Chapter 768 The Vengeful Deathwing

  Before, due to the superiority of troops and the harassment of the Horde's supply line by the Grimtotem clan, the Alliance had always firmly held the advantage on the Ashenvale battlefield.

   But the situation in Ashenvale and the Northern Barrens has changed somewhat as the darkspear trolls, who were forced to fight, join the fray.

  Even though he was very angry at Garrosh's actions, Vol'jin was still a major general of the Horde. Now that he was on the front line, he would still obey his duties and try his best to bring victory to the Horde.

   As for after the victory...he will definitely settle a score with the new warchief who acted without scruples.

  The arrival of Vol'jin and the elite tribe of Darkspear made King Saurfang and his son heave a sigh of relief. It didn't feel too good to be beaten by the night elves with their strength and supplies.

After the arrival of the Darkspear trolls, Saurfang immediately liberated part of Kiztan and his centaurs according to Vol'jin's strategic advice, allowing them to return to the vast plains of the Northern Barrens to fight with their old rivals, the tauren. Have fun.


  The old comrades-in-arms Varok and Vol'jin teamed up, so Jarod could clearly feel that the Horde's combat style had changed.

  Although Great King Saurfang also has a very high ability to lead troops, some of his habits as an orc are not so easy to get rid of, and some traces of "recklessness" can still be seen from his soldiers.

  But now the tribe's strategy has become more steady and steady, and the previously impetuous offensive due to lack of supplies has slowed down again. Generally speaking, it is more difficult to deal with than before.

"Because of Vol'jin's participation in the war, the Horde's plight in the Northern Barrens and Ashenvale has been broken. Now that the situation has returned to the balance of power, we must speed up our actions to end the battle on Mount Hyjal as soon as possible and go to the front line of Ashenvale. support."

Charlemagne looked at Calpuronia and the other three spaceship captains and ordered, "The three large ships, Lieyang, Yinyue and Yuanxing, cannot enter the portal leading to the Firelands. Swim over Hyjal, clearing out the fallen remnants of the Twilight's Hammer."

   "The other troops followed us into the Firelands, and only killed one clone last time. This time, it's time to ask Ragnaros to settle the score."



   After basically annihilating the main force of Twilight's Hammer, Charlemagne temporarily stationed the main force on the shore of Lake Saussain.

  While waiting for Cenarius and the druids to wake up Malorne the White Hart, something that surprised Charlemagne happened.

  Charlemagne looked at Garona in front of him with a headache and repeated, "You said that Deathwing launched an attack on Karazhan?"

   "That's right, although the powerful defensive barrier left by Medivh in Karazhan is still in operation, how long it can last under the attack of Deathwing...We don't have much confidence."

  Garona looked worried. Karazhan had now become her new home in Azeroth, and she didn't want this home she had finally found to be destroyed by that lunatic Dragon King.



Charlemagne frowned with a headache, pondered for a moment, and continued to ask, "There is only one dragon in Deathwing? Are there any traces of the Twilight Dragon and the Twilight's Hammer members? Has Khadgar received the news? "

   Charlemagne had some guesses about the reason for Deathwing's attack on Karazhan. It was likely that the vengeful lunatic planned to take revenge on Khadgar for hindering and hurting him in Outland many years ago.

   This guess made Charlemagne feel very painful, because strictly speaking, the mortal who was most hated by Deathwing... should be himself who almost killed him in the War of the Ancients...

   "Only Deathwing, no trace of the Twilight Dragon or members of the Twilight's Hammer. He should be very confident in his own strength and think we can't keep him."

  Garona said that she was obviously very upset here, but she still answered all of Charlemagne's questions, "I have sent the Karazhan mage to teleport to Dalaran, and Khadgar should have gotten the news."

   "Then there should be no problem."

Charlemagne heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "The legacy left by Medivh is not that fragile. Khadgar has the staff of Atiesh in his hand, and he has the authority to activate all defense systems in Karazhan. It's hard to say...Deathwing This time it’s going to be a big fall.”

  At the beginning, the blue dragon Arkanagos also confronted Medivh arrogantly, but it turned out that Medivh relied on Karazhan's mage tower bonus to easily handle it, and was turned into Nightmare.

Khadgar is a veritable genius, and now his strength has reached the peak of the 9th ring. Although he is not as good as the demigod-level guardian Medivh, and Deathwing is much more difficult than Akanagos, but at least It shouldn't be easy to break through Karazhan's protection.

  However, the actions of Deathwing sounded the alarm for Charlemagne. In the past few decades, he has changed too many established events in Azeroth, and many things are naturally impossible to follow the original track.

   Not only Deathwing, Cho'gall will probably have some tricks in the dark, but the Bureau of Homeland Strategy has not detected it yet.

  Because Garona was very worried about Karazhan, she was not even in the mood to reminisce with her uncle Maraad, so Charlemagne quickly opened the portal and sent her back to Karazhan.

  Dark Portal At the end of March 28, with a burst of soft white light coming from the skies above Malorne's shelter, the strongest demigod, White Deer Malorne, finally returned to the material world of Azeroth from his long sleep.

  According to the agreement, Cenarius soon brought a group of druids with tired faces but very high spirits to join the army by the lake of Saussain.

   The moon-white giant deer headed by shining purple magic patterns all over its body and graceful gait is naturally Cenarius' father Malorne.

  As Charlemagne expected, Malorne, who had just returned from the Emerald Dream, was still unable to display his combat effectiveness at his peak. Now he probably only has the strength of a demigod at a high level, and he cannot reach the peak of the demigod who was entangled with Archimonde back then.

However, with the assistance of Goldrinn, Tortola and Cenarius, it is completely enough. Essina, the mother of elves, and Aviana, the messenger of Elune, are not strong in combat effectiveness. Stay to watch over Mount Hyjal.

  Because there are not many air units among the fire elements, there is no need for Aviana's dependents to enter the Firelands in large numbers. It is better to let them stay and wipe out the remnants of Twilight with the three space battleships.

   Malorne saw Charlemagne for the first time, and the strongest demigod brought his huge deer head to Charlemagne curiously, sniffing his scent lightly with his nose.

   "I've heard Ysera mention you many times before, but it's a pity that I haven't had the chance to meet you. As expected, you are indeed a person valued by the Star Soul of Azeroth. The smell from your soul is very pure and fresh."

  ‘Does the soul still have a smell...’

  The corners of Charlemagne's mouth twitched a little, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart, but he still talked to Malorne in a friendly manner on the surface, "Your Excellency Malorne, I will trouble you to contribute to the attack on the Land of Fire this time."

   "No problem."

Malorne removed his deer head, looked at the land of flames rising in the distance, and said in a mellow voice, "Ragnaros has been trying to burn Azeroth for many years, and we will not let him Your ambition has succeeded!"

   "Give me an order. In this battle, the demigods of the wilderness will contribute their strength to Azeroth."
