In fact, Jian Chu and the others have never met the old man of Tong's family, but who made them get along well, but Jian Chu and his wife felt ashamed of the share, and Yu Zibai just had a rest tomorrow, so they decided to have a reunion tomorrow. Qin Huai went there together.

Song Jia also wanted to go, as if it was the last journey to see the old man, at least it would make people go less lonely, they all went, there were not enough seats in the car, Qin Huai didn't want Mu Nan to follow him, so he left him at home .

The next day, the group set off before it was dark. When they got there, the sky was covered with a cloud-like sunset. Although it was dilapidated, there were two elderly people sitting in the cozy yard, and Grandma Tong was lying on a deck chair. On the road, Grandpa Tong hugged Grandma Tong tightly, and the two looked very peaceful. Although the corpse seemed to have been exposed to the sun, it didn't look very good, but there was no pain in the eyes closed.

Looking at the direction the two of them were facing, maybe Grandpa Tong moved Grandma Tong out after they left this morning, maybe it was because they had seen the sunrise, or maybe they wanted to feel the warmth of the light for the last time.

Jian Chu and Song Jia's eyes turned red instantly, and they sat in the car for a while to calm down their emotions, then got out of the car, walked up to the corpses of the two old people and bowed three times.

Song Jia was saying goodbye, Yu Zibai and Jian Chu were also thanking the two elderly people for their food gift, Qin Huai went to the side to make a phone call, the signal here has been covered, otherwise Grandpa Tong would not be able to contact the people in the residential area .

Now there is a funeral parlor in the residential area. Except for those who died of illness, the general accidental death is contacted there. However, the handling is also different. There are too many people who die every day, and the corpses that are unattended are waiting in line to be dealt with. , or spend money to deal with it as soon as possible.


Qin Huai was looking for someone who spent money. After giving the address in detail, he waited for almost two hours before a vehicle arrived. After a brief handover, Qin Huai paid the money, and the funeral home took the two old people away. All that remains is to wait for the time to collect the ashes, and then bring them back here for burial according to the old man's wish.

After the funeral home's vehicles left, they didn't move the things in the house. The relics were handed over by Grandpa Tong yesterday. They are probably the things in the wooden box. The rest are probably some clothes. According to the custom, after a person passes away, The clothes worn during his lifetime would be burned, so Song Jia and Jian Chu cleaned up the clothes in the house, while Qin Huai and Yu Zibai burned the clothes in the yard.

After the last spark was extinguished, several people boarded the car and returned.

This incident is not a big disturbance in their lives, but Mu Nan showed them Tong Cheng's photo, the world is so big, although it may not be possible to meet them, but what if there is that fate? , so they all recognize their faces and be prepared.

When the two old people were sent back to the small yard, the Cai family also harvested straw mushrooms. It was only a snakeskin bag, weighing about 20 to 30 catties, not too much, but for this kind of small In terms of the size of the planting range, it is not too small.

Yu Feng drove over to take the straw mushrooms away, but he might have to change hands several times in the middle, and the food would not be exchanged so quickly, so he let them rest assured and wait.


Song Jia looked at the bag of harvest that had been taken away, and couldn't help but said: "You must help us sell it at a high price. Whether you will starve to death in the future depends on this wave."

Seeing the eyes of the man rubbing his hands and praying, Yu Feng proudly patted his chest and promised to help them make a lot of money.

The first crop of straw mushrooms was sold out, and the second wave started again, but everyone should reward themselves after hard work.

Mu Nan looked at the photos they posted in the group, seaweed and egg drop soup, stir-fried sliced ​​straw mushrooms, and a bowl of fragrant white rice, and they almost burst into tears after eating.

Song Jia: "It's been a long time since I ate like a human being. I never knew that mushrooms are so delicious!"

Jian Chu's family also made fried mushrooms today. The main reason is that this thing is not durable and needs to be sprinkled with water. If it is left dry, it will dry out quickly, and they didn't keep much, so the family took two to adjust After all, they have to sell the food for food, and they are reluctant to eat too much.


In addition to stir-fried mushrooms, Jianchu’s family made seaweed egg pancakes today, without beaten egg flower soup, because it was too hot, the porridge made today does not need soup, and it has been a long time since I ate anything other than pasta. I think ordinary fried mushrooms are so delicious!

But while eating, Jian Chu seemed to smell a faint smell of barbecue in the air, so he immediately asked in the group: "Who's barbecue?"

Mu Nan took a picture of sliced ​​mushrooms being skewered and grilled over charcoal fire: "A dog has such a good nose?"

The oily mushroom slices full of cumin made people drool over the Internet, Song Jia: "I never thought I could do this."

