Yazhou is located in the southwest of Yizhou. According to the information in Yuan Shoucheng's diary, the transport ship flew to that place after losing control. The expedition team followed the clues provided by Li Yin and searched through Yazhou to the west of the mountain. And go.

  After five days of trekking, Li Yin, Qin Huaiyu and his party had arrived in Yazhou. After a short rest in Yazhou, they continued to advance towards the mountains, and soon found the marks left by the expedition team.

  Looking at the endless primitive jungle in front of him, Li Yin frowned. Trekking in such a primitive jungle, not to mention encountering enemies, even facing various natural creatures would cause casualties to the army.

   "Qin Huaiyu!" Li Yin shouted when the army stopped in front of the jungle.

  Qin Huaiyu was exploring in the edge of the mountain forest, when he heard Li Yin's voice, he immediately returned and said, "Your Highness, what orders do you have?"

"Arrange the soldiers using the flashlights at the front, the back and the middle. The jungle is so dark, and many things can't be seen clearly and are prone to danger." Li Yin ordered. Although many supermarkets were raided, Li Yin still didn't get A lot of flashlights can only be allocated to the elite troops to concentrate superior resources.

  Qin Huaiyu replied yes, and then asked the messenger to give the order. Turning around, Qin Huaiyu said again: "Your Highness, you should not go in? Just wait for us to go in, there will be no problems with so many people."


   "You have to go in sooner or later, it's all the same." Li Yin touched the golden key hanging around his neck and said, some things must be activated by him himself.

Sighing heavily, Qin Huaiyu was quite helpless. Now that there is no one missing in Yizhou, Li Yin cannot be missing, so he is under great pressure. If Li Yin has any troubles, he has to hold his head Going back, "Forward!". Qin Huaiyu roared, and then he returned to Li Yin's side, intending to protect Li Yin all the way to avoid accidents.

Compared with modern times, the natural environment in the Tang Dynasty was very excellent, and there were undeveloped primitive jungles everywhere. After all, there were only 20 to 30 million people in the vast land at that time, and the restrictions of various tools made people dare not to use them. It is easy to walk into the jungle, because the number of wolves, tigers and leopards in Li Yin is too large, and the animal density is not much comparable to the animal density of contemporary zoos.

   Walk through the sparse jungle area ahead. The weeds and trees in the jungle began to become denser, and the sunlight could only shine through the thick leaves in the jungle through limited gaps, but this weak light and heat could not dispel the darkness and the entanglement of the jungle at all. The damp smell of rotting vegetation.

  The reconnaissance soldiers were looking for the marks left by the expedition team, and came back from time to time to report the situation, otherwise the army would not dare to advance rashly. If they got lost in such a huge forest, they would be finished without the barbarians.

   After a day of trekking. The army still hadn't arrived at the position of the transport plane, so Li Yin had no choice but to order to rest in the jungle for one night before moving on. After a day of hard trekking in the jungle, the soldiers were exhausted. Dozens of people gathered in a circle, found some firewood in the jungle and lit a bonfire.


   "I didn't expect that place to be so far away!" Qin Huaiyu complained, he would have no temper if it was a war, but there are invisible enemies everywhere in this jungle. Along the way, many soldiers were not bitten by poisonous insects, and their bodies were swollen a lot, if it weren't for the war doctors accompanying the team. I am afraid that there will be many casualties of soldiers just today.

Li Yin recalled the words of the expedition team member, "It took the expedition team three days to walk out of this forest. Now that they have a route to advance, we should be able to go much faster than them. Now go back and have a good rest. Maybe we will go back tomorrow." I can arrive."

Nodded, Qin Huaiyu was also tired after being terrified all day and only relying on two legs, fell asleep in Li Yin's tent and fell asleep after a while, saying that he wanted to protect Li Yin personally, which made Li Yin very helpless, Just his loud snoring is enough to kill him.

   Based on the map, he studied the route provided by the expedition team, and after confirming that he was not going astray, Li Yin put down the map and was about to go to sleep. Suddenly, there were dense gunshots and shouts from soldiers outside just as he lay down.

