Chapter 679 Ten Years

  After the approval of the Qizhou Island Development Plan, everyone was excited.

  If such a large Qizhou Island is planted with all kinds of spiritual plants, the spiritual things produced every year can at least double the income of the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom.

  Wang Hong secretly calculated that if Qizhou Island is fully developed, the annual harvest will not be less than his space.

  After all, his space is only more than 300 mu. If other advantages are ignored, the output value is equivalent to more than 100,000 mu of Lingtian.

   "It's just right, I have traveled abroad this time and bought a lot of seedlings of the spiritual medicine and fruit. Xu Lun, please prepare some places for now, and I will give you the seedlings when the time comes."

  Wang Hong intends to cultivate a batch of seedlings before retreating. Lingzhi seedlings are the most difficult to survive. If he cultivates them in the space for a few years, he can save a lot of trouble.


  The people then discussed many specific matters. After all, Wang Hong’s retreat may take decades this time, and many things need to be discussed in advance and corresponding arrangements should be made.

  After the meeting, Wang Hong went back to the harem and ate some spiritual food. Unexpectedly, Mu Xianzi was also good at making spiritual food. The several delicacies he made were very suitable for him.

  After that, he returned to the secret room and entered the space again. Now the space has been filled with all kinds of spiritual plants, so he can only temporarily clear out a large area for seedling cultivation.

  Since the space has increased to 365 acres, the area has not increased.

  He has tried many methods, and even consumed a high-grade spirit stone and wasted a spirit vein for this, but there was no result, so he could only put it down temporarily and wait for a chance later.

  He has stored some of the seeds of each elixir in the space, and this time it will come in handy.


  He only intends to cultivate high-level elixir seedlings this time. Although these elixir have a longer growth period, they are more beneficial to the long-term development of the forces in the future.

  Although high-level elixir can be bought in Fengwu Continent, the supply is not particularly sufficient, and it is difficult to buy in large quantities. Once anything is scarce, it will be sold at sky-high prices.

  Wang Hong entered the warehouse in the space, where there are many shelves, and every item on the shelf is labeled.

  The things inside are really his collections. All kinds of rare spiritual objects collected from the outside world, some high-level and even ten thousand-year elixir harvested in the space are all in it.

  Find a few boxes for storing seeds inside, pick out some third- and fourth-order elixir seeds, and sprinkle them into the cleared space.

  As for the first- and second-tier elixir, these elixir grow fast, are easy to manage, and have a large market demand. Qizhou Island will naturally plant a large number of these elixir, but these elixir can be cultivated by Xu Lun and the others themselves.


  One month later, before Wang Hong was about to formally retreat, he met Xu Lun and handed him a batch of elixir seedlings.

  Xu Lun opened it and found that they were all high-level elixir, and they were all seeds that had grown for about thirty years.

  He was worrying about this a few days ago. It is easier to cultivate the first and second level of elixir, but the third and above elixir is not only difficult to cultivate, even the seeds are hard to find.

   Activated the power of the Great Chu Immortal Kingdom on the Fengwu Continent, and searched quietly for a month, but didn't get much.

   I didn't expect His Majesty to have thought of this problem long ago, and had already solved it.

   "In addition, I have also bred a new variety of Linggu, you can try to plant some.

  However, this spiritual valley may also require special soil to grow.

  I also prepared some spiritual soil, which can improve the soil. You can sprinkle some in the spiritual field to improve the adaptability of various spiritual plants. "

   As he spoke, Wang Hong took out another bag of spiritual grains to make seeds for Xu Lun.

   This is the result of the spiritual valley in the space after several mutations. Before the spiritual valley mutated, it became bigger and bigger. When the volume reached a certain level, it became smaller and smaller.

  Up to now, the volume of this kind of spiritual grain is only slightly larger than ordinary rice grains, but the spiritual power contained in each grain of spiritual rice is extremely huge.

   It's just that, this kind of spiritual valley, he tried many kinds of environments in the outside world, but he couldn't grow it alive. He can only survive by mixing some space soil into the spiritual field.

   Therefore, when Wang Hong handed over the space soil of several large storage bags to Xu Lun, he solemnly confessed: "The preparation of these spiritual soils is not easy, and they can only be used in Qizhou Island, and no leakage is allowed."

  When Xu Lun left with the seedlings and the spiritual soil, Wang Hong told Mu Xianzi a few more words, asking her to practice honestly in the harem and not to cause trouble.

   Next, Wang Hong entered the secret room, opened up numerous formations, and began a long process of retreat.

  One month after Wang Hong retreated, Zhang Chunfeng led more than 500 people into the secret realm of Wanguizong.

  Due to limited manpower, apart from assigning some people to guard the entrance, the rest of them are high-ranking monks, so they can only go to the elixir garden to take care of the spirit field, and plant the elixir in the elixir field first.

  One year after Wang Hong retreated, Liu Changsheng found the traces of the Scarlet-Eyed Pirates, whose den was actually on an island very close to Fengwu Continent.

   Immediately organized more than a thousand elites to raid the red-eyed bandit dens.

