Chapter 696 The non-stop regent

   Quel'Thalas is relatively stable in the country as a whole, and a few months will not cause too many problems for the slow-paced high elves.


   After Charlemagne asked about major domestic events, he suddenly remembered the intelligence agency he had established, and turned around to look around.

   "Where's Valeera? How about the establishment of the intelligence agency, isn't she at home now?"

  Alleria rolled her eyes, while Cirvanas and Vereesa glared at Onyxia at the same time.

   "It's all due to the stupid dragon next to you. She was supposed to lead the formation of the Land Strategy Bureau, but in the end, this guy left for a few months on the pretext of summoning the Wyrmrest Temple."


   "Valeira has been so busy recently that she has been dizzy and dizzy. She finally pulled out a team with the help of Welles' connections, and she is still busy in the basement in the backyard."


  Onyxia heard Vereesa mentioning this incident and said a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, sorry, anyway, the master doesn't plan to take me out again this time. I'll help Valeera in my spare time."

  Sirvanas keenly heard the meaning of Onyxia's words, she frowned and asked Charlemagne, "Idle time... what do you plan to ask Onyxia?"

   "It's a long story."

  Charlemagne took a sip of the magic wine and sighed softly, "Some changes have taken place in the elements of Azeroth. I guess it has something to do with N'Zoth."


"Now that C'Thun and Yogg-Saron are dead, all the power left by the Old Gods will be inherited by N'Zoth, which naturally includes Ragnaros, the king of fire elements who is still loyal to the Old Gods, and the original Belonging to his Deathwing."

Alleria also showed a thoughtful look, "I also remembered when you said that, last time Magatha came to the Royal Library to inquire about information, she casually mentioned that she was looking for the reason for the change of elements .”

Vereesa tilted her head, with an uncertain expression on her face, "It seems that Nobundo came here too, but he came with Onara, I didn't pay much attention at the time, and he seemed to have been to the Royal Palace once after that." library."

Charlemagne nodded solemnly and said, "It seems that the powerful shamans of Azeroth have basically sensed that something is wrong. The riot of the fire element is because Ragnaros is causing trouble, and the wail of the earth element... should be related to the death Wings."

  Deathwing is also the guardian of the earth, and his priority in manipulating the earth elements is even higher than that of the stone mother, Therazane.

   "It is precisely because of this that I let Oni stay. On the one hand, I will help Valeira establish and improve the Homeland Strategy Bureau, and on the other hand... also prepare for Deathwing."


   "Once that big jaw rushes out of Deep Rock Continent, the earth elemental riots he will bring will be very obvious. I don't want Silvermoon City to be destroyed by more than half of it for no reason."

Although the power of the earth obtained by Onyxia from Kazgoroth's hammer is not as much as Nesario's direct infusion by Kazgoroth himself, to some extent she can already partially restrain that beast. The mad dragon's damage to the world.

Charlemagne rubbed his chin, and said thoughtfully, "Perhaps we should contact Serazane through Sunderland, so that she can also contribute to future disasters. Oni, this task is also entrusted to is you."

   "Okay, master!"

Because of the appearance of Elegon, Onyxia's mount quests have become less and less. Now, in addition to taking on the responsibility of guarding the dragon, she spends most of her time as Charlemagne's secretary, helping him deal with some things he doesn't like. Convenient or overwhelming work.

   It is enough qualifications for the quasi-earth guardian to contact the Stone Mother. The question is... Will that stubborn old stone lady of Therazane accept Charlemagne's suggestion.

   Among the four elements, Neptulon, the king of water elements, was the first to fall to the order camp, and Charlemagne had already made some contact with him through the Duke of Hydraxis.

  The wind element has now completed the coup, and Sunderland firmly controls the dominance of the sky wall.

  The fire element is out of play for the time being, that idiot Ragnaros is a diehard loyalist to the ancient gods, and in the end only the rock mother Therazane is left with a vacillating attitude.

This guy has been thinking about keeping his one-acre and three-point land all day long, but after Deathwing broke into the Deep Rock Continent of the Earth Elemental Realm, this stone mother should not be very comfortable, maybe he can use this For the breakthrough.

   In addition, more attention should be paid to the wetland where Cho'gall is located. Once the catastrophe begins, this guy will definitely take the opportunity to come out and make trouble.

   Joining forces with Sinestra, he already has the confidence to fight against the Deathwing forces. This can also be regarded as an internal struggle in the ancient **** system.

   After arranging the affairs of the two continents, Charlemagne finally saw the tired Valeira.

  The moment the little girl saw Onyxia, she immediately jumped up and complained about her grievances, and it took a while before she settled down under the attack of Charlemagne and Aurelia.

Since Northrend still has a lot of things waiting to be dealt with, Charlemagne accompanied the three wives to pay the public rations that night, and was sent back to Wyrmrest Temple by himself early the next morning with the help of relatives and friends, without even having time Show yourself at the Tower of Sunfury.

   When Charlemagne arrived at the upper level of Wyrmrest Temple, in addition to the three dragon kings, Charlemagne also saw Jaina and Ulduar's archivist Ollia who had returned from the island of conquest.

   Lord Theramore first took the initiative to report to him the establishment of the frontline stronghold after seeing Charlemagne.

   "Father Wang has initially built a camp, and the name is taken as the Front of the Northern Expedition according to the meaning of the alliance."

   "The front-line stronghold of the oath has also been established. It is on the small island you provided. I named it Paradise Island on my own initiative."

  Charlemagne, who had just greeted Aurelia, had a weird expression on his face, "Heaven? How does Broken Island look like heaven..."

  Jianna spread her hands in a funny way, "Because I couldn't think of a name, I asked the people below to vote for a few candidates, and this name got the most votes, although I don't understand why they named it that way."

   "Forget's not important." Charlemagne shook his head helplessly, then straightened his face and asked, "Where is the island of conquest? Has the frontline base been established yet?"

   Jaina also replied seriously, "It has been established, and the oath will send an advance team to occupy it. Sure enough, as you said, there are a lot of oil and cobalt veins on the island. Once this place is occupied by the will be terrible."

  Charlemagne sighed and said, "The tribe is actually not far from oil. Have you forgotten Un'Goro Crater?"

There are a large number of exposed oil pits in the north of Un'Goro Crater. Fortunately, the tribes that entered this area from Tanaris are still circling in the south. Charlemagne is even considering whether to send troops from Cenarion Fortress in Silithus in advance. Occupy the northern part of the crater.

   Shaking his head and temporarily putting aside this thought, Charlemagne told Jaina to go to the Yak Village to inform the three clans of tauren first, and turned to look at Aurelia after Jaina teleported away.

   "Ms. Aurelia, do the guardians have any important news to convey?"
