Chapter 15 Dead Enemy

  Su Weizhong sent Su Anmin and Su Anfang away, and sent Xu Shiyan and his wife to Xianrenqiao Station together.

  Before getting into the car, Su Anfang hugged her second sister, very reluctant to part with her.

   It was Su Anying who agreed, and would come back often in the future, so Su Anfang finally let go.

  Waiting goodbye to her siblings, Su Anying followed Xu Shiyan back to Dongjiang by car.

  After returning home, the lives of the young couple got back on track.

  Every morning, Xu Shiyan gets up early to collect fishing nets by the river.


  There are a lot of fish in the river, and Xu Shiyan is especially good at picking places to catch them, so he gets something every time.

   Expensive fish such as slender scale fish or Aohua are hidden for sale.

  Carp or grass carp, take it home and stew it to add another dish, and make the dinner table richer.

  When the production team has work, the young couple will work together in the field to earn work points.

  When he was not alive, Xu Shiyan went into the mountains, or collected firewood or herbs, anyway, he had something to do.

  A week later, Xu Shiyan asked for leave from the production team, and once again sent fish to the Songjiang River with baskets on his back.


  This time he brought not only fish, but also a few catties of big crayfish to the guy surnamed Guo.

   Sure enough, Fatty Guo was very happy to see the cricket cricket, and he quickly collected the fish. After finishing the accounts, the two divided the money as last time.

  Xu Shiyan divided more than 50 yuan, went to the store happily, and bought a bunch of things that didn't require tickets.

   With two cooperations, the next thing will be smoother.

   Fatty Guo directly explained to the guard, kitchen, and cashier that they must not embarrass Xu Shiyan. The fish that Xu Shiyan sent was directly weighed and counted, and no one was allowed to deduct it.

  Of course, Xu Shiyan is also a human being, and he gave these people some things like crickets and small river fish, which made them all very happy.


   The ones who come and go are familiar, and the ones who call each other are quite close.

  Xu Shiyan separated when he first got married. In fact, many people outside were waiting to see the joke.

  In the eyes of outsiders, Xu Shiyan is listless and has no temper, and his work is average, and his work points are more than that of women.

   Apart from some medical skills, he has no strengths.

   Such a person dared to separate from the family on the second day of marriage. Everyone said that he was coaxed into a daze by his wife.

  Little young people don't know that life is difficult, and they separate when their heads get hot. Life will be difficult in the future, and it is too late to regret.

  But the big guys waited and waited, and Xu Shiyan and his wife cried before they came.

   I just saw that Su Anying was fatter than when she first got married, and her complexion was getting better and better.

   Occasionally, when working far away from home, the young couple brought a hearty meal, and Su Anying also dressed well on weekdays.

  Looking at this, Xu Shiyan and his wife not only did not suffer from the separation of the family, but it seemed that the better they got over? What's going on?

  There was a very trustworthy person, so I asked around, wanting to know how Xu Shiyan and his wife lived so happily?

  Things in this world, as long as they have been done, there will always be traces. If others pay attention, they can always see some clues.

  Xu Shiyan asked for leave every few days and went to Songjianghe with a big basket on his back.

  Someone saw it and said that when they left, they were full of fish, and when they came back, they were filled with miscellaneous supplies.

   Needless to say, Xu Shiyan must have caught the fish and sold it at the Songjianghe market.

   Now, many people start to get greedy, and some people learn to catch fish and go to the market.

   It turned out to be unlucky, and those who were kicked out would run away, not to mention that the fish was not sold, and people were almost arrested.

  So, the big guy was even more puzzled, how did Xu Shiyan manage to sell fish every time he went there?

   "Yo, third brother Xu, today he asked for leave to sell fish in Songjiang River again? Third brother has the ability, he can sell it when he goes back. It's amazing."

  One morning in August, Xu Shiyan had just boarded the boat with his back basket on his back, when another person came behind him.

