Chapter 703 Thassarian

Mograine is not like Charlemagne and other people who turned their attention to Northrend in the past half a year. He has been stationed near the Iron Wall Dam since he robbed the Apocalypse Fortress. Of course, it is impossible to stay idle for such a long time. Moldy and long maggots.

  The subordinates he sent to ride the undead griffins have roughly checked the entire Icecrown Glacier area.

  Thanks to their undead identities, as long as they don't get in touch with the senior officers of the natural disaster, no one will find that these knights are actually not the same as themselves.

   During the investigation, Mograine discovered some strange situations. Some of the death knights who were middle-level officers, their private behavior obviously did not match their identities as undead.

It’s okay to face superior officers, they look no different from ordinary undead from natural disasters, but sometimes these death knights will always stare at the sky in a daze when their low-level undead are working, as if they are thinking about something .

  Thinking, this word is very normal for normal living beings, but among the Scourge, thinking is just a luxury for the undead.


  Low-level undead don't need to think at all, ghouls and zombies just act according to instinct and orders.

  The mid-level officers would be under the direct control of Arthas, and obeying the Lich King's orders is their only belief, and there should be no phenomenon of private thinking.

  Only those high-ranking military officers trusted by the Lich King are responsible for formulating battle plans and commanding large armies to fight. Alsace has given these high-ranking officers high autonomy.

  As long as they make sure they are still loyal to themselves, they will turn a blind eye to whatever they want in private.

  The human death knight Thassarian was one of the death knights observed by Mograine to behave abnormally. In front of him was one of the Lordaeron soldiers who followed Alsace to Northrend.

  This warrior who is extremely loyal to Lordaeron is willing to dedicate everything to his motherland, but he did not expect that he was deceived and betrayed by Prince Alsace and Captain Farric at the last moment of his life.


  Falric stabbed the long sword into his chest under the prince's order, and Arthas resurrected the soldier with strong fighting power with Frostmourne.

  Since then, Thassarian became an elite death knight under Alsace, following Alsace all the way to conquer the north and south, until... The Frozen Throne was bombarded by Illidan, and the control of the Lich King was greatly weakened.

  At first, Thassarian didn't feel much. As time went by, he gradually became the captain of a troop in the Scourge by virtue of his military exploits.

In the battle to defend Andorhal, he saw for the first time a death knight who had escaped the control of the Lich King with his own will. That person... was the former Ashbringer and the current leader of the Apocalypse Knights—Alexandros Mograine .

  Since then, Thassarian felt as if something in his soul was awakening, gradually breaking through the Lich King's control over him.

  Recently, he always reflects on the killings he caused against his inner wishes in the past few years, and those innocent and horrified creatures who died with his subordinates.


   Finally one day, Thassarian woke up, and he completely got rid of the control of the Lich King in his soul.

   But surrounded by the natural disaster army, the world of the living will not have the slightest mercy to these executioners whose hands are stained with the blood of relatives and friends. Thassarian is very at a loss, he does not know what he should do.

  ‘Perhaps it would be a good choice to die on this frozen soil again, but… I still want to see my mother and Lei Ruisa again…’

Thinking of his mother and sister who stayed in Lordaeron back then, whose life and death are still unknown, Thassarian stared blankly at the gloomy sky with blue eyes, completely oblivious to the strange undead who was quietly approaching He approaches.


   "You plan to instigate these death knight officers with self-will?"

Charlemagne looked at Mograine with some surprise, "Is it possible? Since these death knights still choose to stay in the natural disaster camp after awakening their will, it means that they agree with the killings they caused before, and they have never thought of reflecting on it." Bar?"

Mograine shook his head, with a sad face on his face, "That's not the case. Except for a few scum who actively pursued the power of darkness or immortality and joined the Scourge, most death knights were forcibly killed by Alsace. .”

   "It's not that they don't want to leave the Scourge, it's just that...they have nowhere to go."

  Charlemagne heard this, and his face showed a look of surprise, "So...Although they didn't come from their own hearts, they did cause a lot of killings to the whole world. This sin is not so easy to be forgiven in the hearts of the living."

  Just like in the original history, when the death knights had just left Black Front Fortress to go to the main city, the people and guards in the city threw rotten eggs and rotten fruits into their faces. I think these death knights must have felt bad back then.

   "That's exactly the case, so I plan to recruit them to join the Apocalypse Knights, and it can also be regarded as a home for these poor homeless boys."

  Charlemagne touched his chin and pondered for a while, then said to Mograine, "I see, then you can let go and do it, it's just... have you considered the future of these death knights?"

   "If they still have relatives alive in the world of the living, what will happen to them after the Northern Expedition, and what do you plan for yourself..."

  The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were originally heroes who resisted the sacrifice of the Scourge. After awakening their will, the root cause of their actions was revenge against Alsace.

  Once the Northern Expedition is over and Alsace is crusade, these free souls who have lost their goals...what should they do?

  This problem is not only owned by the oath, I believe that the group of forgotten people in the tribe also have this kind of confusion.

  For consideration of military strength and territory, the tribe definitely does not want all these bone sticks to return to a peaceful death after completing their revenge, but...

  If this group of undead who have lost their goals are allowed to survive, who knows what kind of twisted psychology they will have due to their envy and jealousy towards the living for a long time.

  Mograine obviously didn't think about such a long-term problem. He, Kurtaz, Seriek, and Braumux all only thought about completing the revenge against Alsace, and they haven't had time to think about things after the war.

  His eyes looked a little confused, and he muttered to himself, "Yes, what should I do... Your Excellency the Regent, please give me some time to think about it, and I will give you a clear answer after the war is over."

  Charlemagne smiled and comforted, "I see, don't push yourself too hard, first focus on the war in front of you, and it won't be too late to think about other things after the war is over."

  The next afternoon, when the Apocalypse Fortress landed on the coast of Jotunheim, the scouts sent by Mograine to instigate the death knight finally sent back information.

A death knight officer named Thassarian was the first to respond to Mograine's call. He will lead the death knight who intends to leave the Scourge and the low-level undead army under his command to help the oath when the oath attacks the Kulgala fortress. .

   Thanks to book friends "Liu Shuo 2015" and "Erhong 2333" for their support.
