Chapter 746 Hi! Regent!

  The melon-eaters in Quel'Thalas were a little surprised when they saw the regent suddenly stepping onto the stage. Some of the sharper elves had already guessed that something big was about to happen, and the jubilant atmosphere just now became a lot more dignified.

Seeing their expressions, Charlemagne couldn't help but chuckled and said, "You don't have to be so stern, you should know that I am a person who is afraid of trouble, and it shouldn't be easy to see me on this occasion, so you might as well take advantage of this Do you have a chance to take a look?"

"Ha ha!"

  Charlemagne's self-deprecating words made the people temporarily relax. When Charlemagne smiled and reached out to signal, the whole square quickly returned to calm.

In the eyes of the people, the many changes that have taken place in Quel'Thalas over the past few decades are inseparable from this regent who is dedicated to the country. Perhaps some privileged people headed by nobles will think that the appearance of Charlemagne has weakened their status. .

  But most of the people have a good impression of the regent who was born as a commoner, because he brought hope of promotion to the commoners who wanted to get ahead.


   At the same time, he is also a general who can fight well. He has fought for Quel'Thalas and the whole of Azeroth for many years.

   Except for the Battle of the Sunwell caused by traitors inside, Quel'Thalas has not been attacked by war for many years since the invasion of natural disasters that year.

Charlemagne standing on the stage has long since lost the tension of facing the gaze of tens of thousands of people for the first time before. He always said calmly with a smile, "I think some people who know me should know that I usually don't take the initiative to stand. Speaking on stage."

   "And once I stand in this position, it means that something big will happen in Azeroth...whether it's good or bad." Charlemagne blinked his left eye deliberately when he said this, which drew a chuckle from the audience.

   "Unfortunately, although I also hope to bring you some good news, this time I want to talk about the war."

  As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the audience froze again, and the faces of the people became tense.


  Charlemagne said calmly, "No one desires war, but there is a saying that goes well, no matter how big a country is, if it is warlike, it will perish. Although the world is safe, if you forget to fight, you will be in danger."

   It would feel strange to translate ancient texts in Salas, but the meaning in Charlemagne's words was accurately conveyed.

  "Since the Troll War, Quel'Thalas has never taken the initiative to engage in any form of aggressive war. Our battles are all to defend our beloved Eversong Forest and protect Azeroth where we live."

"The establishment of the ancient oath allowed us to reconnect closely with the elves who had lost contact with us. Ancient allies such as the tauren also joined us. Our long-term partner Dalaran also left the alliance and chose to become a neutral one. side."

  "We are not actively seeking war. We have established this neutral organization for the peace of Azeroth, with the intention of curbing the possibility of a full-scale conflict between the Alliance and the Horde in Azeroth."

   "This point, in the past few years since the establishment of the oath, I can proudly tell you that we have achieved it!"


  Following Charlemagne's passionate tone, the faces of the people in the audience also showed proud expressions of pride.

  “The biggest conflict between the Alliance and the Horde in recent years took place in the broken Outland. The two sides finally reached a truce agreement under the mediation of the lord of Theramore, Ms. Proudmoore. After that, the two sides participated in the Northern Expedition to the Lich King together.”

   "Well... Although there were some frictions between the two sides during the Northern Expedition, the Lich King and Scourge were finally eliminated."


  Charlemagne saw the smiles of the people below again, and made a turning point with an accentuated tone.

   "Unfortunately, our peace time may have entered the countdown."

   "Some well-informed merchants should have received the news that the tribe's chieftain has changed, from the former peace-loving and wise leader Go'el to a more iron-blooded leader Garrosh."

   "Our intelligence personnel have received the latest information from Orgrimmar. Garrosh will organize a Horde army to launch a full-scale attack on the Alliance's only stronghold in Kalimdor, the North Castle."

   "The northern castle happens to be guarded by King Daelin of Kul Tiras, the father of Lady Proudmoore, lord of Theramore."

  Charlemagne looked around and asked loudly, "Please tell me, if your relatives are threatened by the tribe, will you stand up!"


  Charlemagne shouted, "That's right! Of course! Ms. Proudmoore, who has mediated the disputes between the Alliance and the Horde, has been very troubled and hesitant at the oath meeting before."

"Caught between the oath's declaration of neutrality and her father's safety, she was in great pain and didn't know how to choose, because she knew that once she joined the rescue of the northern castle, the new chief of the tribe would definitely use this as an excuse to declare war on the oath ! But if she doesn't come to the rescue..."

  Looking at the gradually agitated people below, Charlemagne temporarily controlled the scene, "There is one thing I need to let everyone know, the Horde has always been very dissatisfied with our allies, the night elves, occupying most of the core areas of Kalimdor."

  "Their idea of ​​invading Ashenvale has never ceased. I dare to conclude that once the tribe and the oath go to war, they will inevitably invade Ashenvale from the Barrens and invade the territory of our oath."

   "In this situation, what should we do? Shall we allow Garrosh to hang Ms. Prolmore's father's head on his battle axe, or should we rise up and rescue our allies?!"

   "Rescue! Rescue!"

  The high elves who are eager to make great achievements are already full of enthusiasm. They can't wait to make meritorious deeds on the battlefield. Maybe they will be the next one to stand on the stage to receive the title award.

  Charlemagne clenched his fists and raised his head above his head and shouted, "Yes! We must rescue, we cannot allow our allies to let our own father die in front of our eyes because of our position!"

   "If the Horde wants war, we'll give him war!"

   "The ancient oath has not participated in the internal struggles of the various races in Azeroth for many years. I am afraid that some people have already regarded us as a soft persimmon. This battle! We must play our own momentum!"

   "I hereby declare!"

Charlemagne's eyes flickered, and under the gaze of tens of thousands of people, he said word by word, "From today on, Quel'Thalas has entered a state of full alert, and we will make all preparations for possible future wars! For the sake of Quel'Thalas! El Salas!"

   "For the Sunwell!" After Charlemagne chanted the slogan, Lianda and the members of the Silvermoon Council standing behind him also shouted their opinions one after another.

  The entire square then chanted in unison, "For the Quel'dorei! For the Sunwell!"

   Thanks to the book friend "Extra Strong White Rabbit" for the reward and support.