Jian Chu: "I thought about it, but I'm too lazy to bother. Only Qin Huai has the patience to turn on the stove when it's so hot, just to roast those two little mushrooms."

Mu Nan looked at the messages they sent in the group, and smiled. In the photo, there are only mushrooms, but there are not only mushrooms in the photo, but also a lot of vegetables. I didn’t dare to roast the meat directly. I used ready-made ones before. Meat, as well as lettuce, enoki mushrooms, eggplants, potatoes, and stinky dried seeds, it's rare to have a barbecue openly, of course, you have to do it recklessly.

If they are lured by the aroma, just leave the mushrooms and potatoes out, it smells like cumin anyway, no bad.

The slightly loose stockpiling of supplies made it easier for the people in the small yard for two days, and another piece of good news happened in these two days, that is, the fire in Qinghe was completely extinguished.

Mu Nan never knew that a fire could burn for so long. After the fire was extinguished, the higher authorities planned to transfer some people from the north to Qinghe for reconstruction, but this was also voluntary.

The government has opened the registration channel on the official platform. There are advantages and disadvantages to going to Qinghe. The advantage is that you can get a job immediately and give priority to housing. If you are willing to settle down in Qinghe, and now that the fire has been extinguished, there are still traces of your previous residence. , Maybe something can be found in some ruins, and Qinghe's current situation is not short of water, after all, the geographical environment depends on mountains and water.

The disadvantage is that everything has to be restarted. Of course, this process is hard. Many people who have fled from the north have suffered a lot. Whether it is mental or physical strength, it is difficult to bear the hard work of rebuilding. However, staying here still depends on coolies to make money. Shelter houses are small compartments in a large factory building, with only sleeping places, public bathrooms and toilets, and no kitchen.

If you want to have your own house, even if it’s just a one-bedroom, one-living room or a small single room with bricks and tiles instead of a wooden house, you don’t know how long you’ll have to wait. Even if they are Ji Jianguo, they can’t build it on the ground in two or three days. housing for all to live in.

There are some people who signed up to go to Qinghe, but not too many. Most of the people who signed up are young people. Staying here is just a coolie. He, maybe there is still a chance. Some older people really can't move anymore, and they will obey whatever the government arranges, and they don't want to move.

Although some people have left, the population pressure on Kangyun's side is still there, but also because of the large population, the construction speed in many places has accelerated a lot. Not long ago, there was only a school project with a foundation, and now a building has been built. The teaching building, of course, is still under construction in other places, but the small five-storey teaching building is almost ready for use.

The students start from elementary school, and those of middle and high school age can work and earn money. Few families can afford such a good condition now, and let a earning laborer go to school. It really opens up the middle school and high school, can it be full? Not a single class knows.

In addition to students, there are naturally teachers, and the teacher registration channel has also been opened. There is no big threshold for registration, but it is said that there will be an exam. Which subject teacher do you apply for?

The opening of the school, the reconstruction of Qinghe, and the addition of a number of jobs have added a few more topics for people to talk about after dinner.

Especially in their district, the conditions are good. Several families have children, and they are eager to start school as soon as possible every day. Although the current life is far from what it used to be, the lack of food and clothing makes many children special at a young age. Sensible, but no matter how sensible he is, he is still a child, not a cat or dog who can be completely ignored by locking him with a rope.

Some parents really hope that their children can continue to go to school. Although life is hard, knowledge and vision should not be limited by the current environment. Only by seeing the wider world through books can we get out of the current predicament.

Some parents use the school as a nursery purely to save trouble, and even know that the school will be responsible for the students' meals. In order to save food expenses for the family, they must also send their children who cannot make money for the family. go out.

In any case, the reopening of the school has greatly increased the activity of the entire residential area.

Mu Nan also sighed towards Qin Huai: "Fortunately, we live on the edge of the river. I heard that those who are closer to the school district feel the joy of being woken up by the bell in the school district room."

Qin Huai is rebuilding the chicken coop. The roosters and the hens need to be separated to make nests and isolation fences. The chicks hatched a while ago can now run all over the place. From the size of a palm to the size of a palm, the length changes day by day. Big, now one is the size of two palms.

Two days ago, Qin Huai distinguished the male from the female. There were four chicks, three males and one female. It was really bad luck. Qin Huai also comforted Mu Nan: "At least it's not four roosters."

Mu Nan has already conceived the idea of ​​eating the rooster eighteen in his mind.

Fortunately, Jian Chu's family is a female, and luck is very good. Song Jia's family's chicken that was born almost four or five days after them seems to be a male, but because the chicken is still young, they are not raising chickens. So I can't distinguish it carefully at this moment, I can only distinguish it when I am a little older, but this is mainly due to Song Jia's unwillingness to give up, unwilling to believe that the only chick is actually a male.

