Chapter 725 Bragging style science popularization

   From the communication between the diamond man Magni and Azeroth in the original timeline, it can be seen that Azeroth undoubtedly has a part of the ability to detect the future.

  She informed all races of Azeroth through the spokesperson Magni that she was about to be inserted into her body by the great sword, but unfortunately, the footmen were still unable to catch them.

Although Antorus was successfully captured and the Pantheon was liberated, the seal of the Titans such as Aman'Thul came too late, and Sargeras stabbed his giant sword on Azeroth before being pulled away. , thus creating a great wound in Silithus.

  The Azerite gushing out from the wound is actually something like blood condensed from the life essence of Azeroth.

The irony is that the Queen of the Banshees was ecstatic about the appearance of Azerite. She never thought about curing Azeroth. Instead, she only wanted to use more Azerite to create powerful weapons to completely destroy the alliance. .

  However, things didn't go as smoothly as she expected. Even the night elves were caught off guard by the Azerite siege equipment, and even their hometown Teldrassil was completely burned down.


  But the Banshee Queen's actions undoubtedly completely angered the night elves who had been playing soy sauce before, and the powerful background of this ten thousand-year race finally broke out completely.

Not only were the night elves not defeated by a single blow, but they launched a fierce counterattack from Ashenvale, Darkshore and even Azshara. Coupled with the alliance's revenge attack in Lordaeron, the Banshee Queen can be said to be unable to steal chickens. Eclipse rice.

   Whether or not they got Azerite, the hometown of the night elves, is still a matter of opinion. The alliance's capture of Lordaeron has brought great changes to the future situation.

  The Azerite machine that was originally left behind in the Undercity fell into the hands of the Alliance. With the technical power of the gnomes and draenei, it is not difficult to imitate weapons of the same specification.

Charlemagne resolutely refused to admit that the increasingly maddened Queen of Banshees was the same person as her own Cirvanas. His Syl had a more poisonous mouth and a stronger personality. With the company of her family and lover, her life very happy.

Even if there are occasional wars in Azeroth, there is no need for her to bear the pressure on herself with Charlemagne as a pillar in the front. Cirvanas only needs to take care of the ranger troops under his command. .


  The experience of the Banshee Queen and Cirvanas are completely two extremes. Since the death of the guard Quel'Thalas, her heart has been rushing all the way to the dark side, and it is only logical that she will reach that step in the end.

   Azeroth Star Soul may have a rare person who can chat with him smoothly, so he pulled Charlemagne to chat about many trivial things, including the earth where Charlemagne once lived.

  A world without magic elements, relying solely on the resources of the planet itself can go out of the parent star and enter the universe, which surprised Azeroth.

  Living in this kind of high magic universe, it is hard for her to imagine how to enter the universe without magic elements.

  Charlemagne shrugged and said regretfully, "Although we have walked out of the parent star, due to energy and other various issues, there is still a long way to go before we can truly set foot in the universe and start an interstellar voyage."

   "The power we used at the beginning was the oil that Azeroth also has. This kind of resource is no problem for small vehicles inside the planet, but it is obviously not enough to support spaceships for interstellar travel."


  In this parallel universe, even the technology used by the Draenei includes the mysterious product of crystals. The technology used by goblins and gnomes is pure technology, but at best they are just playing around inside Azeroth.

  Want to fly into space with a steam engine? Hmm... this subject is very challenging.

  Since Charlemagne still has a lot of things to deal with, it is impossible to stay here to chat with this obviously immature little girl.

   After making an appointment to come and talk to her regularly, Charlemagne bid farewell to the reluctant Azeroth Star Soul and left the ceremony hall.


   Under the respectful **** of the Stone Giants, Charlemagne left the Creator's Tower on Eragon's body.

   Eragon, who had been silent before, said at this time, "It seems that Xinghun seems to like you very much, and the chat lasted for more than 3 hours."

The communication between Star Soul and Charlemagne was achieved in the brain, and Eragon couldn't hear the content of the conversation between the two. What it saw was Charlemagne walking around in the ceremony hall in a daze, looking up from time to time as if Thinking about something, the expression on his face is also ever-changing.


Charlemagne sighed softly, "The character shown by Xinghun's will is just a little girl, and there should be a long way to go before she matures. I don't know if I can see the day when Xinghun matures. "

Theoretically speaking, Charlemagne, who has reached the demigod level now, has an eternal lifespan, but the eternal lifespan does not mean that he will not die, especially in the extremely dangerous world of Azeroth. He can be easily crushed with one outstretched hand.

  Of course Mr. Sa is busy talking with Aggramar now, trying to corrupt Aman'Thul and other titans to form the Dark Pantheon.

  Even the most important expedition of the Burning Legion, he only gave a direction, and the specific implementation was all handed over to Kil'jaeden. How could he come to Azeroth to find trouble with Charlemagne... Besides, even if he wanted to, it would not be so easy for him to come in.

  As the most powerful bronze titan in the Pantheon, it would be very easy for Sargeras to destroy Azeroth.

But his purpose is to corrupt the star soul of Azeroth, let the strongest titan in the future be used by him, and help him to overthrow the Void Lord who doesn't know where he is hiding now. Naturally, he will not use such a rough method Hurt Ai Jiang's body.

Thinking of this, Charlemagne touched his chin with a smile and said, "Now that I think about it, there are only a handful of native creatures in Azeroth that can threaten my life? And most of them are friendly forces... "

   Now even if he and Sinestra and other dragon king spouses have a certain chance of winning one-on-one, let alone the weak chicken who barely entered the demigod.

  N'Zoth...Although I don't know about it because I haven't fought it before, it won't be stronger than Yogg-Saron, who has almost completely escaped from prison. As long as Charlemagne organizes a team of guardian gays to watch, it shouldn't be a big problem.

  Deathwing is just the most powerful dog under N'Zoth. Charlemagne has already calculated him to death. If he was not afraid of destroying history, he would have had a chance to kill this iron chin ten thousand years ago.

  As long as the problem of the bronze dragon is solved, Charlemagne can completely form a luxurious lineup of five guardian dragons and let him kneel down and call him father.

   "The most urgent task is to completely liberate the bronze dragon before the catastrophe begins, and the problem of the eternal dragon should almost be solved."

  Charlemagne patted Eragon's head and said, "Let's go, let's go to Un'Goro Crater through the boundary gate in the southern part of the Sholazar Basin, and take a look at the oil exploitation by the way."

   "Okay, I'm going to speed up."
