Chapter 744 Magatha: Come on, face me head-on!

Magatha patted Jaina's shoulder comfortingly, and said in a deep tauren voice, "Regarding this, we have also received information from the scouts that Garrosh has already started to prepare his army for battle, and it will take half a month at most. Soon there will be an assault on the northern castle in the Barrens."

Kane sighed softly and said, "Although the Darkspear troll chief Vol'jin and the Forsaken leader Solas both expressed their opposition to his decision, the wild boar leader Calgar and the centaur chief Kiztan opposed Galgar's decision." Rush's call to war was responded positively."

"Now the Darkspear trolls and the Forsaken have been kicked out of Orgrimmar by Garrosh, and Vol'jin has also been revoked as the chieftain's advisor. of the Echo Islands."

Jaina rubbed her temples with a headache, and added to the explanations of several people, "According to the shared information from the copperbeard dwarves in the wetlands, Garrosh seems to have given some kind of order to Solas in the name of the great chief. There is also a certain degree of commotion in the Arathi Highlands right now."

  Charlemagne nodded solemnly. Although Garrosh's decision was a bit sudden, in fact, his actions against the northern castle did not exceed Charlemagne's expectations, but he did not expect that guy to be so bold as to want to fight on both sides.

With the mindset of Garrosh, a big orcist, the northern castle, a nail stuck in the nose of the Horde, would naturally be very obtrusive. When Goel was still in power, he proposed to capture this alliance bridgehead many times, but Has not been able to do so.


Charlemagne pondered for a while, then turned his head and said to Emeril, "Gadgetzan can slow down for a while, and then focus on the Horde. I want to understand the situation in Arathi Highlands clearly. By the way... pay attention The Hinterlands."

  Emeril responded seriously, "I see, I will let Nathanos enter the Arathi Highlands to investigate intelligence, and the Hinterlands will also provide certain monitoring."

Nathanos Blightcaller, whose original surname was Marris, used to be a hunter in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and once lived in the Marris Farm in the Eastern Plaguelands...the one that was destroyed by Charlemagne. architecture.

  Since Cirvanas' fate was reversed by Charlemagne, Nathanos' experience has naturally undergone a great change.

  Nathanos, who has not been trained as an orthodox ranger, has been living on the farm of his hometown as a hunter.

  When the natural disaster invaded, he fought bravely to protect his family, but in the end he was still defeated by Alsace's undead army and was transformed into a member of the natural disaster.


  After the Frozen Throne was bombarded by Illidan, Nathanos, like most other determined undead, broke free from the Lich King's control.

  Afterwards, in order to avoid the pursuit of both the Scourge and the living, he has been hiding in the XZ on the mainland, living a precarious life, until...he learned about Sandara, a neutral city for adventurers.

  Nathanos sneaked onto a merchant ship heading to Howling Fjord, and finally came to this free city in his eyes, becoming an adventurer.

   In Sandara, there are many Forsaken adventurers. Although Solas established a country for the Forgotten and joined the tribe to obtain asylum, not everyone can forget the damage that the orcs once caused to their homeland.

  Marris Farm was also attacked by orcs back then. Nathanos, who was still young, lost his mother in this war. He could not convince himself to join the camp of these invaders.

  Some people are born with extraordinary talents, and Nathanos is such a person. He quickly rose to prominence during the time he lived as an adventurer in Shandarar, and he received invitations from many large adventure groups.


However, compared to these living people, he is more willing to trust his two undead dog companions. He has always been alone, except for occasional exchanges with compatriots who are also Forsaken. He has no intention of joining any adventure group. Intend.

  When the Apocalypse Fortress appeared in the northern part of Sandara, Nathanos joined the Apocalypse Knights logically and became a Forsaken under the oath.

  Emerel later discovered his talents and recruited Nathanos into the Hidden Path, and the hunter, who changed his name to Nathanos Blightcaller, has been contributing to the Oath and the Hidden Path ever since.

  Arathi Highlands has only Forsaken except for a small number of orcs. Carrick is currently stationed in Orgrimmar to monitor the actions of Brainless Roar. For the time being, Arathi Highlands can only be visited by Nathanos.

  With Garrosh in power, Azeroth, which was relatively peaceful after the Northern Expedition, is destined to make waves again.

  Charlemagne knew exactly what Jaina was worried about. Although the northern castle had been personally supported by the fleet led by Daelin, it was obviously not enough compared to the army that the tribe was about to form.

At that time, the northern castle will inevitably fall into a bitter battle. The alliance will be isolated and helpless in the Kalimdor continent, and they will even need to spend energy defending the Arathi Highlands in the eastern continent. Theramore is gone.

  But Theramore is not a territory under the Alliance, but belongs to the neutral organization Ancient Oath. Once Theramore provides support to the northern castle, it means that the Oath has made a bias between the Alliance and the Horde.

  Given Garrosh's character, once this happens, he will definitely think that the oath is provoking the tribe, and the original peace treaty may be torn up in an instant.

  The orcs have been coveting the wood and territory of Ashenvale for more than a day or two. If there is a war with the oath, he will definitely take the opportunity to invade the territory ruled by the night elves.

Charlemagne sighed softly. It seemed that the oath's recuperation time was coming to an end. He stepped forward and patted Jaina's shoulder heavily, "Get ready for the battle, the oath will not let you be caught in the middle, Ai Queen Sarah is not one to swallow."

  Although the comeback after 10,000 years has eased Azshara's domineering attitude a lot, the arrogance in the queen's heart has never dissipated.

Jaina's rescue of her father is the road of human relations. Charlemagne and others will not and cannot stop her from supporting Daelin. Once the tribe wants to use this as an excuse to start a war with the oath...with Queen Azshara as the leader, the oath must not Will allow the Horde to attack members of the Covenant.

  A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Magatha's dark face, "Ha! Is the war finally about to start? Those **** left by the Burning Legion have long wanted to teach them a lesson!"

  Kane is a little helpless about Magatha's biased perception, but he is also not afraid of troubles. Although the tauren are gentle and peaceful, once war comes, they will contribute all their strength to their tribe and allies.

Not to mention Fandral, the hardliner among the night elves, he immediately stood up and said firmly, "Then let them come! Ashenvale has been the territory of the night elves since ancient times, we will not let those barbarians Orcs do whatever they want!"

   Thanks to the book friends "Invincible Big Light Bulb", "Qing Ge's Heartbroken Strings" and "Liu Shuo 2015" for their support.
