Chapter 721 Short New Year Holiday

  Early the next morning, when Charlemagne woke up from the entanglement of his wives, Valela and Onyxia rushed into the spacious basement of the Regent's Palace with vigor.

  They couldn't wait to instill those few words that Charlemagne said yesterday to the rookie thieves who hadn't completed their final training.

On Charlemagne's side, like a retired veteran cadre, he leisurely had breakfast with his wives, sent Cirvanas and Vereesa to the gate, and then walked to the office with Aurelia arm in arm. .

A cup of tea, a stack of snacks, and only one newspaper is enough to perfectly restore the life of retired veteran cadres. Instead, they are replaced by documents screened by Aurelia. All Charlemagne needs to do is stamp his regency on the documents after looking through them for a while. King seal.

  Tyrande's cheeks on the side twitched a bit as he watched the leisurely life of the dog and man opposite him, and then looked down at the large stack of documents on his desk. For the first time, he felt that he should find a secretary.

Originally, she had handed over a considerable part of the work to Shandris, but after all, Shandris is not yet proficient, Garrod has recently led troops away, and Malfurion, the druid leader, has temporarily retired , Fandral would often leave the busy work to Tyrande.


   This caused Tyrande, who was supposed to enjoy life leisurely, to still be busy with state affairs every day, which was in stark contrast to the young couple next to him who were correcting documents and talking about each other.

  On January 1, 28 at the Portal of Darkness, Charlemagne, as the regent, and Queen Leanda came to the Square of the Sunstrider Royal Court to deliver New Year greetings and speeches to the people of Quel'Thalas.

Lianda mainly gave a brief account of Quel'Thalas' internal affairs achievements in the past year to the people, while Charlemagne's speech was mainly about military affairs. Of course, the inescapable topic was the just-concluded Northern Expedition. .


  Charlemagne, who was wearing a gorgeous dress, slumped on his chair like a salted fish as soon as he returned to the meeting hall. His indiscreet appearance made Li Reza, the mother-in-law, frowned.

   Lianda looked at Charlemagne amusedly and said, "Okay, Charlemagne, why don't you go back first, you still have a lot of things to deal with after the New Year, just take advantage of this holiday to spend more time with your relatives."


   "Thank you Your Majesty the Queen! Then I will..."

  Just as Charlemagne jumped up and was about to oil the soles of his feet, Li Reza stopped him suddenly, "Your Majesty, have you forgotten something?"

   Lianda was stunned for a moment, and then smiled embarrassedly, "By the way, according to Kael'thas' last wish, I chose a suitable candidate for the prince, and I almost forgot to tell you."


   Speaking of this, Charlemagne became interested. He turned his head to look at Lianda with a gossipy face and asked, "Who is it? Don't lose face of the Sunstrider royal family, at least let me take a look."

"Ha ha!"


   Sean hangs on Charlemagne's shoulder casually and winks, "It's someone you know, that's Kane from the Sunfury family."

Sean's actions made Solanlian, who was born in a great nobleman, raise his brows slightly, and he made up his mind to find an opportunity to teach the morning walker councilor and the regent a lesson in etiquette, so that they could not show this shoulder-to-back look in front of outsiders. Disgraceful.


  Charlemagne was taken aback for a moment, then looked at his mother-in-law and asked, "Sunfury Commander Kane Sunfury?"

Li Reza nodded, "That's him, Kane is the second son, he has no right to inherit the family, and the Sunfury family has been one of the most staunch supporters of the Sunstrider royal family since the establishment of Quel'Thalas, and it is also a dignified family line. , it is very appropriate to choose him as the prince."

Charlemagne shrugged and said, "Since you all said that, it must be no problem. I am also more optimistic about Kane. Although he is still a little immature now, he has grown rapidly under the guidance of Glanz. One day I will be alone."

   With Grantz, the old driver, giving him all the money, Kane has completed his training under him, and the Sunfury Legion has also successfully completed the handover.

   Moreover, Lianda's choice of Kane should not only be out of family considerations, Kane is now the leader of Sunfury's legion, and is a major general under Charlemagne.

  Choosing him as the prince can win over the regent to a certain extent and deepen the relationship between the two parties. On the other hand, Kane is the general who leads the troops after all, so if there is an emergency, he can respond at any time.

   Lianda's wedding was tentatively scheduled for April this year, Charlemagne was relieved to hear this, at least it was staggered with the wedding of Lor'themar and Liadrin.

  The young couple had agreed before that they would step into the palace of marriage after the Northern Expedition ended, and now is almost the time.

  The day before yesterday, Charlemagne led Lor'themar to Liadrin's house to discuss the wedding date with the two elders, and finally set the date in mid-February.

   Coincidentally, Charlemagne still has some finishing work in Northrend after the New Year, and it should be around February when the work is done... Of course, the premise is that Garrosh's funny guy doesn't make trouble at that time.

  Although it is not known when Goel will officially pass the position of Warchief to Garrosh, at least it will take about a month until the soldiers of the Northern Expedition return from Northrend, including preparation time.

  That is to say, Garrosh will officially take over in February. Whether he will pick up troubles just after taking up the position... It's really hard to say.

Daelin had taken Jaina's warning firmly to heart before, and now he has returned to Boralus through teleportation. He is gathering a new fleet to go across the sea to the northern castle. Lead the team yourself.

The admiral who has been fighting for many years can smell the breath of war with the tribe even without his daughter's reminder, and he will probably start from the northern castle, the alliance's bridgehead on the Kalimdor continent. It's a real fight.

   After thinking about it, he deviated from the topic. Charlemagne shook his head, and after congratulating Lianda, he waved goodbye to the seven and teleported back home.

  Charlemagne set himself a three-day break for the New Year. From January 1 to 3, he spent time with his family.

Coincidentally, Sylvanas, Vereesa, Valeira and the others simply gave themselves and their subordinates a three-day vacation, plus Lor'themar and Liadrin who were sent from Far Travel Town, a group of People had a good time playing around at home.

On January 4th, Charlemagne kissed his three wives goodbye early in the morning, and was teleported to Northrend again during the farewell of his family and friends. This time, he did not teleport directly to Wyrmrest Temple, but came to the Alliance. Now he is in Howling Wind The central city of Utgarde in the fjord.

  Charlemagne looked at the two timid mother and daughter in front of him, and turned to Brian, who was temporarily staying in Northrend to continue excavating the Titan ruins, and asked, "Are these two?"

   "Hi~ That's right, it's them."

Brian, a bearded man, had a red nose due to alcohol. He hiccupped and said, "These two are Thassarian's mother, Vivienne, and younger sister, Lei Ruisa. They immediately heard about Thassarian's truth. Just ask to see him."

   "Thassarian is now under the oath member Apocalypse Knights, and then you can only take the two of them to see him."
