Chapter 759 kicks off the all-out war

  Charlemagne has indeed been too busy in the past few years, and he has recently begun to reflect on whether he is a little too worried. Maybe not all the many affairs in Azeroth require him to go to the front line to deal with them in person.

  He is just a mortal with slightly stronger strength, and he does not have three thousand bodies. It is impossible for him to take everything on his own head.

  ‘Try to assign part of the work to other people. This catastrophe is a good opportunity to see everyone’s growth from multiple battlefields. '

   Just as Charlemagne and his wives were playing in the hot spring, the war between the Kalimdor continent, the Alliance and the Horde finally broke out.

The place where the first shot was fired was the northern castle that many people had expected. The Horde fired a round of salvo bombardment at the wall of the northern castle with the artillery they did not know where. Total War on Russ.

Dai Lin was not a weakling. Seeing that the Horde dared to attack him with the superior artillery of the Alliance, he sneered and shouted loudly to the artillerymen on the city wall, "Fight back! Let these barbarians see what real artillery is." , fire!"


   "Boom boom!"

  The large-caliber artillery that Kul Tiras erected on the artillery emplacement on the city wall fought back not to be outdone, and the tribe's army formation was immediately exploded by heavy solid bullets, and part of the artillery was also destroyed.

A tall brown-skinned orc stood under the banner of the Warsong clan and observed the situation on the battlefield. He lowered his head and asked a green-skinned goblin next to him, "Gazlowe, your proud cannon doesn't seem to have played a big role. Effect, are you sure you can break through the alliance's defense through this method?"

   "Of course! Warlord Malkorok, even if what I brought in hastily this time is just old-fashioned inventory, it is more than enough to break through the alliance's gate. Look, the battle has just begun."

This green-skin goblin driving a self-made mechanical armor is Gazlowe, the lord of Ratchet City. As Charlemagne expected, he maintained a good personal relationship with the tribe, and he announced his departure immediately after the Steam Sand Consortium joined the oath. consortium.

   Relying on the good relationship with Goel, Gazlowe quickly won the favor of Garrosh, a war madman, with the ammunition he hoarded in Ratchet City.


  In this battle to capture the northern castle, Ratchet City, the former neutral city closest to the northern castle, became the bridgehead for the tribe's attack.

  If it wasn't for the armed merchant ships under Gazlowe's command to go out for trade in Stranglethorn Vale, he could actually mobilize more and more cutting-edge artillery and warships to join the battle.

However, it is obviously not a wise decision to compete with the sea power Kul Tiras for the navy. Gazlowe removed the old cannons on the left-behind ships and used them for land level fire. He planned to attack the north on this hill far from the sea The walls of the castle were bombarded violently.

   I have to say that Gazlowe's action made Daelin a little uncomfortable. The location he chose was just outside the artillery coverage of the Kul Tiras battleship, which made Daelin's originally expected sea support come to nothing.


  A shell from the Horde landed not far behind Daelin, but the battle-hardened Alliance admiral didn't even frown, and continued to observe the Horde's position calmly with a telescope.


   "Hmph... Sure enough, the tribe has already prepared and even surveyed the terrain, but don't think about breaking through this fortress so easily! Increase the frequency of fire and destroy the enemy's artillery first!"

   Following Dai Lin's order, the shelling battle between the two sides began near this remote castle.

  Generally speaking, the Alliance has the upper hand. After all, there are city walls to provide support for the artillery, which is an extra layer of solid protection compared to the open positions of the Horde.

   But looking at the crumbling gate of the northern castle, they probably couldn't hold on until the Alliance destroyed the Horde's artillery.

  Eastern Continent, Hillsbrad and Sudol Bridge battles also started almost simultaneously.

The Forsaken and the Frostwolf orcs fought with the Alliance army in Southsea Town in the hilly area near Mount Darrow. This kind of field battle did not have any artillery support, and the real swords and guns fought in this unsheltered area. stand up.

  Because the Arathi Highlands had been closed before, the troops and supplies in Southsea Town were insufficient, and the Bronzebeard dwarves of Loch Modan sent some troops to the Twilight Highlands. The alliance was undoubtedly at a disadvantage when the war started.

   But this is only temporary. Gilneas has finally sorted out the domestic disasters. Now, together with the Kingdom of Lordaeron, they are sending reinforcements to Hillsbrad from the west and north.

  At the junction of the Arathi Highlands and the Wetlands, the Alliance's attack on the Sador Bridge was also severely blocked by the Forsaken.

  Bronzebeard dwarves, with the support of their dwarf allies, took Dun Modr, south of the bridge, as their base, and launched a swift assault on the fortified bridge fortress.

  But the Horde has long been prepared for this. The orcs in Hammerfall and the Forgotten in Stromgarde have already built this bridge into an extremely strong line of defense.

  As the commander in chief, Muradin smacked his lips in displeasure, "Sure enough, this group of bone sticks has been prepared for a long time. There are a large number of Forsaken archers stationed on the city wall, and the gyroplanes of the dwarfs can't get in at all!"

  Therma Prager, who was sent by Gelbin to assist in the battle, smiled wryly, "The tanks on the ground couldn't get in. The tribe got a lot of landmines from somewhere and planted them in front of the bridge. As a result..."

  Therma Prager pointed to the steam tanks lying on the front line emitting black smoke, and sighed helplessly.

  In the Hinterlands, the Wildhammer dwarves of Eagle's Nest Mountain who originally planned to raid the rear of Durnholde Castle also encountered big trouble.

A large number of evil branch trolls are marching from Shadralo to Eagle's Nest Mountain. According to the report from the Stormfeather Outpost in the south of Seradan, the evil branch trolls in Xin Saluo have also been dispatched, but the trolls in Vile Tooth Village by the sea are abnormal He went south by boat, but his whereabouts are unknown for the time being.

Since Kurdran and Bryan have gone to attack Grim Batol together, Falstad, who is obviously not strong enough to guard against the attack of the evil branch troll army, can only ask for help from the High Lord Tirion Fordring who sits in the Western Plaguelands .

  The so-called one move affects the whole body, not only the northern part of the eastern continent, but also small or small battles broke out in Stranglethorn Valley, Black Rock Mountain and the Damned Land in the south.

  The continent of Kalimdor has not yet entered the oath, so it is already relatively calm.

   But how long this calm can be maintained depends entirely on when Jaina can't help but support her father's northern castle.

  At the junction of Ashenvale and the Barrens, King Saurfang and his son Dranosh are also preparing for battle at the Warsong Vanguard Camp.

  Although he was a little dissatisfied with Garrosh's provocation, Varok was the high-ranking warlord of the tribe after all. The warchief's order had been issued, and he had to obey Garrosh's order.

  Dranosh asked beside King Saurfang with an ax on his shoulder, "Father, when will we attack the oath?"

   Squinting his eyes and looking at the Silver Wing Outpost on the opposite side, Varok said in a deep voice, "According to the information from the should be soon."

  In the Silver Wing Outpost, Fandral and Jarod, who had just completed the firefighting operation at Lake Iris, joined together. The two also held binoculars and looked at the tribe's position.

  Garrod secretly sighed in his heart, ‘The war is raging everywhere... I hope Mount Hyjal can solve it smoothly, we really can’t send any more reinforcements. '

   Thanks to book friends "Liu Shuo 2015" and "Shuai Daile" for their support.
