Chapter 254: Chapter 213: Power Angel _2

Just as Earl Lane was secretly pondering, he didn’t expect Archbishop Losen in front of him to make a new move.

He saw him shakily take out an angel statue, holding a cross with both hands crossed, kneeling and praying in front of the angel statue, while the other four bishops followed Archbishop Losen in prayer.

“Lord! Your words say that you will cover and protect your children from the power of the evildoers.”

“You are Eli—Elyon, the supreme God, who governs all things visible and invisible.”

“All things are in your hands, and in Jesus’ name, I ask you to surround us with your presence like a shield. Let your glory follow us like a rear guard. O Lord, be our refuge.”

“Please support him with your everlasting arms and drive his enemies away.”


“Please appoint and send your holy angels to protect and save your servants from danger.”

To Earl Lane and Master Lin’s astonishment, the angel statue gradually revealed its radiance, which was even more sacred and passionate than that of a unicorn, shining through the heavens and the earth.

“It’s the descent of the angels!”

Earl Lane was greatly alarmed, and the only thought left in his mind was:

“The demon lord is in danger!”

“What the hell is so bright!”


Vincent Wolf was standing behind Aiden Winter, riding a flying sword towards the Secret Realm Gate.

However, halfway through the flight, they saw a myriad of rays of light erupt in the distance, like the sun falling to the ground, forcing people to quickly cover their eyes, as if they were being scorched by fierce fire.

Brad Winter squinted his eyes.

Although the body of a master-level Beast Trainer had been greatly strengthened and far exceeded ordinary people, Aiden Winter was clearly uncomfortable facing this sudden brightness, and could only squint his eyes to watch.

“Ahead… it seems… there seems to be a glowing bird man?”



The angel relied on the statue, with six wings on its back, a halo above its head, and wearing a white robe, dazzling to the point of being indistinguishable.

Archbishop Losen, struggling to contain his excitement, closed his eyes and said to the six-winged angel:

“Praise be to your divine virtues! I hope you can expel the evil here and return this place to the Lord’s embrace!”

The six-winged angel stood silently for several minutes, not knowing whether or not it heard Archbishop Losen’s words. After several minutes, it disappeared in the same place, without Imowing where it had gone.

Archbishop Losen then murmured something silently in place for a while, but soon got up, with a hint of smile on his face.

Master Lin stepped forward, hesitated for a moment, and then asked:

“Archbishop… this angel is?”

Archbishop Losen looked relaxed and smiled:

“It’s a middle-ranked angel— the Angel of Power who has descended. The Angel of Power has not descended in its true form, but it relies on the holy artifact and can exert most of its power. Since the Angel of Power has been successfully summoned, it means there is no more worry in this realm.”

“It’s actually the Angel of Power!” Master Lin’s pupils dilated, obviously in disbelief, “Your country can actually help us with the power of a hegemonic level… it’s really something we never thought of.”

As they knew, the angels held the supreme position in the Light God Country, just under the legendary true God. If a common lower-ranked angel had been sent to help, it would have been fine, for they possessed the power of kings.

But now a middle-ranked angel, the well-known Angel of Power, had been sent!

Master Lin couldn’t help but feel his scalp tingle, secretly thinking:

“What exactly is the Light God Country planning… not only sending an Archbishop, but also the sacred six-winged angel… could it be that the city lord has some special interest exchange with them? Or does this Light God Country have some special thoughts? In any case, I don’t believe they would do any losing business!”

Archbishop Losen looked at the Shadow Demon Domain with a sympathetic expression:

“Such an evil place has devoured the souls of countless humans, and no matter what price was paid, it should be purified as soon as possible!”

On the surface, Master Lin praised the Archbishop’s righteousness, but in his heart, he was disdainful:

“Cut the crap, don’t I know you charlatans? A bunch of people who only get up early if they have a profit. No, I have to talk to the city lord, maybe these people have a great demand.”

