Ivan waved his magic wand to separate the rain from the sky, then adjusted his clothes, opened the door of the hostel and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, a warm air rushed up, and the flames of the old-fashioned fireplace on the right wall were burning, blocking the outside cold and humidity.

Ivan looked around and found that the hotel is a three-story structure. Presumably to increase some income, the first floor was transformed into a small restaurant.

Although it hasn't arrived yet, many people are already sitting on the long tables by the stove, probably all the tourists who live here.

The owner of the hotel is an old white man with gray hair and glasses. He is now leaning on a chair at the front desk, looking intently at a newspaper in front of him, without even hearing the door opening.

What caught Ivan's most attention was that the two weird men in long robes in the dining room seemed incompatible with the surrounding Muggles at first glance.

wizard? Ivan frowned, and quickly confirmed the identity of the other party. He couldn't help but feel a little strange. Normally, after the wizard entered the Muggle realm, he would be exposed to a little disguise, at least not so conspicuous.


You know this is not a place like the Broken Cauldron Bar. Most of the tenants are Muggles who don't know magic.

But curiosity returned to curiosity, and Ivan didn't mean to come up with it. The two wizards were definitely not the people he wanted to meet. Their ages and appearances were very different. The newcomer Ivan didn't want to have more troubles.

This is that France is not England, not to mention that he still has important things, there is no need to make trouble for himself.

Considering that there was still about half an hour before the agreed meeting time, Ivan went to the front desk to ask for a lunch, found a low-key position and sat down, after thinking about it, he went out of the waste basket. Pull out a white paper towel and place it on the corner of the table.

This is the contact code that Pierce told him, saying that it was specifically requested by Rolf. Ivan really wanted to complain about this. A good meeting, how did it look like an undercover joint...

Ivan shook his head secretly, picked up the hard baguette and gnawed two bites, and listened with interest to the Muggles around to talk about parents, and he recovered some of the feeling of being an ordinary person.


"Really, don't believe me when I say it. When I was climbing the mountain two days ago, I saw a monster the size of a house with three pairs of wings and golden feathers. It's just a pity that I didn't take it down... …"

Just as Ivan was gnawing on the French stick, a voice came from the right. Ivan turned his head and looked over, and saw a Muggle with a round hat sharing it with a few friends enthusiastically. My own weird experience the other day.

It’s just that not many people believe in his remarks. What age is it now, if there is such a monster that can be hidden? I was arrested by the army for an exhibition...

"I dare to assure you that everything I say is true! It has rained every day these days, and it must have something to do with that monster!" The Muggle with a round hat blushed and shouted loudly.

"Come on, Cole, there is nothing new in your story..." a white woman said with a sneer. "Last week, someone said that a few magical wizards came from the town, and they took a short stick and fought in the alley. It turned out that it was just a few tricky gimmicks..."

Hearing the dispute between the people, Ivan found it very interesting, especially when he glanced at the middle-aged Muggle with the round hat a few more times, wondering whether to find the other person to inquire about Thunderbird.


Suddenly, Ivan's brows frowned, and his gaze suddenly focused on the two wizards in long robes, and he felt a wave of magical power from them.

The next moment, the white woman who was still talking about "juggling" suddenly fell to the ground, and the chair behind her just disappeared inexplicably.

"Who, who did it?!" The woman got up from the ground in desperation and turned her head back annoyed. She thought it was the wicked guy who sneaked over and took her seat, but the strange thing was that there was no one behind her, so she looked for it. Less than half a chair.

"Anne, your chair seems... as if it disappeared by itself..." the Muggle named Cole said in a shocked tone. He just witnessed the chair underneath the other's **** being brushed and disappeared.

"You said my chair disappeared on its own? Absurd!" Annie yelled angrily, but her voice trembled slightly, and she somewhat doubted whether she had encountered some spiritual event during the day.

The Muggles next to him were dubious, but soon there was another scream.


A two-meter-long green snake sprang out from under the table, bowed and spit out the snake's letter, and wanted to bite. The small hotel suddenly turned into a pot of porridge.

Only Ivan, who was sitting in a remote corner, could see clearly that the two wizards were playing tricks.

Being used as a joke by several Muggles, he was upset and teased. He still barely understands it, but now it’s a bit too much to really intend to hurt people...

Thinking this way, Ivan took off the half of the French stick in his mouth and threw it lightly on the ground.

After landing, the long French stick quickly twisted and transformed into a snake mongoose, jumping out of the blind spot of everyone's vision, biting the snake's tail very flexibly, and pulling the snake body and jumping out of the window.

In just one second before and after, the originally flaunting snake was taken away by an animal that ran out from nowhere, and everyone was a little confused for a while.

The two wizards who were disturbed looked at Ivan with unkind expressions, but before they had a seizure, the door of the hotel was knocked open.

What broke in were a few Aurors in gray costumes...

After seeing the incoming person, the two wizards suddenly changed their faces, and they didn't care to teach the little devil who stirred their interest, and they were ready to run away as soon as they pulled out their wands.

But it was too late, and the Aurors attacked the moment they saw them.

"Expelliarmus~ (except your weapon

"Petrificus~ (all petrochemicals

"Stupefy~ (fainted


A series of seven or eight spells quickly hit the two wizards who couldn't dodge~com~ The battle was over after only a few seconds.

The Muggles in the hotel opened their eyes one by one, watching this battle that was beyond common sense and was enough to make their worldview collapse.

"Magic, this is magic...they are wizards!" Annie screamed loudly.

The lead Auror was obviously very experienced, and he didn't panic at all. He directly cast a confusion spell, and the seven Muggles who were present sat back to their positions dizzy.

Immediately, the remaining Aurors were very proficient in casting oblivion spells on each Muggle, making them forget those things that shouldn't be remembered, and using the restoration spell to restore all the tables and chairs that were destroyed during the fight.

(End of this chapter)

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