Chapter 73 Difficulties of ocean-going ships

  After dinner, Charlemagne looked at the two younger siblings of the Windrunners who were surrounding the eldest sister to ask for their care, and showed warm smiles.

   During these ten years of getting along, he really regarded these two happy little guys as his younger siblings.

According to the original history, Rillas would die in the joint invasion of orcs and trolls like his mother Liresa, and Vereesa would marry a human archmage, Ronin. Standing issues become irrelevant.

   He will definitely try his best to change the fate of Lilas. This eccentric little brother should not die worthlessly in that cruel war.

  As for Vereesa... To be honest, Charlemagne doesn't want her to marry a human. After all, high elves have a lifespan of thousands of years, while humans only have a short hundred years.

  Marrying a human means that she will bear the grief of her lover's death alone for thousands of years, not to mention that Luo Ning is still a scumbag who can overcome himself...


  Although Luo Ning is an unscrupulous legendary hero in terms of personality and achievements, the reputation of this human really not very good.

Those who have been teammates with him are basically difficult to get a good death in the end. The most famous of them include his teacher, the red dragon Krasus, and the legendary hero of the orcs, Broxigar Saurfang, also known as Saurfang. The elder brother of King Ruffal.

  Brox, after being sent to the War of the Ancients by the Bronze Dragon with Ronin, heroically wounded the Fallen Titan Sargeras as a mortal and died a heroic sacrifice.

  Although Brooks died with great honor, this still cannot change the fact that Ronin killed his teammates again.

   During a mission to rescue the Red Dragon Queen from Deathwing, the mages of the Dalaran Kirin Tor Council commented on him like this.

   "Best-case scenario, Deathwing swallows Rhonin and chokes to death, removing two scourges from the world at once."


In the end, Ronin sacrificed himself and sold Ya in order to save Jaina, another mage with countless enemies, from the attack of Garrosh Hellscream, known as the brainless Roar. Theramore.

   I don’t know how Ronin, who was crushed to death in his lifetime, would feel, but in terms of the result... Vereesa became a widow, and she will raise her two children alone for the rest of her life.

  The unhappy ending of Little Sister Windrunner is certainly not what Charlemagne wants to see. If possible, he would rather Vereesa just marry an ordinary high elf male, so that at least he will not have to suffer the pain of parting for thousands of years later.

   "So, since Aurelia is back, it means that Charlemagne is going to travel, right?"

  Today, it was rare for Li Reza not to scold the two imageless sons and daughters, and patiently waited until they had had enough fun before gathering the five juniors together to ask the proud disciple about his next plan.

  By the way, Lor'themar is still sitting in the corner.


  Charlemagne nodded, "Yes, and because of an important person brought back by Alleria, I have already determined the destination of the trip. The problem now is to find a suitable ocean-going ship to take us there."

  The wind and waves on the sea are very strong, and trading ships that only sail offshore must be unusable, but most of the ships suitable for ocean-going are concentrated in Kul Tiras, which makes Charlemagne quite distressed.

   Li Reza heard about his disciple's troubles, resting his chin on his hand and pondering.

   "Ocean-going ships... It is true that our ships in Quel'Thalas sail in offshore waters, but I remember that there is a ship in the royal family that is specially used for ocean-going voyages."


  Charlemagne and the others made sounds of surprise at the same time.

"Well, it seems to be a rule set by the late Sun King. Every generation of the Sunstrider royal family must keep a super large ocean-going ship that can sail at any time. There is indeed such a ship in the world."

  Although he learned of an unexpected event, it was of no help to Charlemagne today. After all, it was impossible for him to go to Anasterian to borrow this royal ship.

  However, Charlemagne admires Dath'Remar's foresight. I don't know if the former king predicted that there would be a catastrophe in Quel'Dorei in the future, and he prepared the way out early.

  It's a pity that the royal family that has taken root in Eversong Forest for many years no longer has the spirit of the first generation of Sunstriders who dared to explore the unknown. When facing disasters, they would rather die than take a boat with the people to seek refuge.

   "I'm planning to ask Sean tomorrow. I should get some useful information from the connections of the Dawnwalker family. If not, I can only go to the Kingdom of Kul Tiras to rent a ship through Corey's channel."

  Renting a ship, this is a method that Corey told Charlemagne in the chat yesterday. After all, the utilization rate of ocean-going ships is not high, and other human powers rarely build them.

Most businessmen who want to try ocean-going trade will not make a one-shot deal, and directly buy an expensive ocean-going ship to take huge risks, so this kind of chartering business is put on by Dailin Proudmoore countertop.

In order to quickly expand the business, Dai Lin reduced the deposit for chartering the ship to one-third of the value of the ship itself. Anyway, Kul Tiras is confident in recovering the ship from any profiteers who dare to flee with the ship. proved their confidence.

   At first, some goblins sailed to Stranglethorn Vale with such bad ideas, but now they have all been sent to the sea to feed the fish. For this reason, Dai Lin also took over the beam with the Blackwater pirates in Booty Bay.

  But once the effect of killing chickens and monkeys came out, no one dared to do such a bold thing since then.

   To rent a ship, you must first go to Kul Tiras, located in the southwest coast of Gilneas, and Charlemagne is still a little hesitant about this. After all, the annual rent after reaching a charter agreement is not a small amount.

  From Corey, he learned that the deposit for chartering a boat is 3,000 gold coins, and he needs to pay a rent of 1,000 gold coins every year, which means that when renting a boat, he needs to pay 4,000 gold coins at a time, which is not counting the cost of recruiting sailors and crew.

  The Theron family’s inheritance has more than 13,000 gold coins. This figure is considered a middle-level level for a ranger family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

   Excluding the part that needs to be reserved, Charlemagne and Lor'themar can each use about 6,000 of them.

   That is to say, if he decides to charter a boat, he will spend almost all his funds in a short period of time. If he cannot find a way to earn it back later... then he will face the embarrassing situation of having no money to use in the future.

  Of course his family still has some real estate shops in Silvermoon City, but it is impossible for Charlemagne to move them anyway.