Including the two big roosters left, Mu Nan's family has almost five roosters, but it is not worthwhile to sell them so small now, it would be better to raise them bigger and sell them.

There are too many chickens, and the house is very noisy, especially the roosters, who like to crow. Mu Nan wished they could grow up overnight and sell them.

For the convenience of their statistics, Yu Feng replaced all the mushrooms with rice, which was not much, less than two hundred catties. Qin Huai and Mu Nan directly vacuum-packed ten catties a bag, and then put them in the space. There is no more space than him. A better way to keep fresh.

I also harvested a batch of Chinese cabbage at home. Mu Nan said to the outside world that he saved a few cabbage to make a jar of kimchi. He had made a lot of kimchi at home before, and he didn’t have many chances to take it out to eat. As for the ones grown at home, Mu Nan didn't give them away for free, but only sold them at a low price, five yuan a piece, and the family only had one piece, and the rest of the Qinhuai plants were sold.

Instead of tossing about these things themselves, they contacted Wang Xiaoli. Apart from going to work, Wang Xiaoli would also make some extra income by reselling things. Unfortunately, the supply of goods is too small. Now there is a shortage of food and clothing, and he has no strength The door, can only make small trouble.

Qin Huai was more or less willing to help, and was sure that Wang Xiaoli could find a way to sell it, so he gave the Chinese cabbage to Wang Xiaoli: "You can decide the price yourself, you know the market better than us, and you can earn as much as we agreed before. Just draw it."

Wang Xiaoli was somewhat embarrassed, mainly because Qin Huai and the others had given away too much profit, asking him to take 30% of the money, this was a no-cost deal for him, and it was a huge profit. Although he knew that his old classmate was trying to help him, he always felt that This is too detrimental, and I am ashamed of it.

Seeing Wang Xiaoli's expression, Qin Huai said: "Don't think that I let you earn more. This is risk sharing. It saves us trouble and trouble. It is you who deals with people and trades, so we also pay 30% of your profit. No loss."

The words have already reached this point, and Wang Xiaoli will be hypocritical if he is more coy, and he simply replied: "Don't worry, I promise to make more money for you, and I won't let you lose money."

Qin Huai: "You should also pay attention to safety. If something happens, it will be gone if it is gone. Anyway, it is grown at home, and safety comes first."

After Qin Huai finished explaining, he left two Chinese cabbages for him, and told him the stock of Chinese cabbages, so that he could have a clear idea. When he found a buyer and negotiated the price, he could go to him to get them at any time. out of his house.

Mu Nan was worried that Qin Huai would go out alone. There had been several vicious murders here before, and he also knew that the outer city was in chaos, so he had to follow everything, but Qin Huai didn't let him get out of the car, anyway, here Just in time to see Wang Xiaoli's home, Mu Nan didn't forcefully get out of the car to follow, but just waited in the car.

Seeing Qin Huai returning with empty hands, Mu Nan smiled and said, "The deal is over? Then let Wang Xiaoli sell it, will it be unsafe to be targeted?"

Qin Huai said while fastening his seat belt: "Everything has risks. He has explored a lot in some underground trading markets, and he will only be more careful than us. Since he has agreed to this matter, he knows it well. Don't worry."

Mu Nan sighed: "Why do you think we are making such a fuss, obviously there is no shortage of food and drink, I am so tired, and I still run outside every day."

Qin Huai pushed the accelerator to start the car: "This is called being close to life, otherwise, if you eat and drink in the house all day, you will reduce your vigilance against this environment."

When the car was driving in the direction of home, there was a sudden scream of panic in front, and the crowd fled in all directions, panicking.

Mu Nan was startled, and leaned on the car window to see what was going on, but the distance was a bit far away. They were on the driveway, and the place where the incident happened was on the side of the residential building. This is more than a dozen districts, specifically Mu Nan in more than ten districts I don't know, because I have hardly been here.

The house was built later, because it was planned, so it doesn’t look like that kind of dirty and messy environment, but the living is relatively dense, and the heat insulation and sunshade are all kinds of shielding, everything is there, and it doesn’t look uniform. , it seemed that the environment was particularly chaotic. At this moment, the crowd was running away, and there seemed to be two lying on the ground. In the panic of the crowd, he seemed to see someone attacking indiscriminately with a knife.

But before he could take a closer look, Qin Huai speeded up and drove out of the chaotic zone.

