Chapter 706 The Coming Cat Slave

   The tauren troops supported the front line with the magic support of shamans and druids, while Theramore's artillery troops happily poured shells on the heads of the vrykul.

  The counterattack launched by the Vrykul lasted only three hours before ending with the collapse of the Vrykul's morale, and the Vrykul commander was also tragically killed by a stray bullet.

   After taking the southern part of Jotunheim, Charlemagne directly abandoned the dilapidated castle and sent a small number of troops to the Kurgala Fortress, which was closer to the front line.

  The rest of the large force entered the core residence of Jotunheim—Yorda Village through the Hall of Ancestors. Charlemagne must first ensure the safety of the rear.

  Of course, the strategy for the north is not so urgent. The task Charlemagne entrusted to them is to take it slowly, and try to capture the last Lord Ufran Hall while the Alliance takes the Shadow Vault.

  On the road to the east, there is only one stitching field remaining as an obstacle to the Gate of Fear, Coresa.


The five thousand elites rested for a day at the Kurgala Fortress, and were dispatched early the next morning. Under the air cover of the Apocalypse Fortress and the guidance of the leading party Sassarian, the army of the oath entered very smoothly. Stitching grounds for news of the fall of Balagad and Kurgala.

  In order to prevent the encirclement and suppression of natural disasters, Charlemagne deliberately slowed down the attacking rhythm of Mograine. Against the background of a large number of corpses constructed in the sewing field, the two sides fought a positional battle that seemed fierce but actually had very few casualties.

   The Yuldin Vrykul in the eastern part of Icecrown Glacier have not fully joined the Scourge's camp, and the Lich King cannot directly learn the latest battle reports from the frontline through the soul network.

   Arthas in Icecrown Citadel did not receive the news until the suture field was attacked.


   Tapped the armrest of the Frozen Throne in displeasure, Arthas stood up, and gave the latest order to Kel'Thuzad who was in front of the Desolation Gate to direct the Naxxramas Defense Alliance attack through the soul network.


   "Kel'Thuzad! Let Naxxramas go to the stitching field immediately. The ancient oath army has already engaged in battle with the frontline troops. Be sure to guard the gate of fear, Coresa!"

  Koresa is the last gate leading to Icecrown Fortress. Due to the existence of a very powerful barrier, it is very difficult to break through from the front.

  But Alsace didn't expect that Charlemagne and others could break through the Kurgala Fortress in just half a month, which directly caused the sewing field and even the gate of fear to face the threat of the oath.

After all, if you rush out from the stitching field, you can go directly to the city wall of the Gate of Fear, and the barrier of the entire gate is completely useless. When the time comes, as long as you vow to be ruthless and launch an assault, you can even directly threaten the Icecrown Fortress. This makes Alsace It's unacceptable anyway.

  Opening the protective cover of Naxxramas, Kel'Thuzad, who was resisting the bombardment of the Skyfire, couldn't help being stunned when he heard the Lich King's order.

   "The ancient oath? The stitching field? How could it be marching so fast?"


Alsace said angrily, "There are shameful traitors who surrendered to the enemy! Thassarian encouraged his low-level undead army and some death knight officers to rebel together. This important fortress will soon be taken."

"Besides, because Thassarian and others have taken away part of the army, the defense of the suture field is also a little weak. Now we can only rely on the mobile force of Naxxramas to support quickly. Go! I will come from Icecrown Fortress Send you some air support!"


  At this time, Kel'Thuzad felt a little emotional in his heart, "Mr. Theron, I'm finally going to confront you head-on. I don't know if Mr. Bigworth has been properly taken care of..."

  Mr. Bigglesworth, who was missed by Kel'Thuzad, was huddling in the leather armor on Charlemagne's chest with a disgusted expression on his face. It was very unfriendly to the familiar smell of preservatives inside the Apocalypse Fortress.

  Charlemagne has no time to pay attention to the mood of the cat owner. He is listening carefully to the reports of Gureste, Carrick and Brand.

Two days have passed since Kel'Thuzad left the Desolation Gate and went south to the sewing field. Charlemagne is still spending time with the natural disasters in a leisurely manner, so as not to put too much pressure on Alsace and make him send a large number of people regardless of his care. The troops came to encircle and suppress.

The first is the report of the Mountaineer General Gurest. He himself was busy commanding the Dwarf Mountaineer troops and did not come to the Apocalypse Fortress in person. The person who came was a young dwarf under him... Although Charlemagne could not see these beards It makes no difference whether you are young or not.

   "The alliance army has now reached the gate of Ordusa, but the gate is too strong, coupled with the harassment of Naxxramas in the air, it is expected that the support of the tribe will be needed to break down the gate."


  Charlemagne nodded, then looked at Carrick, "How is the situation with the tribe?"

Carrick didn't have the usual funny and lazy look at this time, he replied seriously, "It's going well, I have seized control of the gate of Modereza with the help of adventurers when I set off yesterday, and it should be about to start now." Headed towards the gate of desolation."

  From Carrick's report, Charlemagne learned about the situation on the tribe's side.

  Different from the alliance's tug-of-war in front of Ordusa, the tribe chose to send surprise soldiers to capture Moderesa.

With the support of the Skybreaker, the Tribal Air Force broke through the blockade of the Scourge Air Force regardless of losses. Under the heroic charge of the Mag'har orcs led by Garrosh and Zaela, they landed directly on the wall of the Death Gate .

After Garrosh took the lead to seize control of the city wall, the tribe that had already gained the upper hand took advantage of the meat grinder carts on the city wall to attack the gate of the city in one go, and violently bombarded Mordley with the main guns of the Skybreaker. Sa's main gate.

  The Scourge Commander defending the Death's Gate was overwhelmed by the simultaneous assault on the city wall and gate, and was ultimately hesitant to be killed by Garrosh's precise assault to the headquarters.

  The control of the city gate fell into the hands of the Horde, and Goyle and others quickly passed through the open death gate, and entered the Valley of Lost Hope in the rear just like the Alliance.

   "Adventurers, led by General Lor'themar, infiltrated into Ymirheim according to the original plan, and are currently wreaking havoc in this undead vrykul village, but..."

  Karik's face suddenly became a little weird. "They seem to be more interested in searching for the treasures of the Vrykul than killing the Vrykul...Although I don't think the undead have the habit of keeping treasures."

  Charlemagne smiled and waved his hand, "Haha, don't worry, adventurers are such a virtue, as long as they can complete their work smoothly."

   Finally it was Brand's turn, and what he wanted to report was the situation of Oath's raid in the north of Jotunheim.

   "The village of Yorda has basically been captured, and the arena of Valhalas was also captured yesterday evening. Now Hamuul and Barre are leading the army towards the Barbarian Tower and the Lord's Hall."

  "Because the defense of the hall where Lord Ufran is located is relatively strong, it should take a while to completely capture it."

   "Well, I see."

  Charlemagne touched his chin and nodded. He roughly calculated the speed of the tribe's advance and the time it would take to capture Ordusa.

  ‘After the Alliance and the Horde merge into one place, as long as they don’t fight each other, it shouldn’t be a problem for the two space battleships to clean up Naxxramas. When the Alliance invades the Shadow Vault…the time should be about the same. '
