Chapter 70 Weapon Enchanting

  Charlemagne shook his hand holding the juice slightly when he heard Sean's proposal, then turned his head and asked in surprise, "So you can enchant?"

   "Aren't you talking nonsense! As an arcanist, if you don't know how to enchant, you will be ridiculed."

  Shawn saw Charlemagne's expression on a sullen look. If this kind of stupid question was heard by other mages, he would probably be sent a flame blast or ice spear.

   "That's what I said, but in fact, I only know some simple enchantments such as sharpness and solidity, and the more advanced ones... well, I didn't study hard."

   Speaking of this, Sean is obviously a little embarrassed. He didn't study hard in the Arcane Academy when he was drunk in Silvermoon City.

  He doesn’t know any advanced enchantments such as Mongoose, Crusaders, etc. This guy only knows some basic weapon enchantments, that is, he is quite proficient in using the super intelligence that mages themselves need to use...


   But this is completely enough for Charlemagne. You must know that it is not an easy task to find wizards to enchant. Most of the time, the proud Quel'dorei wizards dismiss the ranger's request.

   "Then help me find out what effects are more suitable for this pair of weapons. Please report how much it costs."

  Sean waved his hand indifferently to Charlemagne's words, "What money are we talking about? I wish I could have such high-quality materials for me to practice. I will help you out with this material!"

  Hearing the practice... Charlemagne's brows couldn't help but twitch.

   " won't break my weapon, will you?"

  Sean hurriedly waved his hands and said, "How could it be! Anyway, I have practiced countless times, and I can't make mistakes with these most basic enchantments!"


  Although Charlemagne still has some doubts about Sean's craftsmanship, he is almost a suitable candidate in a short time, so let him give it a try.

  ...Anyway, this guy has plenty of money, if it breaks, just let him accompany him.

  Seeing Sean's excited expression of rubbing his hands, Charlemagne could barely suppress his inner uneasiness, and followed him all the way to the workshop on the third floor of the Mage Tower.

  Sean carefully took out a small amount of green-glowing dust from the cabinet next to him, and under Charlemagne's nervous gaze, he began to use magic to draw magic lines on the surface of the double knives.

  However, due to the hard texture of Titan Iron, Sean's characterization process was very difficult.

   "Where did this ore come from? Why is the internal structure so tight!"


  After finishing the drawing of the magic pattern with great difficulty, Sean turned his head and complained to Charlemagne. In order to perfectly draw the magic pattern on the blade, he spent a lot of mana just now to keep the spell stable.

Charlemagne shrugged his shoulders and jokingly said, "This is the latest precious ore that has just been trial-mined in Northrend. The output at this stage is very small. According to Bright Hammer, the entire eastern continent can now process this kind of ore. There are no more than 5 blacksmiths, and it should be fun to let you practice enchanting on the finished product."

   "Yes, then I will start enchanting next, so don't disturb me."

  Sean just complained a few words casually. You must know that getting in touch with new precious materials early will also greatly improve his enchanting experience and skills. This kind of opportunity is rare.

  Charlemagne certainly knew that these precise tasks required a relatively quiet environment. At this time, he sat silently on a chair in the workshop and watched Sean complete the enchanting work without a glance.

   Sean at work couldn't see the greasy expression of his usual hippie smile at all. At this moment, he was concentrating on filling the dust on his hand evenly into the magic lines that he had just drawn.

After filling it, he took a deep breath, opened the magic circuit in his whole body, and began to gradually slide his hands along the magic lines bit by bit. From the angle of Charlemagne, he could clearly see the magic of his fingertips. blue arcane aura.

  As Xiao En slowly stroked the entire blade, the enchanting of the first blade was finally successfully completed after lighting up the last magic pattern.


  Sean finally breathed a sigh of relief after perfectly enchanting a knife. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but it will be much easier after the first success.

   "Here! One is strong and the other is sharp. My craftsmanship is not yet capable of compound enchanting. I will help you with secondary processing when I have a chance in the future."

  When Sean handed back the two knives to Charlemagne with a proud expression, the two short knives that changed color made his face a little tangled.

   "...Did you do it on purpose?"

   "Huh? What do you mean?"

  At this time, due to different enchantments, the colors of the two knives are quite different from each other. Among them, the one with strong enchantment has now lost its original metallic color and turned completely black.

  The other enchanted blade is just the opposite, the entire blade has turned into a white that reflects the dazzling light.

   These two black and white double knives... Well, in short, Charlemagne's desire to complain is high, and he even wants to ask Sean if this guy has also traveled here.

  However, after Sean's explanation, he realized that this was purely a coincidence. Enchanting would slightly change the internal structure of the weapon, and some high-level enchanting would even cause the weapon to emit a completely different intense light from the original.

  This kind of basic enchantment that just changes the color of the weapon itself is already considered a trivial problem...

  After that, Sean urged Charlemagne to let the two knives hit each other to try the enchanting effect, but Charlemagne was not so stupid.

   These two swords are attached to represent offensive and defensive respectively, and now they are just like the spear and shield in the previous story.

  Although the two-knife fight made of strong material should not be so easy to damage both of them, but this kind of meaningless thing that is purely to satisfy Sean's curiosity will not be so boring to try.

  Everyone is happy with this enchantment. Sean obtained rare training materials, and Charlemagne also further strengthened his dual knives. Although the color is a bit weird, it doesn't hurt.

   Before leaving, Charlemagne suddenly remembered Brighthammer's previous request.

   "By the way, Sean, can you teach other people the enchantment of your arcanists?"

   "Huh? You want to learn?"

   Sean had a weird expression after hearing Charlemagne's question. After getting along for a while, he didn't think that Charlemagne would be interested in this kind of craft that requires fine manipulation.

"Generally speaking, it will not be taught to ordinary people. First of all, the cost of materials is relatively expensive, and it needs to consume a lot of mana when enchanting. It may be difficult for professions other than mages to learn. Of course, you, a ranger, can learn it if you want to, but in the future Your current total mana can only be enchanted with the simplest effect like mine."

Charlemagne saw Sean misunderstood and hurriedly waved his hand to interrupt him, "It's not me, it's Bright Hammer, our Taquilin blacksmith, who has been trying to combine elves' enchanting craft with forging since he came to Quel'Thalas. But well..."

   Speaking of which, Charlemagne shrugged with a sneer, and Sean immediately understood what he meant.

   "I'm afraid no one wants to teach him."

   Thanks to the book friend "Xing Yuqiang" for his reward and support.