Mu Nan hurriedly surfed the Internet, wanting to check what was going on online, but the speed of the Internet was not that fast, and it was estimated that the news hadn't been sent out yet, and there was no news at all, so he could only put down the phone: "Fortunately, we drove, brother , come here less often in the future, look, last time you came here alone, there was a murder case, this time I accompanied you, and another accident happened, do you think the risk of danger is too high?"

Qin Huai: "There should be no special circumstances and I won't come here again. Wang Xiaoli has already applied for a rental house, and the location is not bad. It's in District 7."

Mu Nan: "District 7? Is that very close to our side? One seven and one two, it doesn't feel that far apart."

Qin Huai smiled and said, "It's farther away than in the outer city. District 7 is on the side of the power supply station. It's two places away from our residential area, one south and one north. It's estimated that it will take half an hour to drive."

"Oh, that's okay, it's safer than being in the outer city, and I don't know when the outer city will be rectified."

Qin Huai is not very optimistic about the rectification of the outer city: "It is easy to form a chaotic area, no one cares about it, but if you want to rectify the planning of the chaotic area, unless you can disperse and resettle the population of more than 100,000 in the outer city, The old and the weak have to rely on, the unemployed have food and drink, or use strong means to supervise migrant workers, otherwise it will not be easy to rectify."

Mu Nan just said that, feeling that as long as there are no more big troubles, the higher-ups will not toss for a while and finally rebuild a residential area that is temporarily calm and gradually balanced. Only when everyone's stomachs are filled, will there be Make an effort to improve your life.

What they saw outside made the news when they got home.

It was a man who did it. When everyone was queuing up to fetch water, he suddenly took out a knife and attacked indiscriminately. There is no specific statistics on the number of casualties, but it is said that a few who were scratched could still run, and those who were stabbed fell down immediately. There are at least three people who don't know whether they are alive or dead.

At that time, many people were queuing at the water station to fetch water. The distance from the station was not very dense, but it was not far away. So when the man took out the knife from his body, many people did not react. A few have fallen to the ground.

Now the pressure of survival is great, and one thing after another, the price of rice and grain has risen as soon as the locusts pass by, and the price of rice has not increased for a few days, and the purchase of water has started to be restricted again. Only then did Mu Nan know that, in addition to free daily In addition to receiving it once, you can only buy an extra bucket of water, and no more.

Some people say that this is because the higher-ups are trying to force people out of their way of life. In general, a bucket of water may be enough to eat and drink for a day, but some families grow vegetables. The vegetables are at a suitable temperature, and I endure to drink less water, and I dare not be thirsty for the vegetable seedlings in the house.

In the past, it was possible to spend money to get water, but now that the water is limited, many people will go crazy.

Mu Nan quickly quit the news and went to the community group to check the news. Sure enough, the people in the community group were talking about this matter, not about the murder that happened, but about water control. Many people were dissatisfied, saying that since the above advocated Home planting, and now the water is restricted, so what kind of planting, isn't this forcing people to have no way out.

"Brother, water restrictions have started again, it wasn't there yesterday."

They had dinner yesterday and wanted to go out for some activities, so they called Jian Chu and Song Jia, dragged the trolley to the square to fetch water, and chatted with people while queuing up to find out if there was anything New news, are there any new stalls in the small market, but there are not many others, only a few more fried locusts have been sold in the past few days, and no other news about water restrictions has been heard.

Qin Huai: "It was only notified today. I just checked the official website. It was after five o'clock that I was notified that the purchase of water will be restricted from today."

At five o'clock, they were counting the Chinese cabbages that could be harvested upstairs and downstairs. After finishing the statistics, they went out directly, and did not read the news on the official website.

Mu Nan went back and looked at the news. The whole thing was that the man had a seriously ill mother who was paralyzed in bed. He had a child who resumed night classes not long before the earthquake. He was crushed in the school during the earthquake. The child was gone, and his wife stayed with him for a while, but his mother suddenly became paralyzed. During the flood, in order to save his mother, he didn't have time to catch her. She was washed away, and he didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

Just now, his mother didn't make it through, and she was gone. Although the man was very broken, and even wanted to die, he still wanted to let his mother go away refreshed, but because he had already received free water once today, I bought water again, and this second purchase of water was restricted. At that moment, all the collapses condensed into the last straw.

He returned home peacefully, took the knife and bucket, went to the water station to line up again, and then frantically reported to the office.

However, many people's comments on this news are not criticizing this man, but blaming the government, complaining about the world, and even talking negatively, it's better to just die and die.

Mu Nan didn't know what to say immediately, the man was pitiful, and the passers-by who were innocently stabbed to death were also pitiful, but these other people's sorrows and joys, he was just a spectator, and it was the water restriction that had a greater impact on them. The groundwater is beginning to be restricted, so I don't know how long their private wells can last.
