Chapter 714 Victory

  After Wang Hongzhi broke through the space crack, a shallow crack appeared on the chest of the armor on his body.

  The space crack behind him remained the same, and was not affected by him.

   After breaking through this space crack, Wang Hong's escape speed increased sharply again, and he rushed forward at high speed.

  The thorn demon chasing behind him was already about to catch up with Wang Hong, and if the two sides got closer by more than ten feet, they would be able to attack and entangle Wang Hong.

  At this time, seeing that Wang Hong had jumped over the wall in a hurry, and accelerated his escape speed again, he couldn't help feeling anxious, and also accelerated to catch up.

  Suddenly, the thorn demon felt a pain in his chest, and then he saw the half of his body below the chest rush forward a few steps, and was divided into several pieces by the space crack, and fell to the ground.


  At the same time, the upper half of the Sting Demon's body also fell from midair, hit a space crack, and cut off a shoulder.

  Even if he is a master at assassinating demons, in this secret realm full of dangers, as long as he is negligent, he may die.

  Originally, during the pursuit, he had been carefully paying attention to every position Wang Hong walked through, including the posture when he passed each position.

   There is also Wang Hong using spirit bees to detect space cracks, he can still see them from such a small distance

  So when he passes the same place, he only needs to probe a little bit, pay attention to the space cracks that swim, and then imitate Wang Hong's posture when passing through, so as to avoid the space cracks.

  But he didn't expect that Wang Hong's armor could resist the cutting of the space crack, Wang Hong directly hit it with his body.


   This caused a misjudgment for the thorn demon. He thought that there was no space crack in that place, so he also slammed into the space crack with the same attitude.

   It turned out to be a tragedy for him. He had just made great progress in cultivation, and he hadn't shown off in front of his colleagues. An oversight was explained here.

  After the upper half of the demon's body fell to the ground, a ferocious primordial spirit of the demon race flew out of the body.

  Glaring at Wang Hong with resentment, he picked up a bracelet on his body, turned and fled.

  Although he has transformed into a great consummation of the gods, his soul is powerful, and he can survive without the body for a long time.

  However, the primordial spirit without a physical body has only two choices. One is to seize the body, but it is difficult to find a suitable physical body.


  Based on his Dzogchen cultivation base, his slightly weaker physical body could not bear his powerful primordial spirit at all, and his powerful physical body was not easy to take away.

  The other is to leave the physical body directly and practice with the soul, but this road is more difficult.

  Wang Hong found that the trap he had set really worked, and the demons in the rear had already been caught, so he quickly turned around and chased him back.

   After being chased for so long just now, now that he has the upper hand, how can he let it go.

  The Primordial Spirit is not dragged down by the physical body, so the speed is naturally more than doubled. However, in this secret realm, there are dense space cracks everywhere, and the speed advantage of the Assassin Demon Primordial Spirit cannot be exerted at all.

  This time, it became the stinger exploring the way in front, and Wang Hong chasing and killing in the rear, taking full advantage.

   Moreover, relying on the protection of the armor, Wang Hong is more comfortable in chasing the demon than the assassin. It is only a matter of time before he catches up.

  Although he is in the state of primordial spirit, when he encounters a crack in space, he will also split the primordial spirit.

  The Assassin was only left with his primordial spirit, and he had no strength in his body. He didn't dare to ask for help from his two companions during his escape, and he didn't even flee in the direction of the two companions.

  He was afraid that in his current state, it would be even more dangerous to return to his companions.

  So he fled farther and farther in the opposite direction, gradually getting out of the scope of both parties' spiritual consciousness.

  At this time, Wang Hong realized that he had already left the range of spiritual consciousness of the people behind him, and he no longer concealed the characteristic of the armor that can defend against space cracks.

  His speed suddenly increased several times, and he no longer deliberately avoided space cracks, chasing forward in a straight line.

   "You! You can defend against space cracks!"

  The Assassin Demon Primordial Spirit was already terrified at this moment. He had been wondering before that the route he took was obviously the same as that of Wang Hong, even the posture when passing. It made no sense that Wang Hong could pass, but he could not.

   This time he finally understood what was going on, it turned out that this person had such a rare treasure in his hands.

  It can defend against space cracks and resist the cutting force that belongs to the law of space, at least it is a treasure that contains the laws of heaven and earth.

  This kind of treasure is extremely important for every cultivator who transforms himself into a god. Understanding the laws of heaven and earth above can enhance his understanding of the laws.

  If you use the law of heaven and earth in battle, it will be even more powerful.

   After Wang Hong accelerated, he caught up with the Assassin Demon Primordial Spirit in just a split second.

  I saw him stretch out a hand, which was in the shape of a claw, and countless red vines transformed by mana spread forward.

  The Assassin Demon Primordial Spirit wanted to resist, but faced with the vines, it was as if he had fallen into a swamp, and was finally completely restrained.

  Wang Hong just approached, took out a thin black needle and pierced it through the head of the stabbing demon's primordial spirit.

  The Assassin Demon Primordial Spirit suddenly completely lost the ability to resist, and was put into a jade box by Wang Hong and sealed.

  At this time, he looked at a black bracelet that fell on the ground. This should be a magic weapon for storage, but it is a magic weapon. It is a little different from the magic weapon used by the human race, and it takes some effort to open it.

   It happened that he just got half of a fairy fruit and a branch. He hadn't had time to deal with these, so he needed to find a hidden place to deal with them a little bit.

  Looking up, there were some rocks nearby, and there were no caves, so he simply used the technique of escaping to escape into the ground.

   Then it stopped at a depth of more than a hundred feet underground, dug soil underground, opened a wall to create an underground space, and then arranged a concealment formation.

  After arranging all this, he first entered the space and found the fairy fruit tree branch.

   This branch was thrown into the space by him, and it has been in there for more than a month. Since it has been in contact with the soil of the space, it has not withered, and it still maintains a vigorous vitality.

   However, no roots have grown. If other spiritual plants were thrown on the ground for a month, they would have taken root and sprouted long ago.

  Due to too dense cracks in the space, the branch he picked was only three or four inches long and thick with chopsticks, but it was enough for cuttings and planting.

  From this branch, I can feel the fairy air, and there are two fairy tree leaves like willow leaves on it.

  Wang Hong studied it carefully, then found a place to insert it into the soil of the space, one inch into the soil, and two inches outside.

  After planting the fairy fruit branches, he came out of the space, and he was going to taste what the fairy fruit was like.

  Although he only got half of an immature fairy fruit, it was still too advanced for a cultivator like him who only had the stage of transforming into a god.

  He strengthened the surrounding array again, and then took out half of the fairy fruit.

  This kind of fairy fruit is the size of a fist, it is jade white in color, there are some light red patterns on it, and it exudes a very attractive fragrance.
