Chapter 770 Competition disturbance

  Originally, Xu Shiyan planned to drive his daughter to the bus station.

   Unexpectedly, his daughter was silent, and ran away while the couple were talking in the kitchen.

   When Xu Shiyan looked at the time and went back to the house to look for his daughter, the child had long since disappeared.

  Su Anying also saw the things and money on the kang.

   "Look at this child, I brought a few more sets of clothes for her, just in case the weather would change.

   Besides, she is a girl, so it is convenient to bring a few more sets of clothes.


  This brat, the older he gets, the more positive his ideas become, and it's hard to manage. "Su Anying muttered angrily.

  The child ran away long ago, what else can the couple have?

   Apart from smiling wryly and sighing, there is nothing else to do.

  On the other side, Xu Jinping walked through the small alley, took a shortcut and went straight to the passenger terminal in the backyard of the town government.

   When I got there, I happened to meet Yang Haoyu. Within a few minutes, the leader of the team, Mr. Jiang, also arrived.

   This one-minute quiz competition has been held for several years, and it has always been tutored by Teacher Jiang. She must have led the team to the county.


  The teacher was familiar with the road, took the children into the car, and went all the way to the county training school.

   This time, Donggang Central Primary School selected nine students to participate in the competition, divided into three groups.

   Among them, the two groups with the best performance on weekdays represent the small center.

  A group with slightly worse results simply represented the village competition.

  Among the students who came back to participate in the competition, there are many girls, and there are only two boys among the nine students.

  As a result, accommodation is not very easy to arrange.


   "I remember that there is a big room on the third floor? It seems that there are more than ten beds in it?

   Otherwise, give us that room, so the children can review together. "

  Mr. Jiang thought for a while, and mentioned it to the teacher in charge of board and lodging.

   "Huh? We live together?"

  The students were also in front of them, their eyes widened and their faces were full of surprise when they heard this. It's not good, is it?

   "A bunch of little kids, what's the big deal? I live with you too."

  Mr. Jiang didn't care about that and just made a decision.

  Nine students, she is a teacher, if they live in several houses, she really can't see it.

   It's better to put them all in one room, under her nose, so you can rest assured.

  In the sixth grade of elementary school, most of them are thirteen or fourteen years old.

  Children these days are quite simple and don’t have much other thoughts.

  Since the teacher said to live together, let’s live together.

   Just like that, Teacher Jiang took the children to live in the big room at the top of the third floor.

   Not to mention, this room is really nice, with a total of eighteen beds in it, which is very spacious.

  Because it is a house in Bashan, there are windows on three sides, and the light is good.

  The children liked it very much, so they each chose a bed.

  The beds are two beds next to each other, so the two boys, Yang Haoyu and a man named Li Qiang, chose the two westernmost beds.

  The other girls all chose the beds on the east side.

   Everyone put away their things and go down to eat.

  The game is still divided into two games, the preliminary round on Saturday and the final on Sunday.

  Xu Jinping, Yang Haoyu, and a girl from Class 3, Wang Jingjing, formed a group of three.

  Jiang Chunhong, Li Shuyan from Class 2, and Fang Xiaoping from Class 3 are in a group of three.

  These two groups represent the center’s primary schools.

  Li Qiang, Wang Chunxiu from Class 4, and Huang Xiaoxia from Class 1 represented the village primary school in a team of three.

  Xu Jinping and Yang Haoyu both heard Xu Haiyuan talk about the rules of this competition, especially they are very familiar with the rules of the questions.

   These two kids have never seen any big scenes before, and they are not nervous at all when they are on stage.

  The two of them took Wang Jingjing along and went all the way to the finals, winning the first place.

  As for Jiang Chunhong's group, they failed to pass the preliminary round because the players were too nervous to perform properly.

  The group from the village primary school, because the questions were relatively simple, also reached the finals and won the ranking.

  The competition ended on Sunday morning. After the awards were presented, Mr. Jiang led the children to take pictures.

  Nine students plus one teacher, standing in a row is not pretty, so the two boys squatting on the ground with their certificates count as the first row.

  Mr. Jiang was sitting on a chair, and Xu Jinping and Wang Jingjing were standing next to Mr. Jiang.

  The other five girls stood on the steps.

  Behind Xu Jinping was Jiang Chunhong.

   Just when the camera teacher shouted, "Three, two, one." The last one just exited and was about to press the shutter.

  Xu Jinping felt someone push her from behind, making her body shake.

   Just as she swayed, the flash light was turned on at the same time, and the teacher over there pressed the shutter.

  Xu Jinping was annoyed all of a sudden, and turned her head to stare at Jiang Chunhong.

   "Why are you pushing me? Are you sick? Didn't you just fail to win the prize? As for using these methods?

how? This photo is badly taken, and if it makes me ugly, it will show me, right? "

  When they came to the stage to accept the award, Jiang Chunhong was sneering from below.

   Said that Xu Jinping was lucky, the questions she encountered were easy, but the questions her group got were difficult, so what.

  The meaning inside and outside the words is that he is very unconvinced.