  Many monks nearby witnessed this battle at that time. More than a thousand monks in black robes suddenly appeared over an inconspicuous island like gods and demons.

  With great strength and lightning speed, the black-robed monks who were watching the excitement have not figured out what is going on, but the den of the red-eyed bandit has been wiped out.

  Then they saw the black-robed monk collect and scrape the loot, then walk away, disappearing without a trace.

  Afterwards, some immortal cultivators boarded the island and found that there was no one alive on the island, and even the little spirit chickens raised by the monks on the island were killed and taken away.

  The original monks on the island were all beheaded, and their bones and ashes were scattered, not even a single corpse was left.

  In broad daylight, under the watchful eyes of everyone, they committed murder, arson, and robbery, and the methods were cruel and outrageous.

  However, among the monks watching the excitement, there are many wise people. Based on the clues left on the island, they discovered that the monks who were originally entrenched on the island turned out to be red-eyed bandits.

   This made the monks living nearby feel terrified. They never thought that the person who lived next to him was the notorious Red-Eyed Bandit. It was his luck that he could survive till now.

  However, what made them feel even more terrifying was the sudden appearance of this black-robed monk who could easily wipe out the red-eyed bandits.

   Some people want to know the origin of this group of black-robed monks. However, all intelligence agencies know nothing about this mysterious force, as if this mysterious force does not exist at all.

  Since then, there has been another legend of a black-robed power in the world of cultivating immortals.

  In the third year of Wang Hong's retreat, all three walls on Qizhou Island were successfully built. The walls were more than 30 feet high and reinforced with solid formations.

  There are a large number of giant crossbows arranged on the city wall, even fourth-order monsters may be killed by them.

   Moreover, the giant crossbow on the second city wall can directly attack the enemies rushing to the first city wall.

  Similarly, the third can attack the second city wall.

   Between the three walls, there are patches of poison, as well as devil vines and demon hunting trees that will actively hunt.

  Before retreating, Wang Hong specially bred hundreds of poisonous bees and raised them.

  If a foreign enemy wants to pass through the defense of these three city walls, I don't know how much it will cost.

  After the city wall was completed, Xu Lun dispatched all the people who built the city wall to reclaim the spiritual fields and put them into the development of Qizhou Island.

  Now everywhere in Qizhou Island, one or two or three or five monks can be seen, leading a few puppets with rough workmanship and not even complete facial features, carrying hoes, and cultivating spiritual fields.

  Although the workmanship of these puppets is simple and rough, and the cost is not very high, they are really easy to use.

  Some spiritual fields that have been reclaimed have been planted with various spiritual plants, and it is enough to leave a few puppets to take care of the daily management.

   It only needs a low-level monk to come over occasionally to inspect, help the puppet change the spirit stone, and issue new orders.

  In order to use the least material and the shortest time to refine the most puppets, the Ministry of Industry works overtime every day, busy day and night.

  Because of the high-intensity refining of puppets every day, the Ministry of Industry has cultivated many refiners who are proficient in refining puppets.

   In the seventh year of Wang Hong's closed-door retreat, the nine-tune son-mother array designed by the sloppy old man was finally successfully arranged.

   This formation enveloped every corner of Qizhou Island.

   There is a main array in the center, which is arranged in the royal city, and then there are countless sub-arrays connected together. Each sub-array is only connected to the main array and not connected to other main arrays.

  In this way, even if a certain sub-array is breached, it still cannot affect the defense of other sub-arrays.

  In addition to defense, the entire formation also has many functions such as attack and air ban.

  Especially the air-forbidden function, which is usually not activated. Once foreign enemies invade and the air-forbidden formation is activated, all foreign enemies cannot fly in the air and can only attack the three walls from the ground.

  After the formation is completed, with the three city walls on the ground, the defense of Qizhou Island can be said to be impenetrable.

   In the eighth year of Wang Hong's closed-door retreat, a group of demons found the secret realm of Wan Puppet Sect again. They used a special method to forcibly open a gap in the Dutianli fire array.

   Discovered by the monks stationed at the entrance of the passage, Zhang Chunfeng used the jade card in his hand to mobilize the killing formation in Dutianlihuo formation, and wiped out this group of demons in the formation.

   Pitiful for this group of demons, they died before they even figured out the specific situation. When they were dying, they thought the formation was too vicious.

   In the tenth year of Wang Hong's retreat, a war broke out at the border between the Human Race Alliance and the Demon Race Alliance.

  In this battle, the Terran Alliance won a complete victory, and even pursued after the victory, moving the front line forward by one or two hundred miles.

It is said that when the battle between the two sides was the most intense, the Human-Monster Alliance dispatched a surprise army. The number of Tier 4 Monster Beasts, which numbered more than a thousand, attacked from the flanks of the demons, causing chaos in the formation of the demons, and soon they were defeated. .

  The news of the great victory spread throughout the world of cultivating immortals, but the battle is still going on, and there is a tendency to intensify, but at this moment, the human race and the monster race seem extremely confident.