   They all lived in the same village, so Xu Shiyan certainly knew each other. Chen Deyong, the second son of the old Chen family of the Dongjiangyan Brigade.

  Xu's family lives in the east of the village, with three rooms and five sons. The Chen family lived in the west of the village, with three rooms and five sons.

  Both are in the same team, so it is inevitable to be compared and discussed.

  The sons of the Xu family are all tall and strong, while the sons of the Chen family are short and thin, acting like monkeys.

  The sons of the Xu family are all very capable, even Xu Shiyan is diligent and diligent, and lives a special life. The days of the Xu family are prosperous, and they are one of the best in the village.

   And the Chen family were hiding traitors, playing tricks, and doing nothing. They were allowed to live at home that day, and they wished that they could eat the last meal without the next meal.

   The Chen family didn't talk about it, but they had to compare in their hearts. The more they compared, the more jealous they became.

  In the previous life, Xu Shiyan's eldest brother and second brother moved to Songjianghe in 1979, the fourth brother Xu Shide also moved to the Hebei brigade, and the fifth child was admitted to university.

  Four of the five brothers left, only Xu Shiyan was left alone along the Dongjiang River.

  After the land was divided into households, Chen Desheng, the boss of the Chen family, was unwilling to stay in the village to farm the land, and went out to make a living.

   Having been around for a few years and getting rich, I went back to the village and trembled. The brothers of the Chen family also took advantage of their elder brother's power to run rampant in the village to retaliate.

  Many people in the village were bullied and moved away, and the position of Secretary Zhao Dahai was also squeezed out, and he simply moved away with his family.

  Xu Shiyan couldn't stay in the big house anymore, so he had to move out.

   "No, I just went to visit relatives."

  The Chen family is full of bad things. This kid must not be holding his farts well. Xu Shiyan doesn't want to talk to him, so he just talks casually.

   "Third brother, do you see that you are out of touch? Which of us brothers is with whom? Are you still hiding it here?

  You guys already knew about the fact that you went to Songjiang River to sell fish. "

   "Third brother, there is a business to make money, at least he has a younger brother with him, and they all live in the same village, at least he will help him."

  Chen Deyong glanced at Xu Shiyan's back basket. There were quite a lot of fish in it, but he didn't know how much he could sell it for?

   Money, that’s a good thing, if only he could earn it.

  Xu Shiyan's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled faintly, "I see that Uncle Chen has grown a lot of yellow smoke this year. With so much smoke, can Uncle smoke it all by himself?"

  Big houses produce yellow smoke. Although they were not allowed to grow it due to policy reasons a few years ago, ordinary people also grow it in private.

  The vegetable gardens and private plots in front of and behind the house, except for a la carte, are mostly planted with yellow smoke.

  There are so many yellow smokes, do you really think you keep them at home? In fact, they are all dried and sold in Songjiang River or the county.

  The yellow cigarettes in the big house are easy to smoke, and the price is not low. They all point to the yellow cigarettes for some money.

  The Chen family is at the west end of the village. There is a large vegetable garden in the area. Who is blind to see the yellow smoke in the vegetable garden?

  That is to say, Zhao Dahai is a good person, don't care about the Chen family, and try another brigade cadre? The tail was already cut off.

  So, as soon as Xu Shiyan said this, Chen Deyong's face immediately changed, "Well, we have many relatives, and they all know that the cigarettes here are good, so let us ask for it.

  Don’t you know about my dad? It's a good face, and he's too embarrassed not to give it to someone who wants it, so it's a little bit more. "

  Chen Deyong knows best about his own family affairs, and when Xu Shiyan pointed it out in person, Chen Deyong's face was a bit uneasy.

   "Isn't it? My family also has many relatives in Songjianghe and Donggang.

  People know that there are a lot of fine scale fish in our Xijiang River. If I want a few, can I not give them? "Xu Shiyan responded directly to the other party's words.

  (end of this chapter)
