Chapter 752 Fires everywhere, pills

   Following Charlemagne's narration, Liadrin's originally aggrieved expression, like her husband's, gradually turned dignified.

  Lor'themar patted his forehead helplessly after Charlemagne finally stopped, "I never thought that so many things would happen after we left for less than a month..."

   Liadrin snorted unhappily, "Forgive me, so what? What do you want us to do now?"

  Charlemagne solemnly said to the two, "First of all, Lor'themar, you need to stabilize the situation in the southern forest and Sandara first. Due to the occurrence of a worldwide disaster, some people are panicking everywhere."

   "I have called on the scattered far travellers to return to Quel'Thalas. Please help gather them up during this time, and I will take over as soon as Alleria is busy."

   "I see, leave it to me."


Charlemagne was quite at ease with this stable younger brother, and then he turned his head to look at his sister-in-law, "Liadrin, you go back to the Dawnguard Legion to reorganize the troops, the war is not far away, this time to attack the Twilight Highlands, Your knight order will be the main force."

Twilight Highlands, the name of this area was changed by the two-headed ogre of Cho'gall. It should have been called Northeron. It used to be the territory of the Wildhammer dwarves. It was abandoned after the War of the Three Hammers. Used by Cho'gall as the Twilight's Hammer stronghold.

  Although the terrain of this plateau area is relatively rugged, Liadrin's Dawn Vanguard Corps is not a rookie knight who can't fight without a horse. They can also display good combat effectiveness even in foot combat.

  The night elves and Theramore need to guard against the attack of the Horde, and Dalaran has already driven its floating city over Theramore to be ready at any time.

  The only ones participating in the attack on the Twilight Highlands this time were part of the Nightborne Legion sent by the High Elves, Draenei, and Azshara.

  Naga still has more important work to do. The blurring of the boundary between the elemental world and the material world has exposed Neptulon and his water elementals directly to the attack range of the ancient **** N'Zoth.


  Part of the Naga and N'Zoth loyal to the ancient gods sent mind demons who are planning to invade the tidal throne of the water elemental world.

  Mindwitches are unique twisted sea monsters that serve N'Zoth in the deep sea. Their leader is Ozumat.

Charlemagne once thought that it would be bad luck for Neptulon to be captured by this guy on the Throne of Tides, but it was only after the release of 7.0 that he realized that he was too young. It turned out that the bad luck was not Neptulon, but the sea ​​monster...

   Cough... In short, according to Charlemagne's suggestion, Azshara will send the part of Naga that is loyal to her to Vashj'ir to fight against the ancient gods. This time, Vashj, the chief maid, will personally lead the team.

  ‘I don’t know if there is a chance to drag N’Zoth off this time, but where is this guy hiding under the sea...’

  Pandaren have no time to support the outside world as Tyr is about to start attacking the mantid.


  Because of the cataclysm, the fog of Pandaria has now dissipated. Sooner or later, Charlemagne will go to that continent again to completely solve the problem of the hearts of the Seven Great Sha and Y'Shaarj.

Yak people's territories and Highmountain were also partly affected by the cataclysm earthquake, and now they have no time to send troops to support the Twilight Highlands, and the Kalimdor tauren are going to sit at the gate of Mulgore to prevent Garrosh from bluffing Guns attacked their hometown.

  Depending on the situation, they may also provide some side support to Theramore and the northern castle, at least help Theramore stop the massive quilboar army in the southern barrens.

  As for the goblins of the Steamwheedle Consortium... they are still busy reinforcing the embankment for Steamwheedle Port. Under the erosion of a large amount of sea water, this lonely port in the east of Tanaris looks precarious.

   All in all, the main force that can be dispatched by the oath side is Draenei, High Elves, and Nightborne.

  As for the Alliance and Horde, they will be notified anyway, and whether they will be able to get out of the war at that time...God knows.

  Although the occurrence of the disaster delayed the outbreak of the civil war, it could not fundamentally solve the problem. The conflict between the three parties would eventually be vented in this extreme way.

   It's as if Lu Xun or someone said that once a war breaks out, no one can stop it.

   After sending Lor'themar and his wife away, Charlemagne pulled out his hand to take the pile of information from Alleria.

  Under Alleria's sympathetic gaze, the content of the first information made him twitch.

   "Has Ragnaros come out... I'm still in Mount Hyjal, and now the night elves have some fun, no wonder I didn't see Tyrande in the office..."

  The second copy is finally good news. Malfurion finally returned. He and Hamuul followed Cenarius to Mount Hyjal immediately.

Deathwing, the crazy dragon, moved very erratically. Not long after capturing the Twilight Dragon in Twilight Highlands, he had already arrived at Mount Hyjal in Kalimdor and summoned the Fire Elemental Realm... Probably that The two-headed fat man used teleportation to send him directly to his destination.

Cenarius also brought good news to Charlemagne. Due to the broken pillar of the world, although the distance between the elemental world and the material world has become blurred, Ragnaros can directly enter the material world with his body to make troubles .

   But at the same time, the distance between the soul world and the material world has also been shortened. The demigods who died in the War of the Ancients should have a chance to be resurrected. At this moment, Cenarius is preparing for this event together with Malfurion and Hamuul.

The third report is about disasters in various places. Charlemagne roughly glanced at it. There are quite a few places affected by the disaster, including the fertile field in the West, which is the most productive place in the Stormwind Kingdom. out.

   Fortunately, the wind elementals have long been assigned to the order camp by Charlemagne. Finally, these wind elementals did not attack indiscriminately, but it is also troublesome to send them back to the sky wall.

In addition, there was an inexplicable volcanic eruption near Lake Iris in the middle of Ashenvale. A large number of fire elements spread out from the crater, and many of the night elves' beloved forests were set on fire. Fandral was furiously leading the army to extinguish this disaster.

   Of course, the most troublesome thing is Mount Hyjal. The entire foot of the mountain has completely become the territory of the Old Gods camp.

  From Darkwhisper Canyon to the land of flames summoned by Deathwing to the material world, and even further west to the outskirts of the Aessina Woodlands, the entire southern line of Hyjal is occupied by the Twilight's Hammer and Fire Elementals.

   This is very embarrassing for the night elves on Hyjal Peak, because it means that the supplies to be transported to Hyjal can only be transported by air, not to mention the high cost, and they may be shot down by the Twilight Dragon.

  Now Malfurion is leading a group of raptor druids trying to open a supply route to the outside world, but with a large number of twilight dragons blocking them, it seems that the plan is not going very smoothly.

Scratching his head irritably, Charlemagne looked at the pile of bad news in his hand and couldn't help complaining, "It's a good thing I got Uldum done ahead of time, otherwise, judging by the way it's burning everywhere now, I'm afraid it's going to be over. ah…"
