of enlarging and shrinking size.

However, after experimenting, Vincent discovered this was not the case. Enlarging with multiplication could enhance strength and defense, while shrinking could boost speed and energy recovery rate without losing much power.

Just when Vincent wanted to continue experimenting with Rapid Healing and Deathly Touch, Flora Gates came to his side, looking worried:

“Vincent, something seems to be happening to Barry.”

Vincent was surprised because he couldn’t sense anything abnormal through the Beast Pact.

However, since Flora Gates said so, Vincent had no choice but to leave the living room and check on Barry’s condition in the bedroom.

As soon as he entered the bedroom and saw Barry, Vincent couldn’t help but swear:

“Holy shit!”

“He’s about to reach the Commanding level!”

Flora Gates was somewhat puzzled:

“Isn’t it a good thing to advance? Why are you reacting like this?”

“Advancing is good, but I haven’t reached the Master Beast Master level yet. There’s no way I can handle the pressure from a Commanding level Barry!” Vincent thought about what happened to Dan Hongbin and shuddered.

He had resisted the urge to advance when he was in the Ancient Simulation, but Barry must have been caught off guard by the sudden boost from mastering those skills, causing him to be forced to advance.

“This is bad, really bad,” Vincent said, his face pale. “I’m going to become the

Wheelchair War God..”
