Chapter 829 Feel the glory of science!

  The pupils of the three Alleria sisters who were watching the battle from behind tightened their pupils at the same time, "That's it!"

   "Yulong and Niuzao, retreat quickly! The thing that Charlemagne condensed is not a joke!"

  Although the two supreme gods were not clear about the situation, their instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages made them obey Alleria's reminder, and both of them withdrew from the scope of Eternal Island, and each built an energy barrier in midair.

However, the development of the situation was not as expected by Alleria. After Charlemagne condensed the high-temperature sphere that destroyed Deathwing before, he did not throw it out, but continued to carry out what they couldn't see with sweat on his face. understand some kind of operation.

  'Atom separation...cation and electron confirmation! '

  The high-temperature sphere in front of Charlemagne gradually collapsed into a point with his further operations, and then this point began to crazily absorb the surrounding air and compress itself, gradually converging into a purple electric ball with a terrifying arc.


   "It's ok! Oni retreated behind me and changed back to human form!"

  Hearing the master's call, Onyxia immediately flew backwards by virtue of the reaction force generated by the confrontation with Gorehowl, and quickly changed back into the form of a black-haired high elf in mid-air.


   When jumping back behind Charlemagne, the Black Dragon Queen smiled and hugged her master's waist, attracting the sharp gazes of the three Windrunner sisters who were watching the battle with eagle eyes.

   At this time, Charlemagne no longer cared so much, and he was gradually losing control of the plasma in his hand.

Taking advantage of Garrosh being repelled by Oni's last effort just now and not adjusting his posture, Charlemagne threw the plasma body in his hand towards Garrosh with an unclear face, and at the same time used He pulled out the Aegis of Aggramar from his backpack as quickly as possible.



Putting this defensive creation pillar on the ground heavily, Charlemagne activated the shield with all the energy in his body, and a golden energy barrier quickly formed around his body, enveloping both him and Oni. .

   At the same time, the plasma body thrown high into the sky by Charlemagne finally lost control and began to erupt with its own terrifying power.

  As a highly contracted light flashed, Charlemagne immediately felt a violent impact hit the defensive barrier built by the shield of Aggramar.

  With the large spread of the arc, there were "chirps" in the air as if tens of thousands of birds were chirping, and the entire sky was illuminated by the explosion of plasma.

   Fortunately, the Pillars of Creation are very reliable. Although they have received the terrifying impact of power even surpassing nuclear bombs at close range, the Shield of Aggramar still firmly protects Charlemagne and Oni in it.


   Niuzao and Yulong, who retreated about two kilometers outside the island before, were not so lucky. Although the defensive barrier they built did not collapse in one blow.

  But the blood that suddenly overflowed from the corner of Xuanniu Niuzao's mouth made Zhu Taran and others on his back instantly understand that this kind and guarded supreme **** had suffered a lot of damage.

   Fortunately, Chi Jing and Xuen arrived in time at the critical moment. Xue Nu cooperated with Yulong and Niuzao to stabilize the crumbling barrier, and Chi Jing used his original ability of red crane to provide healing for Niuzao.

   When everything was calm, Charlemagne quietly stuck his head out from behind the generous shield of Aggramar to observe secretly.

  The location of the Tenjin Garden before...even the entire Eternal Island was razed to a piece of white ground, and some crystals condensed in the high-temperature burnt Tenjin Garden.

And the most conspicuous among them is the scorched black statue standing in the center of the open space. With the resumption of flowing air, Garrosh, who stretched out his hand forward with a face of resignation, gradually turned into black ash and went with the wind, not even a little residue. None left.

  In the underground palace exposed by the plasma bombardment, Y'Shaarji's heart had also lost its vitality. The beating sound that could be clearly heard had completely stopped, and the surface of the heart had also turned black and gray.


   After taking back the shield of Aggramar, Charlemagne heaved a long sigh of relief, and only then did he feel a burst of soreness in his body that he hadn't seen for a long time.

  However, there are also a lot of gains. The bottleneck that was stuck at the middle level of the demigod was broken through with the plasma body he rubbed out, and now he has entered the advanced level of the demigod at the same level as Aoni and other guardian dragons.

  Onyxia looked at the blackness in front of her eyes and was a little stunned, "Master... If I insist on this, I'm afraid I will end up like Garrosh, right?"

  Charlemagne patted Oni's head angrily, "Who told you to eat plasma for nothing? I won't use this trick to hit you."

  Onyxia took the opportunity to hold Charlemagne's hand and said coquettishly, "Hey~ Master is the best!"

  The four gods finally landed next to Charlemagne and Onyxia in a team at this time. Vereesa was the first to yell and jumped off Eragon to pull the black dragon queen away.

  Alleria and Cirvanas checked Charlemagne's whole body with worried faces. Fortunately, there was nothing serious except for loss of strength.

Xue Nu walked up to Charlemagne with a helpless face and said, "Can't you say hello in advance, kid? We can see the dazzling light from here from afar, and the wind in the entire Eternal Island is completely chaotic. If it weren't for us Arrive in time, I'm afraid both Niuzao and Yulong will be in danger."

Yun Conglong, Wind Conghu, Baihu Xuen is very sensitive to the flow of wind force, just now when the plasma was converging, he sensed a bad breath from a distance, and immediately urged Chi Jing to move faster, otherwise Niuzao and Yu would be together now. Long should be hurt even more.

Niuzao shook his head, and said in a low voice, "Don't blame him, there was no time to inform us of the battle situation at that time, the orc chieftain gained a powerful recovery ability after absorbing Y'Shaarj's heart, only this powerful The range method can eliminate him in one shot."

   Yu'lon looked at the bleak scene of Eternal Isle and sighed, "It seems that it will take a lot of time to restore this small island to its former emerald green..."

   Fortunately, the residents of the island had already evacuated when the heart of Y'Shaarj was buried. Apart from an abandoned Yagolman temple on the top of Eternal Isle, there is not much to cherish on the island.

And that holy temple... has been turned into ruins after the impact, and the green moss lake and red jade lake on the island have also been evaporated. Although the groundwater has begun to seep new lake water, it should take a while to recover. Restore the old look.

Chi Jing tilted his head and looked at Y'Shaarji's heart, which had completely lost its vitality on the ground, and said, "Anyway, the matter of Y'Shaarji's heart has finally been resolved smoothly. Judging by the appearance of this heart... I'm afraid it won't be able to do anything. Does it work?"

Charlemagne rested for a while and finally regained some strength. With the support of Alleria and Cirvanas, he stood up and said, "Let's re-seal this heart after getting rid of the Sha of Fear. I'm not afraid of ten thousand." Just in case."

   Later, when Charlemagne and others left Eternal Isle and returned to the continent of Pandaria, the disputes on this land had basically come to an end.

   Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for his support.