As Master Lin and Archbishop Losen were secretly probing each other, Earl Lane couldn’t stand still.

His gray drooping eyebrows were tightly knitted together, and the panic in his eyes couldn’t be dispelled.”Power Angel… Six-winged Angel… No good! I must inform the Demon Lord! He and I are now like two grasshoppers on the same rope; if he dies, I won’t fare any better!”

Realizing this, Earl Lane couldn’t stay here any longer and hurriedly rode his pet beast to fly away.

Not long after Earl Lane left, Aiden Winter and Vincent Wolf arrived at the Secret Realm Gate by sword, noticing that the people from the Light God Country were chatting and laughing with Master Lin, looking quite friendly.

“Master Aiden!”

“Master Aiden!”

After the elders exchanged greetings, they looked at Vincent Wolf:

“Who’s this young friend?”

“My junior, I brought him along to gain some experience. Don’t mind him.”

Aiden Winter replied with a smile, “By the way, I saw from far away that the Secret Realm Gate was bursting with brilliant light, like the sun. Whose divine power was that?”

“Of course, it was Archbishop Losen’s miracle. He summoned a Six-winged Angel equivalent to a hegemon-level figure, which is quite shocking.” Master Lin answered.

“Six-winged Angel!” Aiden Winter was astonished, and looked at Archbishop Losen with his mouth wide open, unable to close it for a long time.

vmcent won was also extremely surpnsea.

He saw the exaggerated light from a distance and thought it must be extraordinary, but he didn’t expect it to have such colossal origins.

Tsk, tsk.

A Six-winged Angel!

A legendary angel.

It’s a pity that he was just a little bit short of seeing it with his own eyes.

However, just seeing it from afar made Vincent Wolf’s eyes burn. If he had seen it up close, he might not only feel the burn, but also be blinded for several days.

“I wonder where the Six-winged Angel is now?” Aiden Winter looked around but found no trace of it.

“I invited the angel to expel evil… perhaps it went to find the source of sin.” Archbishop Losen was somewhat uncertain. It was clear that although he had summoned the angel, its actions would not be reported to him.

“Indeed. The power of angels is not something we can fathom.” Master Lin praised appropriately.

“Are you all going to stay in the Demon Realm for the time being?” Aiden Winter asked.

Master Lin didn’t speak, just looking at Archbishop Losen.

Archbishop Losen replied:

“The angels are also in the Demon Realm. We need to wait for their return. And although we are not as powerful as the angels, we can still make some insignificant contributions to purify the Demon Realm.”

Only then did Master Lin respond:

“The City Lord sent me here to entertain and protect our faraway guests. How can I let the guests do all the work? I will definitely accompany them.”

“I wonder where Master Aiden is going now?”

Aiden Winter pulled Vincent Wolf.

“I’m taking the junior out of the Demon Realm for a bit and will be back later.”

Master Lin and Archbishop Losen nodded, then walked together towards the mountain range ahead.

Aiden Winter and Vincent Wolf also walked towards the Secret Realm Gate.

“Vincent, I’ll send you back first. You’ve also been in the Shadow Demon

Domain for a while now, so if you’ve discovered anything, just tell me.”

Vincent Wolf understood that Aiden Winter was referring to his success in awakening the Phoenix last time, so he said:

“I was lucky last time which allowed me to be the awakener, but luck won’t always favor me. This time I didn’t get any useful information.”

Aiden Winter was also somewhat regretful, but he understood that some things couldn’t be forced.

“Alright, I’ll take you away from here. Once you’re safely at the hotel, I’ll come back to find Brad Winter.”

After Vincent agreed, he thought of the Six-winged Angel that disappeared in the Demon Realm and recalled his experiences in the Death Demonic Domain, and secretly pondered:

“As for the source of evil in the Demon Realm, it must be the Abyss Will.” “Hiss–”

“Could it be that the Power Angel has gone to find the Abyss Will in this Shadow Demon Domain?”
