Chapter 730 Gazlowe's position

   Handed over the care of the goblins to Garrod, Charlemagne believed that these cunning guys should not be able to find anything.

   Under the suppression of absolute strength, all cleverness is meaningless. Goblins are not a powerful fighting race. Their size is destined to have a huge gap with the tall and strong night elves in terms of combat effectiveness.

  Even if they fight for technical ability, the Draenei will not be weaker than them, and Charlemagne thinks that these goblins should not go bankrupt and want to fight the oath, which is not in line with their creed.

   Un'Goro Crater is not far from Charlemagne's destination, the Cavern of Time. The Tanaris Desert where the Titan Laboratory and the Cavern of Time are located were originally two neighbors.

   It is precisely because of this that Garridabz can travel between the two places leisurely on his own engineering flying mount.

   On the way south, Charlemagne finally found traces of the tribe in the swamps south of Un'Goro, where they were still entangled with a large number of dinosaurs.


Un'Goro's animals are not very friendly. Not only are there Divanosaurus and Velociraptor running on the ground, but there are also ferocious pterosaurs in the sky. These dinosaurs that Freya used as experimental subjects are extremely aggressive, and the tribe rushed into them rashly. The territory naturally aroused the attack of these dinosaurs.

Hmm... By the way, there are still some wandering stone guards in Un'Goro. As long as these guards don't take the initiative to provoke them, they will not attack others. What is really deadly is the existence at the top of the Un'Goro food chain-Devil Tyrannosaurus .

  These gigantic dinosaurs, which are several stories high, roam the entire Un'Goro Crater. If you are unlucky and encounter them...if your strength is not enough, you'd better ask for luck.

  For mortals, this Devilsaur is simply a natural disaster, but for Charlemagne...that's actually the same thing.

Although these Devilsaurs are powerful and have sharp teeth and claws, their movements are not flexible. The Devilsaur, which relies on two recurved hind legs to support its huge body, has relatively poor steering ability. If you really want to fight, Charlemagne can be around them Shake these big guys completely.

  Looking down at the tribe's crude camp and hunting team from the air, Charlemagne touched his chin and said, " seems that the tribe has not yet fully established itself in Un'Goro."


   "There are quite a lot of prey here, but they can't transport the meat from the southern tip of the continent back to Orgrimmar to eat?"

   Eragon pointed down and reminded, "Charlemagne, look over there."

  Following Eragon's instructions, Charlemagne looked at a camp built by the tribe against the mountain wall, and his face suddenly became serious.

   "Goblin airship... It seems that there are still goblins who maintain a good relationship with the Horde, Gazlowe?"

Gazlowe, the lord of Ratchet City in the barren land, is nominally affiliated with the Steamwheedle Consortium, but in fact he is not too much restricted by the Consortium. biased.

   Goel established friendship with Gazlowe when he crossed the sea and arrived in Kalimdor, and later let him participate in the design and construction of Orgrimmar. The two parties have maintained a good cooperative relationship.


  Even in the original history, Orgrimmar was destroyed by the cataclysm earthquake, and Gazlowe presided over the reconstruction work.

  If the Steamwheedle Consortium joins the oath, Gazlowe's position and attitude will be more subtle and intriguing.

Nominally, he is a subordinate of the Steamwheedle Consortium, but in fact, the establishment of Ratchet City basically relies on his own assets. Even if he leaves the Steamwheedle Consortium, he can continue to maintain his life in the barren land, at most it is with Tibet. Baohai Bay's trade will be reduced.

  In order to make up for this lack of trade, Gazlowe actually doesn't have many options, except to get closer to the tribe.

  'Forget it, anyway, Gazlowe's goblins in only one city won't have much effect on the tribe, so let him go. '

   Passing over a thousand meters above the tribal camp, Charlemagne and Eragon entered the vast Tanaris Desert.

  Under the midday sun, the glare of the desert can still see a road made by intelligent creatures from north to south.

  In the distance, a caravan of centaurs is galloping on the road. From the flags on their backs, it can be seen that these centaurs are Garak centaurs from Thousand Needles.

  Charlemagne smiled with great interest, "I didn't expect Goyle to let centaurs come to trade in caravans... That's right, with their footsteps, they don't even need animal power to pull carts."

  In the endless desert, what you see most of the time is the unchanging yellow sand plain and towering sand dunes. Only some drought-resistant plants such as cacti live tenaciously in this severely water-scarce desert area.

   From time to time, vultures in the sky will find animals rotting on the sand and swoop down to grab "food". Charlemagne even found some desert trolls in the north.

  The Sandfury trolls living in this desert were originally a branch of the Gurubashi jungle troll empire, called the Faraki tribe. The Faraki tribe was divided into Tanaris during the Well of Eternity explosion.

  The earliest Tanaris was not a desert with only yellow sand. This group of Faraki trolls lived in the lush Tanaris jungle at that time.

  However, Thor's arrogance in attacking the Hall of Origin destroyed everything here. Under the impact of the terrifying energy released by the Furnace of Origin, the area around Uldum was almost completely turned into a lifeless desert.

  Tanaris, Ahn'Qiraj, Silithus, and even Uldum itself were all formatted by the melting pot of origin, and since then the originally vibrant land has become what it is today.

   Only Un'Goro Crater, which was protected by the Titan Guardian Crystal Tower, escaped, but the crystal towers were all overloaded because of this, and crystal shards sprayed out can still be seen all over Un'Goro Crater.

For thousands of years, the Faraki tribe, who were jungle trolls, forced themselves to evolve in a direction suitable for desert survival in order to adapt to the drastic changes in the environment. They gradually evolved into desert trolls that did not exist before. This is the name of the Sandfury tribe. origin.

The capital of the Sandfury trolls, Zul'Farrak, is a very majestic capital. Although it is not comparable to the capital of the forest trolls, Zul'Aman, and the capital of the jungle trolls, Zul'Gurub, it was considered the largest city among the jungle trolls in ancient times. The city is gone.

The tribe's army marching from the Tanaris Desert to the Un'Goro Crater will inevitably have conflicts with the Sandfury trolls. This group of desert trolls who have been separated from their compatriots for countless years have long since denied their original brothers. No matter how much Vol'jin persuaded him, he was unwilling to stop the war.

  However, it is impossible to defeat the powerful army of the tribe with only the power of one family. In the end, the group of desert trolls were driven back to their capital, Zul'Farrak, but the tribe did not kill them all.

  Charlemagne did not intend to go to the northern part of Tanaris on this trip. His goal was the Cavern of Time on the eastern coast of the Great Desert.

  When Eragon landed at the gate of the Cavern of Time, a huge adult dragon was lying lazily basking in the sun on the desert at the gate.

   He only opened a pair of golden vertical pupils when he heard the news of Aragorn's landing. When he saw Charlemagne, a smile appeared on the corner of the dragon's mouth, and then he gradually shrank into a mortal form.

   "Charlemagne, you are finally here. Mother has been waiting for a long time."

  Charlemagne smiled and stretched out his hand to shake the resolute-faced human man, "Anachronos, I thought you followed Nozdormu into the crack of time, but I didn't expect you to stay in the Cavern of Time."
