Chapter 78 Quellings Hut

It has to be said that in today's peaceful age, the East Lordaeron region is still relatively peaceful. On the way from Quel'Thalas to the Quelinth Hut, Charlemagne and the two encountered robbers blocking the way once. .

   This kind of road bandit is inevitable in today's era of underdeveloped communications and transportation. Their targets are usually caravans, so most businessmen will hire some adventurers to accompany them along the way.

The two stopped Charlemagne purely because they fell in love with the beauty of the high elves. From these gangsters with evil eyes, Charlemagne learned that they wanted to capture the two of them and sell them to Lordaeron as goods. dignitaries.

   "This female elf is really top-notch! Boss, let's have a good time before selling it?"

   "Hey! Good idea, you guys can figure it out too."

   "Haha, I'm afraid that guy Jack will be very happy, don't play it in two or three times like last time, or you won't be able to sell it!"


  The conversation between the first two robbers made Charlemagne's originally interested face suddenly darken, and murderous intent loomed in his eyes.

  However, the dozen or so road bandits were easily dealt with by the angry Aurelia before Charlemagne even made a move. A group of miscellaneous fish from the highest to the middle level could not cause any harm to the high-level ranger at all.

Aurelia did not hold back against this group of road bandits who obviously had human lives on their hands. When she finally killed the middle-level leader, there were already a bunch of people lying on the ground, all of them were in fatal parts without exception. get shot.

   "Hmph! A scum who deserves more than a crime!"

  The proud female ranger didn't even get off Dudu's body. After retracting the bow and arrow, she snorted at the corpses on the ground.

   Charlemagne didn't show any mercy to these people, and urged Xun Yu and Aurelia to bypass the group of corpses and move on.


  When they arrived at the Quillins Hut, the Rangers and Rangers here warmly welcomed the two compatriots in.

Some of the rangers had just returned from the troll battle some time ago, and they had heard about Charlemagne's succession as commander. After introducing him to the rangers at the Quellings Lodge, the two sides immediately became more acquainted. up.

   There are more than 30 rangers living here, plus some civilians, there are only a hundred people in total. They came here out of their own wishes.

These rangers who are relatively loose in nature and don't like the domestic customs of Quel'Thalas originally planned to live in Stratholme directly, but after getting along for a while, it is difficult to get used to being looked at like rare animals. .

In the end, they moved to this forest highland not far from Stratholme and Quel'Thalas and established this small settlement. A foothold.

  Under the expectant eyes of the rangers, Charlemagne could only take off the Solidar wrapped in cloth on his back according to their request, and show it to his subordinates.


  No way, on the way here, this artifact longbow exuding blue arcane aura was too eye-catching. Charlemagne temporarily hid its edge in the idea of ​​not revealing his wealth.

After satisfying the curiosity of the travellers, the two told them about the robbers just now. In order to avoid the plague, Charlemagne asked Hawksbill, the leader of the Quellings hut, to arrange for the corpses to be buried together. Or cremated.

After Hawksbill took the order, he personally took people for a trip. Charlemagne and Aurelia did not chat too much with this group of rangers because they still had something to do. Embark on a journey to Stratholme.

Xunyu and Dudu, who were full of food and drink, drove their masters on the avenue of the green field. As they were getting closer to the city, the law and order on this road was much better than that in the wild. On the way to the gate of the east wall, they No more accidents.

  The gate on the east wall is the side gate of Stratholme. In the previous life, Charlemagne had entered through this gate countless times to brush the rare horse that never appeared...

  However, the east wall gate in reality is much larger than Charlemagne’s impression. Although it is a side gate, it is still the entrance and exit gate of a city. There are a lot of traders here and there, and there are many human soldiers stationed at the gate.

  As foreigners, Charlemagne and Alleria were of course stopped by the guards for questioning. The soldiers relaxed a lot after learning of their identities as Far Travelers.

"You far traveler rangers are really different from your compatriots. I have seen many elves coming and going when I was stationed at the city gate. Except for the rangers, most of them look proud. I really hope they can respect you. These rangers learn."

   While checking the identity certificates of the two, the talkative middle-aged city gate official chatted enthusiastically with them.

   Over the years, humans have gradually become accustomed to the arrogance of the high elves, but they have a good impression of the rangers who go out all the year round.

  The traveler from the Quellings Hut often comes to Stratholme to buy supplies, and from time to time, he accepts the entrustment of the lord to eliminate some bandits. He has a good reputation among human civilians.

  Although I feel a little helpless about the city gate officer's chattering words, I can only endure his nagging temporarily when the other party carefully checks their identity.

   "Okay, your identity verification is correct, welcome to Stratholme, I hope you will like this city, please come in!"

After the inspection, the city gate officer finally signaled his subordinates to let them go. With the opening of the city gate, Charlemagne and Aurelia finally breathed a sigh of relief. They really didn't know how to deal with this city gate officer who talked more nonsense than aunt .

   "Oh, right! Today Bishop Fao will show up after a long absence to lead the people of the Holy Light to pray. If you are interested, you can go to the church area to see it!"

   Before leaving, the city gate officer finally told the two of them some important information.

After entering the city, Alleria sighed, "How should I put it, this human being is quite enthusiastic, but there is a lot of nonsense... By the way, Charlemagne, don't you just plan to go to the Holy Light Church to find Bishop Fao? Just go there?"

   "Well, let's go directly. Since Bishop Fao is out of customs, it should mean that he has made significant progress in his research on paladins. It is a good time to take this opportunity to learn about the situation."

  When it comes to the progress of the Paladin, Charlemagne is looking forward to it. I don’t know if Liadrin has become one of the first-generation Paladins as she wished. This is a very important symbolic event for the high elves.

   Sure enough, when Charlemagne brought them to the square in front of the Church of the Holy Light, Bishop Fao was introducing the two people around him to the believers, one of whom was Uther who was now wearing plate armor and holding a two-handed hammer.

  The other female elf, also wearing heavy armor and full of pride, was undoubtedly the Liadrin that Charlemagne had just thought of.

   Thanks to the book friends "Ask who has **" for their support.
