Chapter 697 Ancestor Worship

  After sending away Qu Jiacheng, Gao Mingyuan, and the cadres of Qingshangou Township, Jiang Fuhai and others helped send back the tables, chairs and other objects to each family.

   Then arranged for the members of the Xu family to stay.

  Xu Chenghou and his wife lived in the east room with Xu Shiquan and his wife, while Xu Shixian lived in the west room with his wife and children.

  Xu Shian and his brothers lived in other families in Shijiagou with their wives and children.

   It is more convenient to live separately. After all, although each family has enough space to live in, it does not necessarily have so many bedding.

  The children had a good time playing during the day, but they slept late, and they slept soundly this night.


   When I woke up in the morning, I had a few mosquito bags on my body.

   This is also normal. There are many mountains and forests in Shijiagou, and there must be many mosquitoes.

  Xu Shiyan saw the children scratching in pain and itchiness, so he told them to wash their faces quickly, and put medicine on their faces after washing.

  In the past, at the end of Shijiagou, there were very few people with washbasins at home.

  There is a small river ditch in front of the door. No matter whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, you can wash your face as soon as you go out and squat by the river.

  Now that life is better, there is a washbasin at home, but I seldom use it.


  Following Hu Chunhua's instructions, the children squatted on the edge of the small river, and washed their faces with two handfuls of water.

  The water in the ditch is clear and cold. After washing my face, I wake up immediately, which is very comfortable.

  After the children finished washing their faces, Xu Shiyan took out the ointment and applied it on them.

   Not to mention, after the ointment is applied, it feels cool and cool, and it doesn't itch so much.

  The children are all skinny, so they don't care about that, they are playing around in the garden.

  Breakfast was eaten at Xu Shiquan's side. After dinner, Xu Shixian and others went to the village store and bought some incense, burning paper and other items.


  The people took their things and followed the path that Xu Haibo and the others took up the mountain yesterday, turned south, and came to the Xu family's ancestral grave.

   Several generations of the Xu family are buried here. Xu Shiquan's parents are currently at the bottom, and Xu Chenghou's parents are in the row above.

  It is different from the customs in Donggang. The graves here are very small, and the small graves are very inconspicuous.

   There is no stele in front of the grave, except for the tomb gate built with three stones, there is nothing else.

  Xu Shixian and the others were puzzled, so they asked Guilan next week in a low voice. Zhou Guilan said that this is the custom here.

  Xu Chenghou led his children and grandchildren to the grave of his parents, placed offerings, lit incense and burned paper.

   In front of the other graves, some burnt paper was also distributed.

  The old man was still murmuring something.

   It is nothing more than asking parents to forgive him for not being able to come back these years.

   Then, let the sons come forward and introduce them one by one. As for the grandchildren, they are not even adults yet, so don’t come forward.

   "Father, mother, I have brought my son and grandson back to see you.

  Old Xu's family is really promising in this generation.

  The son was foolish and ruined his family business, so he had to leave his hometown and go to Fusong.

   At any rate, it is a way out, and the children also have jobs and prospects.

  If parents know about it, they will bless their children to be prosperous and promising in the future. "

  As Xu Chenghou spoke, he fiddled with the pile of burnt paper with a stick.

  Most of the burnt paper in this year is still the kind of thick grass paper, which smokes a lot when it is lit.

  Maybe because of the smoke, Xu Chenghou's eyes were a little red, so he raised his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes.

  Xu Shixian and others saw this, hurried forward and helped Xu Chenghou to stand up.

   Then he took the stick in Xu Chenghou's hand, and fiddled with the burning paper bit by bit, so that the burning paper could be fully burned.

  After all the paper is burnt and turned into black ash, use a stick to poke it away to ensure that no sparks are left.

  Although the vegetation is lush in July, it is generally not easy to catch fire, so you have to be careful, in case something happens, it will be terrible.

   "Come on, kowtow to your grandparents."

  Xu Chenghou and Zhou Guilan were in front, brothers Xu Shixian led their wives in the second row, and Xu Jinfeng and Xu Haibo led their brothers and sisters in the third row.

   Together they kowtowed three times to the ancestors of the Xu family before getting up.

  Xu Chenghou spilled wine in front of the grave, and Zhou Guilan also took apart the offerings, that's what it meant.

   The ancestor worship ceremony is not very complicated, and it will be over here.

  Xu Chenghou muttered a few more words, and then walked back with his children and grandchildren.

   There is another small grave on the way, where Xu Chenghou's first daughter-in-law is buried.

  died at a young age, unable to enter the ancestral grave, so buried outside.

  Xu Chenghou stepped forward to burn some paper, didn't say anything, just watched the paper burnt quietly, Xu Shixian and the others came over to salute, and everyone went down the mountain together.

   After visiting the grave to worship the ancestors, the purpose of this trip to my hometown has been achieved, so I don’t have much thought, so I should go back.

  Which one would have thought, before they were about to leave, Qu Jiacheng and Gao Mingyuan hurried over again.

   "Uncle Xu, brother Xu, that, you must go to the county today.

   Dandong called just now, and someone will be arranged to answer it.

  The leader said, no matter what I say today, I can’t let you just leave like this. "

  It turned out that the two drank a lot last night and woke up late this morning.

   After breakfast, Qu Jiacheng thought about it, so he called the city and talked to the leader.

  As a result, when the city leaders heard this, they immediately said that Qu Jiacheng and the others must keep the person behind, and they will arrange someone to come and pick them up.

  You must know that last winter, Yishenchang imported a lot of seafood from Dandong, and the price was not low.

   Those fishermen who went out to sea took the money and had a good year.

   It is said that Xu Shiyan is here, so the leaders of the relevant departments should not invite Xu Shiyan to sit down, have a meal and chatter or something?

   Not to mention anything else, if I can buy another batch of seafood this winter, wouldn’t I be able to earn another fortune?

  So let Qu Jiacheng and the others over there, make sure to keep Xu Shiyan and his party behind, and let them go without saying anything.

  Qu Jiacheng and others received the task assigned by the leader, so what are they talking about? Hurry up and drive over, just in time.

   Xu Shiyan and his party originally planned to say goodbye to Xu Shiquan and the others, and then go to Qingshan Lake to have a look.

  Walk around for a stroll, and stay in Huanren at night.

  Get up early tomorrow and go back to Tonghua, then go to Yuhuang Mountain to have a look, and you will be home the day after tomorrow.

  Who would have thought that before they left, Qu Jiacheng and the others came back and said they would come from the city to pick them up.

   Xu Shiyan was also very helpless when he made such a commotion. When he came out this time, no one who said it was Niao Qinger was alarmed, but no one escaped.

   "Brother, how many days have you all asked for leave? Can you go back later?

  How about you go back first? How many more days will I stay here with my parents? "

  It’s easy to say anything else, the key point is that Xu Shixian and Xu Shixiang both borrowed cars from their units, so how can it be said that they were delayed outside for too long?

   "I just took four days off." Xu Shixian and the others looked at each other and said.

  July 15th is a Saturday. There is no such thing as weekends and months this year, only Sundays.

  So they all invited Saturday, and Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, a total of four days.

  Originally, I thought it would be a total of five days including Sunday, and it would be quite easy to play back and forth on the road.

  But no one expected that these situations would happen.

  If we go to Dandong again, we may not be able to go back someday. How can this work?

  The holiday can be extended if you talk about it. This car is not good. How can you drive the car of the unit for several days without going back?

  (end of this chapter)