  Xu Jinping and Jiang Chunhong are both in the first class, and Xu Jinping has performed very well in all aspects of the school.

   Not only good academic performance, calligraphy, painting, paper-cutting, composition, singing and dancing, everything is excellent.

  He has been the squad leader since the first grade, and was elected as the head of the school radio station in the third grade. After Xu Haiyuan graduated, he succeeded her brother as the captain of the Young Pioneers.

  Xu Jinping is the monitor, Yang Haoyu is the deputy monitor, and Jiang Chunhong is the school committee member.

  Jiang Chunhong is very good at studying. His father is the director of the food department, and his mother also has a job. His family is good.

  The little girl is also very proud, she is competitive everywhere, and she refuses to accept anyone.

  However, Jiang Chunhong and Xu Jinping are in the same class, no matter how hard Jiang Chunhong tries, they are still a little worse than Xu Jinping.

  Unable to study hard, and her family background is not as good. After a long time, Jiang Chunhong feels unbalanced and always loves to target Xu Jinping.

  People before and after said that Xu Jinping relied on her parents' background.

  If the Xu family hadn't donated so much money to the school, the school wouldn't have made Xu Jinping the captain.

   Xu Jinping has heard of these words, but she just doesn't bother to answer them.

  When Jiang Chunhong sneered just now, Xu Jinping pretended not to hear.

  It's just the jealousy of a brat, it's too cheap to be as knowledgeable as her.

   I really didn't expect that Jiang Chunhong would be so stupid to trip up Xu Jinping on this occasion.

   If Xu Jinping's fiery temper can be tolerated, it would be a strange thing.

  It may be that Xu Jinping didn't care much about Jiang Chunhong in the past, but now she suddenly accused Jiang Chunhong loudly, which shocked Jiang Chunhong.

   "I didn't, it's obvious that you didn't stand firm, why are you relying on me?"

  Jiang Chunhong cried a while ago because she failed to win the award, but now her eyes are still red.

  At this moment, she looked like she was about to cry, which added a bit of tenderness.

   "Teacher Jiang, Xu Jinping has falsely accused me, it's obvious that she didn't stand up for herself."

  Xu Jinping sneered, "Hehe, some people have been crying for a long time, and their brains have been ruined by crying, right?

  I stand on flat ground and you stand on steps.

  If you say that you are not standing firmly, and one accidentally pushed me, the big guys can still believe you.

  You said that I didn't stand firm and falsely accused you? "

  Xu Jinping glanced up and down at Jiang Chunhong with disdain.

   "You can't even lie, how can you play tricks like this?"

  Xu Jinping's fiery temper didn't give Jiang Chunhong any face at all, and mercilessly exposed Xiaobai Lianhua's trick of pretending to be weak and pitiful.

  Jiang Chunhong is just a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, so how can she have so much scheming?

  Just now, it was just a moment of jealousy, and it was a little tricky behind the scenes.

  Being exposed by Xu Jinping face to face at this moment, Jiang Chunhong's face turned pale in an instant, and she muttered and couldn't speak.

   "I, I..." This anxiety made the tears flow even more fiercely.

   "What are you? If you don't agree with my second sister, you can say so.

   Face the drum and face the gong and beat the gong, it's a big deal to compare the eight classics.

  What kind of skill are you doing behind the scenes? Do you still have the face to cry? "

   At this time, Yang Haoyu was also impatient, he put the certificate in his hand into the hand of the boy next to him, and took two steps to walk in front of Xu Jinping.

  He stretched out his hand and dragged Xu Jinping behind him, raised his head and glared angrily at Jiang Chunhong who was on the steps.

  Jiang Chunhong couldn't even handle Xu Jinping, let alone add Yang Haoyu.

   Distraught, Jiang Chunhong cried even harder.

   At this moment, both Teacher Jiang and the teacher who took the photo came back to their senses.

  The two hurried forward and dragged Yang Haoyu and Xu Jinping aside.

   "Look, isn't it just that a photo wasn't taken well? What else is there?

  Come on, come on, let's take another photo.

  Jinping, don’t be angry, come on, stand over here, let’s take another photo. "

   This is in the county, and teachers and students from so many schools around are watching.

   No matter who is right or who is wrong, they can't quarrel at this time and make people laugh.

  So Teacher Jiang immediately pulled Xu Jinping and Yang Haoyu over and comforted them softly.

   Teacher Jiang said so, but Jiang Chunhong was still crying, so Xu Jinping couldn't care less.

  So he gave Jiang Chunhong a blank look, and stood in another place.

  Mr. Jiang coaxed Xu Jinping, then turned to coax Jiang Chunhong.

   "Hurry up, wipe away the tears, the little girl is crying into a big face.

  Teacher knows you didn't mean it, so don't cry. "

  Mr. Jiang said this cleverly. She said that Jiang Chunhong didn't do it on purpose, and she actually agreed with Jiang Chunhong's push.

  Jiang Chunhong, how could a little girl understand the meaning of these words?

  The teacher came to coax her, so she went along with the flow, wiped away her tears, stood on the steps sobbing, and took a new photo with the big guys.

