how can that be?

Ivan looked at the two figures in front of him in disbelief, and his whole body was dumbfounded.

They are clearly separated from two worlds, how could they suddenly appear here?

This is fake, this is fake... Ivan kept reminding himself in his heart that Occlumency was slowly operating, but everything in front of him did not disappear, as if it really existed.

"Xiaoyun..." Just when Ivan was hesitating, the middle-aged man with black hair and eyes took the lead to speak. The familiar voice and name make Ivan miss it.

"How are you? Since you left, your father and I have always missed you..." The phantom of the previous mother also walked forward slowly, stretched out her hand, and gently told him that she missed it, staring at him. Full of love.

Ivan couldn't help taking a step back, avoiding the palm of his hand touching his cheek, and couldn't help looking at Orlando and the others behind them.


They seem to have known their identities a long time ago, but they didn't care, they just smiled and watched the long-awaited reunion in front of them.

Perhaps sensing Ivan's silence, his mother pursed her lips and asked slightly incomprehensibly. "What's the matter? Xiaoyun? Are you unhappy to see us?"

"No, I'm just... so happy." Ivan looked at the two people in front of him, opened his mouth and said hesitantly, his mind was blank.

The moment he saw the two of them, he already understood how to crack the magic on the resurrection stone, but the anxiety in his heart eroded his heart like a poisonous snake.

Because this is precisely what he fears the most, and is the least willing to face...

If his identity as a traverser is revealed, what would his family and friends think?


Is it accepting as readily as before, or is it furious, thinking that you have deceived them?

Will Aysia accept herself? Or turn against each other...

Ivan didn't know and didn't want to face this situation. It was because of this that he would work **** Occlumency, trying to bury the memories of the past in his heart forever.

Now this scar was torn apart by the resurrection Shi Shengsheng, like a magic mirror of Eris, forcing him to look directly at the fear in his heart, but it also gave him the most beautiful scene.

The way to crack is to actively break this fantasy and face the cruel reality...

Ivan's hand holding the resurrection stone was trembling slightly. He knew that he might be like Dumbledore, and he would never be able to overcome this barrier.


forever and always…

In the middle of the night, Ivan, who had been alone on the cliff for more than four hours, walked in from the door tiredly in the Novgood House, thinking about the scenes in his mind constantly.

In order to be able to really use the resurrection stone, he finally exposed the false true colors of the illusions, in exchange for endless malice.

Except for his previous parents, Dumbledore, Nicol LeMay, and Orlando, all the people he knew were embodied in the resurrection stone.

Hermione's sharp words and Acia's desperate, angry, and unbelievable gaze deeply imprinted his heart...forcing Ivan to close the Resurrection Stone, ending everything in advance.

"Is it not going well? Ivan?" The moment Ivan stepped into the door, an ethereal voice came over.

Ivan turned his head and looked over, only to realize that Luna did not want to have fallen asleep as he expected, but was sitting on a chair by the fireplace, holding the notebook of Xenofilius in her hands, probably Waiting exclusively for yourself.

While a warm current surged in his heart, Ivan also explained quietly. "Your previous guess is correct. The **** of death or the producer did leave a similar magic on the resurrection stone. I am afraid it is not so easy to crack."

"This must not trouble you, you can always solve the problem." Luna added.

Ivan smiled bitterly to herself, the little witch still had so much confidence in him, but this time I am afraid that the power of the resurrection stone can bring out the most feared and most desired scene in the heart, even if ordinary people know that it is false Can't resist.

Even Ivan was somewhat regretful that he had snatched the resurrection stone from Grindelwald in Nicol Lemay's tomb, otherwise it would be Grindelwald who had to face this problem.

Maybe this difficult dark lord committed suicide directly under the influence of Illusion Dumbledore?

Then everyone is happy...

Ivan couldn't help but spit in his heart, and then suddenly remembered Luna who had been questioned by the resurrection stone, and a haze flashed across his face.

"What's the matter?" The little witch keenly noticed Ivan's emotional ups and downs, and asked curiously.

Ivan hesitated for a long time, and then he thought about it and asked. "If I hide something bad from you, would you mind? Luna?"

The little witch looked at Ivan blankly, as if she didn't quite understand what he was talking about...

"For example, I took away your other friends..." Ivan tried to make an analogy. "Think about it, I may be a very stingy person, I just want you to make friends with me alone... so I drove away everyone who wanted to get close to you!"

The little witch tried to think about the scene, then shook her head.

"It doesn't matter..." Luna said softly.

"Not important?" Ivan was somewhat surprised.

"It's fine now...I already have a best friend!" Luna looked at Ivan and said seriously.

Ivan's tight expression gradually relaxed in the little witch's soft words, and he suddenly realized that maybe things would not be as bad as he thought.

However, Ivan still didn't reveal any news. After laughing, he asked Luna to go to rest quickly. UU Reading com staying up late is not so good.

The next morning, everything returned to its original appearance, and Xenofilius enthusiastically called Ivan and Luna to taste his best colored ball fish soup.

Under the effect of the Forgetting Curse, Xenophylius completely forgot all the experience of Ivan showing the resurrection stone yesterday, only remembering that they had a very pleasant chat.

Ivan glanced at Luna apologetically, and after a brief meal, he went on to the cliff and tried to crack the magic on the resurrection stone.

After two days of constant experimentation, Ivan was able to maintain his composure in the harsh words of the illusions, but still did not reveal the true power to activate the resurrection stone.

Holding the diamond spar in his hand, Ivan sighed, knowing that he hadn't been able to untie this knot.

On the afternoon of the third day, Ivan, who had had dinner, had to perform Apparition as usual, but before that, Luna had stopped him, and the little witch asked very rarely.

"Can you accompany me to a place? Ivan?"
