Chapter 82 Adventurer

After the establishment of the new Holy Knight Order, they must go to the front line of Zul'Aman to verify their combat effectiveness. Although Charlemagne and Aurelia may not be able to witness it with their own eyes, the young couple entrusted Liadrin to take care of their younger siblings when they go back. .

   "Don't worry, Hill and I are also good friends. As long as the knight order is established and marches to the southern part of the forest, I will definitely cherish the opportunity to get along with her. You can rest assured and continue your travels."

   Charlemagne was quite relieved about the female man's guarantee. After saying goodbye to the three masters and apprentices of Alonsus, the two left the church.

  The second trip to Stratholme has successfully achieved the set goal, and then Charlemagne and the two need to continue to the direction of the King of Lordaeron.

   However, before leaving, the two went to the Adventurer's Guild in King's Square, planning to pick up some missions along the way. After all, the journey to Gilneas is quite long, and Charlemagne and the two don't intend to spend their money all the time.

   And accepting these tasks will also help them gain an in-depth understanding of the current situation of the low-level human society. Of course, Charlemagne will not let go of killing two birds with one stone.


  Although it is not mentioned in the game of Warcraft, in a fantasy world like Azeroth, an organization like the Adventurer's Guild will almost inevitably appear.

  Strictly speaking, the character manipulated by Charlemagne in the previous life was also an adventurer before he became a handyman commander and a million lord.

Even in Silvermoon City in Quel'Thalas, this organization led by humans and established in cities across the Eastern Continent also has a branch. It first eliminates beasts and bandits and even participates in wars. Almost everything is included.

   Quel Dorei, who lives a relatively superior life, is not stingy with the little money. If you can spend a little money to find someone to help you solve some troublesome things, why not do it?

  Of course, almost all the adventurer guilds in Quel'Thalas are elves. It is not so easy for foreigners to enter Silvermoon City.

A place like the Adventurer's Guild is as chaotic as Charlemagne expected. People who quarrel, rob business, or even fight outside the door are not too common. If fighting is not prohibited inside the guild, I am afraid that there will be people in the entire building. the possibility of being demolished,


  After teaching a few rough men who wanted to strike up a conversation and rejecting invitations from several teams along the way, Charlemagne finally took Aurelia to the counter with difficulty.

Adventurers in Azeroth do not have a hierarchical system. As long as you pay enough deposits, you can take on all missions. Of course, you will bear the risk. You must die to undertake the dragon-slaying mission in the Adventurers Guild. I won't stop you, anyway, it's none of their business if you die.

  The receptionist behind the counter was unexpectedly a female dwarf, and the other receptionists around were either men or some rough-looking women.

   But think about it, if you let a cute high elf girl sit behind the counter...then wait for the fight.

   This female dwarf is skilled in business, and after hearing Charlemagne's request, she quickly sorted out a mission for him along the way.

  The task is to **** a caravan. This is the most common task. It needs to **** a small caravan of 16 people all the way through Andorhal and other towns along the way to the King City of Lordaeron. The number of people to undertake is set at 5 by the client.


  The limit on the number of entrusted people made Charlemagne and Aurelia a little worried. Although this number was not large, it was just a typical five-member team, but with only two people, it was impossible for them to undertake this task anyway.

   Fortunately, at this time, there are two groups of people who want to accept this task. One of them is two people, a young male human warrior and a human female priest. They happen to be a couple.

It is not uncommon for such adventurer companions to become husband and wife. During the team conversation, the two mentioned that after getting married, they continued to accept tasks in order to earn money to support their families. After earning enough money to settle down, the female priest planned to go to The Stratholme Church is applying for a job, and the soldier intends to join the city guard.

  Although the income is definitely not comparable to the risk-takers with high risk and high reward, this kind of stable life is perfect for the two who are already planning to wash their hands.

  By the way, the names of the two couples are Stan and Mary, both of whom are mid-level professionals.

  The other person was a middle-aged male mage, whose evasive look made Charlemagne feel a little strange.

  However, it is common sense for adventurers not to ask other people what they don’t want to say. Charlemagne and the other four did not pursue the matter of the middle-aged mage Oakland.

  But he still had some doubts in his heart. You must know that mages have such a convenient spell as teleportation. Oakland didn't plan to teleport but went to Lordaeron on foot. No matter how you think about it, it feels weird.

  Although he kept saying that he wanted to collect some herbs along the way, and there was indeed a package of herbs hanging around his waist, Charlemagne still instinctively felt something was wrong.

   At this moment, Alleria also poked his thigh under the table and gave him a wink. The two tacitly communicated with each other through eye contact, and their hearts became more vigilant.

  If it’s only me who feels abnormal, it can be inferred that it’s an illusion, but since Aurelia has also noticed it... then it’s almost the same.

Both of them are high-level professionals. Although the middle-aged mage is not young, he can clearly see that he is only the fourth ring. Can't find any flowers.

  In the end, they made a decision and the three of them jointly took on the task, and later met the client, a wealthy middle-aged businessman.

Out of caution, Charlemagne and Aurelia only said that they were both intermediate-level Farstrider rangers when they reported their grades. Farstriders are not difficult to see for adventurers and businessmen. A few people didn't pay much attention to it.

  After negotiating the payment, the temporary team formed by five people followed the grain merchant to the main entrance of Stratholme, where his caravan was ready.

   On the way to the city gate on foot, Mary was very curious about the chocobo led by Charlemagne and Aurelia, especially the pure white swift feathers. She had never seen this rare chocobo.

  Xun Yu didn't have any resistance to the contact of the pastor's sister. Instead, he yelled "Jiujiu" and rubbed against the female pastor. Mary let out a crisp laugh while feeling itchy.

  'Sexy bird! It's really embarrassing to me. '

  Charlemagne was a little embarrassed facing Aurelia's playful eyes, but he had never taught Xun Yu this knowledge...

  The small caravan finally set off after the **** arrived, but the people who set off did not notice that there was a man wearing a dark red leather hood watching them silently on a distant hill.

   Thanks to the book friends "One-eyed Dragon Yida Masamune" and "Xing Yuqiang" for their support. I wish everyone auspicious Year of the Dog and all the best! Since Xianyu often has something to go out during the holidays, the saved manuscripts used during this period are released regularly, and the rewards and thanks may not be so timely. Please forgive me.
