Chapter 814 Dogs can't change eating shit

  When the family got together that night, Vereesa undoubtedly loved the wolf cub that Valeera gave her, and there was a miniature Gorm squatting beside her.

Vereesa's three Shadow Leopards were looking around the shrunken Gorm. Coincidentally, Gorm had three heads, and his three heads were also looking at the three cats beside him. After a while, Gorm Mu's three heads snorted disdainfully at the same time.


  The three Shadow Leopards felt Gao Mu's contempt, and they were unhappy all of a sudden. They arched their backs and let out a threatening growl at the new guy.

   Charlemagne glanced sideways at Gao Mu who seemed to be trying to make trouble, and the guy immediately sat upright, and did not respond at all to the provocation of the three leopards.

Shaking his head amusingly, Charlemagne pointed to the scene of the conflict by the table and said, "Sure enough, I've heard people say before that cats and dogs can hardly get along peacefully unless they are raised together. It's very true."


Vereesa hugged the little wolf cub who hadn't opened her eyes yet, looked at her side, reached out and patted the head in the middle of Gao Mu and said, "Gao Mu, you have to be obedient, the material world is more gloomy than that all day long." The abyss of Hell in the sky is much more interesting, I will take you out to play when I have a chance."


  Aurelia looked helplessly, as if it had become a zoo restaurant, "I brought back two animal companions for Vereesa within a day, I wonder if this girl can handle it."

Cirvanas glanced at the drowsy wolf cub in Vereesa's hand indifferently and said, "Don't worry, although this wolf cub is very talented, it will take a lot of time to grow up, Vereesa Now you can put all your energy on that three-headed dog for the time being."

  As Charlemagne expected, when he witnessed the reunion of Odin and Raiden, the two most powerful titan guardians, and returned home, Vereesa had initially conquered Gorm by virtue of her animal affinity.

Gao Mu, who is not low in intelligence, has probably guessed the fate of his original owner Hela. Although it is still unclear how sincere it is, at least on the surface it has made a choice to surrender to Vereesa, and the two have now signed a contract. Animal companion contract.


   Tyrande didn't focus on this, she asked with a serious face, "Odin has returned to Ulduar, will he always be on standby in Ulduar in the future?"


  Charlemagne shook his head, "Odin will still be stationed in the Hall of Valor over Stormheim. After all, conflicts between him and the other guardians have always existed. Although it won't affect the cooperation during combat, we should separate as much as possible."

   "And the Alien Shadow Kingdom whose entrance is located in the Storm Fjord cannot do without Odin's guardianship. With Hela's death, the Shadow Kingdom has gradually returned to its original responsibilities."

  The Kingdom of Shadows was not designed and constructed by the guardians of the titans, but a sub-plane that already existed in Azeroth. Its role was to accommodate the dead souls of Azeroth's creatures, in contrast to the material world in which the living lived.

After Odin left Ulduar, he found the entrance to the Kingdom of Shadows in Stormy Fjord. He observed the rampant situation of the dead in the Kingdom of Shadows with his left eye. It is the prototype of Val'kyr and Valagar.


   As it turns out, he succeeded and failed.

Odin's Valaghar and Val'kyr did transcend the boundaries of life and death to some extent, but that does not mean that this army will not perish. This deformed creature whose life form has been distorted will completely die in battle. Dissipates into the world, leaving no soul behind.

  Hela, who was forcibly twisted into Val'kyr, chose to rebel, which led to the fact that the Hall of Valor and Odin were sealed tens of thousands of years ago.

"Odin probably also realized his mistake. Because of Hela, countless souls who have not been able to return to the Kingdom of Shadows can only continue to wander in Azeroth for tens of thousands of years. This is why the undead were first discovered by people. "

   "Furthermore...the research and development of spiritism is not unrelated to Hela's closure of the Shadow Kingdom, so now Odin has decided to allow the Shadow Kingdom to return to his original duty—to store the souls of the dead."

Onyxia swallowed the last mouthful of corn soup, wiped her mouth and said, "That's what I said, but Odin didn't intend to interrupt the expansion of Valagar and Val'kyr, he will definitely continue to expand from Vrykul. keep the mighty warrior from among men."

Charlemagne shrugged and said, "We can't control this, besides, the legend of Odin and the Hall of Valor has become a tradition among the Vrykul for tens of thousands of years. Eternal battle is a great honor."

   "So legends are not a good thing after learning the truth, and may cause one's dreams of beautiful legends to be shattered."

  Charlemagne was taken aback when he heard the words, then turned his head to look at Aqiang and his wife, who were running here for a meal, and asked with a tangled expression, "Lor'themar, so you are here..."

   Lor'themar has gradually gotten used to his brother's reaction... Or rather, as he awakens his power of rules, his sense of existence is further declining, and of course this is controllable.

   Under Vereesa's warm welcome, Charlemagne spent a pleasant and busy night.

   When he came to the office the next day, he first cared about the latest situation in Pandaria.

  Risson summed up the situation in Pandaria skillfully, and reported in concise language, "The envoys of the Alliance set off from Stranglethorn Vale, and now they have arrived in Pandaria to start formal exchanges with the Pandaren."

   "The Horde... They ignored our warning and forcibly drove the Skybreaker into the Thunder God Island in the northwest of Pandaria. Now the Pandaren Cloud Serpent Knights have gathered to drive them out."


  Charlemagne's eyes flashed a cold light, "Sure enough, a dog can't change eating shit, an idiot who remembers eating but not beating, heals up so quickly and forgets the pain from the scar."

"Pass my order! Send the three space battleships Lieyang, Yuanxing and Yinyue to Pandaria, and the newly built Sun Chaser will stay in the country for defense. I am afraid that we and the tribe will have another battle in Pandaria. .”


  Charlemagne withdrew his whole body's sharp aura, and said to Lisson, "Continue, what's going on inside Pandaria, and how are the mantid and Sha demons handled?"

"The mantid has Tyr in charge, but it is still blocked near the Dark Light Bridge at the junction of the Dread Wastes and the Mantis Plateau. The Sha demons from all over the place have been basically suppressed after the oath of reinforcements arrived, but news from the headmaster, the distance from the Six Shas It shouldn't be far away to fully wake up."

   "Really... No wonder."

  Charlemagne shook his head helplessly, "The Qisha are very sensitive to emotions. Once there are large-scale and violent emotional fluctuations in the Pandaria continent, they are likely to be recruited. The idiots of the Horde came at a really bad time..."

   Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for his support.