  Qin Huaiyu woke up suddenly, grabbed the silver gun beside him and rushed out. Li Yin also rushed out with the submachine gun he had just put down in his hand.

"What's going on?" The light of the flashlight outside the tent was very mixed at this time, but all of them were shining into the depths of the jungle. Even the soldiers used portable flashlights. Things that are a few meters away can be clearly photographed. Li Yin explained that he should not use it until the critical moment, because there is no place to charge it, but at this time the soldiers still took it out, which must be very dangerous.


Qin Huaiyu was talking to a soldier at this time, when he saw Li Yin coming out, his face was serious, and he said: "We have been attacked, and a regiment far away from the army has lost more than half, but the attackers did not please us, leaving a Hundreds of corpses."

   "Go and have a look!" Li Yin also had a serious face when he heard Qin Huaiyu's words. Now it's the enemy's darkness, and they are completely other people's targets in the dark night.

  Qin Huaiyu nodded and let the soldier lead the way, while he looked around vigilantly and escorted Li Yin forward.

When he arrived at the accident site, Li Yin saw the casualties, as well as the barbarians mentioned by the expedition team members. These people were all wearing fur clothes, including deer skin, tiger skin, wolf skin and so on. Fur, even Li Yin saw a piece of black and white fur, very similar to the skin of a giant panda, and these people are all dark-skinned, with blood-like horizontal bloodstains on their faces.

   "Your Highness, this is the weapon they use." Qin Huaiyu handed the long spear to Li Yin.

  The length of this spear is about 1.5 meters. It is pure wood, but the end of the spear is very sharp and dark green. It is obvious that something has been smeared on it. "How about the wounded soldier?"

   "They were so stiff that they couldn't move at all, and the war doctor couldn't do anything about it," Qin Huaiyu said.

Li Yin nodded, and it turned out that what the expedition team members said was exactly the same, and according to the expedition team members, this kind of toxin seemed to be incapable of killing people, and the barbarians took advantage of it to capture the living explorers. went back.

"Tell the soldiers not to take off their armor!" Li Yin glanced at the corpses on the ground. None of the soldiers in this regiment were wearing plate armor. They must have taken off because they felt disgusted and uncomfortable at night. Otherwise, with these wooden spears , How could these barbarians hurt soldiers wearing plate armor.

  Qin Huaiyu was also a little annoyed, and scolded the captain of the regiment, saying that he would go back and settle the score with him after autumn. The captain was also extremely guilty, and a big man cried like a child.

Li Yin sighed when he saw this. During this period of time, the Yizhou army won a series of victories in a series of wars, and the victories were very easy, which made the soldiers relax their vigilance. After returning, he must kill this kind of atmosphere. Otherwise, arrogant soldiers will be defeated. The Japanese army was so elite back then, and they were still defeated by civilians with machetes in some battles, not to mention that he was still in the era of cold weapon tactics.

  Because of this incident, the soldiers dared not be careless. They all put on armor, and the number of patrols increased several times. They patrolled the temporary barracks back and forth, and the light of the flashlight did not shoot into the jungle.

The soldiers who went to chase were called back by Li Yin. Even if they had a flashlight, it would be a disadvantage if they went out to chase at night. After all, this was in the territory of barbarians, and there might be traps everywhere. Understand, the transport plane is not far away from them.

  Because of the increased security, or the counterattack of the soldiers made the barbarians feel scared, there were no other unexpected incidents in the second half of the night.

  The next day, early in the morning, Li Yin ordered to continue to advance. On the way, as the expedition team said, they encountered many traps, but some soldiers were injured because they were all wearing thick armor, but there were no casualties.

Li Yin and Qin Huaiyu walked in the middle and front of the team. With the heavy protection of the soldiers, it was even safer. Just as Li Yin calculated last night, after another two hours of trekking, the soldiers suddenly heard from the front. Cheers, the brightness in the woods is getting bigger and bigger.

  Li Yan's face showed a touch of joy, they finally arrived at their destination. (To be continued..)