   After taking the photo, Teacher Jiang led the children to the cafeteria for lunch, then packed up and left the training school.

  There were so many students this time, Teacher Jiang didn't dare to let the children go shopping in the department store again, so he took the students straight to the bus station.

  They came early, and the bus took more than an hour to leave.

  One o'clock in the afternoon is hot, and there is no wind in this bus station, so it is hot and stuffy.

   Teacher Jiang saw it, and hurried to buy popsicles for the children, one for each of them, and sat there eating popsicles to cool off.

  Yang Haoyu was clever. Seeing that there was still a long time to go before the departure, he simply went to buy two poker cards and came back to play poker with his classmates on the benches in the waiting room.

   After finally waiting for the ticket check and departure, these children quickly collected their poker, followed Mr. Jiang to line up for ticket check, got on the bus and sat down.

   A group of people returned to Donggang by car. Needless to say, the Xu family prepared dumplings again.

  Knowing that both Xu Jinping and Yang Haoyu had won the award, Xu Chenghou and his wife were very happy, and kept persuading the two children to eat more during dinner.

  The next day is Monday, and the children are all back to school.

  As usual, when the national flag was hoisted on Monday, the principal commended several students who participated in the competition and won prizes.

   But the strange thing is that Jiang Chunhong didn't come to school for class. According to the teacher, she seemed to be sick and asked for sick leave.

   "Second Sister, she is afraid that you will investigate, so she deliberately asked for leave to hide?"

  Yang Haoyu approached Xu Jinping and asked in a low voice.

   "Who knows what happened to her? Maybe it was too hot yesterday?

  Why do you care so much? I didn't expect you to love gossip so much. "Xu Jinping glared at Yang Haoyu and said indifferently.

   "Review well, we have an exam this weekend.

  Small promotion is very important. If you do poorly in the exam, see how I beat you. "

  Xu Jinping treated Yang Haoyu like Xu Haiqing, and was never polite.

  Yang Haoyu scratched his head, "Sister, you still don't believe me? In the exam, I'm just worse than you.

  Then how about we compare this time to see who gets the higher score? "

  The math scores of the two are similar, but Yang Haoyu's Chinese is not as good as Xu Jinping's, and he loses more points in composition, so he always fails Xu Jinping in the exam.

   "Okay, let's compare, let's see who has the higher grade this time?"

  Xu Jinping became interested, so she made an appointment with Yang Haoyu, and Xiao Shengchu's results were revealed.

  Jiang Chunhong took two days off and did not come back to class until the day the class photo was taken.

  No one in the class mentioned the competition, and Xu Jinping even ignored Jiang Chunhong, which made Jiang Chunhong heave a sigh of relief.

  This year's junior promotion is scheduled for June 29th, which happens to be Saturday.

  The two subjects were easily passed, and the children relaxed and prepared for the party happily.

  The children sang and danced together all morning on Sunday. At the end of the party, the head teacher told the children that they would come to school to listen to their grades in a few days.

   And told the children to help the family with more work during the holidays, and not to go to Dapaozi and Hetao to avoid danger.

  This is a lesson of blood and tears. Now every summer vacation, the teachers will give thousands of instructions to prevent the children from going to dangerous places.

   As for whether these brats will listen or not, I don’t know.

  Anyway, the teacher has done his best, if this happens again, it is purely because the child is disobedient.

   "Second Sister, what are you going to do after the holiday?" Yang Haoyu asked excitedly after leaving school with Xu Jinping.

   "No matter where you go this time, you don't want to leave me.

  Last year, you went to the south for the Chinese New Year, but you didn’t pick me up. "

  Yang Haoyu has been used to being with Xu's children these years, and stays at Xu's house every holiday, not even going back to his own home.

  Last year during the Chinese New Year, Xu Shiyan's family was in Yangcheng, but Yang Haoyu was in a hurry. It was too boring for him to be at home alone.

  So this time, without waiting for anything, Yang Haoyu made it clear that he should not be left behind this year.

   "I don't know, I haven't heard from my parents." Xu Jinping shook her head, she didn't know where to go.

   "Let me ask later, we have nothing to do this holiday, we don't even have a holiday homework, we should go out and have fun."

  After being asked by Yang Haoyu, Xu Jinping also became interested.

  Yeah, the vacation is so long and there is no homework, why don't you take the opportunity to go out and play?

  In the evening, after everyone had finished their dinner, Xu Jinping remembered Yang Haoyu's question and asked her parents.

   "Where are we going to play? Hey, I haven't thought about this before."

  Xu Shiyan was stunned when he heard what his daughter said. The couple really didn't think about it.

   "That year when your brother was promoted to junior high school, we went back to our hometown. This time you are promoted to junior high school, you should go out and have fun."

   Xu Shiyan thought about it, and it really made sense.

   It is rare for the children to have no homework during the holidays, so they can relax. It is time to take the children out for a walk and learn a lot.

   Recommend this new book, Deyun Sociological Crosstalk.



  (end of this chapter)
