Chapter 685 Surface Brother Dakuru

  Charlemagne had already left Ulduar when he received the news, and came to Sandara, the city established by the high elves in Crystalsong Forest.

He scratched his soft silver hair with a headache, and looked at Karrick Frosteye opposite him with a speechless face, "Do you think this Garrosh is out of his mind? What are you doing to offend the blue dragon? Now it's fun." Bar?"

Carrick shrugged helplessly, "I also think there is something wrong with his brain. He has never been very fond of us green-skinned orcs. He has been advocating some **** pure-blood theory in the tribe all day long, but there are still a lot of Ma The Gehan orcs chose to follow him."


  Gurest drank a glass of ale, put the glass heavily on the table, and said mockingly, "Is this blood and racial discrimination? No one in the tribe has any objections to this?"



  Carrick turned to Gurest with a blank expression, "What are you talking about? Speak up."

  A vein appeared on Gurest's forehead at a speed visible to the naked eye. The angry dwarf general jumped onto the table and yelled at Carrick, "I said no one in the tribe objected?! You deaf!"

   "Oh, I hear you, don't be so loud."

Carrick pulled his ears and grinned wide, revealing his two big fangs, and said with a simple and honest face, "Of course there are people who object, and Chief Vol'jin of the Darkspear troll has long opposed his behavior clearly. But...the troll population is too small to be of much use."

  Charlemagne clapped his hands, and brought back the long-lost topic, "You two, you can discuss the conflicts within the tribe in private, and now continue to talk about the blue dragon."

Immeril, who was sitting on the side maintaining his longbow, said leisurely, "Actually, the conflict between the blue dragon and the Horde...or the Mag'har orcs is nothing more than the level that the adults put the bear on the ground and gave them a good education. "


Brand jokingly shrugged and added, "Warsong Fortress was almost torn into ruins by the massive magic of the blue dragons. Although the blue dragons were merciful and did not kill them, there are still a large number of Warsong and Dragonmaw orcs frozen in the ice. Can't get out."

   "Garrosh is furiously trying to get the shaman to melt the ice as soon as possible, but the effect seems to be unsatisfactory. The usually docile elementals seem to be a bit rebellious, especially the fire elemental."

  Charlemagne's eyebrows twitched violently, and the relaxed look on his face suddenly became serious. "Brand, what exactly is the elemental restlessness? Will it affect the material world?"

Brand was taken aback when he heard the words, and then shook his head blankly, "I don't know, but I just heard from the adventurer shaman of Sandara City that the elemental activities in Azeroth are a bit abnormal recently. I don't know..."

  Charlemagne's brows were tightly frowned,'One wave of unrest and another wave... Could it be that the catastrophe is approaching? '

  In any case, things always have to be resolved one by one. Charlemagne asked the members of the Hidden Passage to pay attention to collecting more information related to elements when they were walking outside, and then he refocused his attention on the situation in Northrend.


   "Shorazar is a closed basin filled with various Titan experiments. I don't think even Garrosh, that idiot, would rush into this area that doesn't have much strategic value."


  Charlemagne's evaluation of Garrosh made everyone present laugh, Emriel covered his mouth and couldn't help laughing, "Idiot roar... This title is really suitable for Garrosh."


  Charlemagne didn't expect that the nickname he uttered casually would resonate with everyone, and hurriedly coughed twice to remind everyone to pay attention.

   "Garrosh and Sholazar Basin don't need to be concerned for the time being. Once Ulduar is repaired, the guardians will soon send people to this Titan laboratory."

Charlemagne pointed at the west-central part of Northrend, "Then there is Lake Wintergrasp. Many precious resources here are monopolized by the alliance and the oath. The tribe has long been dissatisfied with this, and it is uncertain when it will trigger friction."

   "The guardians of the titans are going to look for opportunities to recover the treasures in the fortress of Wintergrasp, Gurest, and then you will notify the alliance so that they don't die and conflict with the guardians and the titan creations."

  The Mountain Patrol General nodded and said, "I know, I will definitely tell them."

  Charlemagne smiled with satisfaction, and continued, "The Scourge Gate in Dragonbone Wilderness has been abandoned by both the Alliance and the Horde. The terrain here is steep and easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is too difficult to break through the defense of the meat grinder that launched the plague."

   "There is an iron wall dam between Crystalsong Forest and Icecrown Glacier. It is also impossible to break through from the bottom up. Then, there are only two ways to enter Icecrown Glacier."

  Charlemagne's two hands were placed on the northeast and southeast of the Icecrown Glacier. The northeast location was the place where the Silver Crusade was originally used in history, and the southeast was located in the Echo Valley of the Storm Cliff.

"Although Echo Valley is relatively convenient to occupy, there is a fortress built by the Lich King outside the natural mountain tunnel - Scourge City, and it is almost impossible to set up a camp here without being discovered by the patrolling gargoyles. "

   "The stronghold in the northeast is relatively hidden, but you have to take a boat to the northern mountain coast of Icecrown Glacier to land on the adventure. Once you encounter an avalanche during the mountain climbing, it is no joke."

  Emeril looked at the map thoughtfully, "You mean...the focus of our work will be shifted to Icecrown Glacier?"

Charlemagne nodded, "This is inevitable. Now that the Lich King has lost the two powerful arms of Ymiron and Anub'arak, only Naxxramas of Kel'Thuzad can still roam the sky above the coalition forces to create Some trouble."

   "But in the face of the army assembled by the Alliance and the Horde, the role Naxxramas can play... is quite limited."

   After all, there is a limit to the number of troops a floating fortress can carry, and the air forces of the Alliance and the Horde are not just for nothing.

This time, the alliance sent the Skyfire, the space battleship that the dwarves had just completed for the Stormwind Kingdom, to Northrend. Samus is perfectly adequate.

  The Horde, on the other hand, found goblins to spend a lot of money to buy an air and space battleship with a similar technical level—the Breaker. Kel'Thuzad's air mobility was greatly restricted under the protection of these two space battleships.

Last time, this Grand Lich, who was loyal to the Lich King, ventured out of the Scourge Gate to launch an assault. As a result, he was almost beaten down from the sky by the large-caliber artillery and a large number of air forces on the Potian and Skyfire. Naxxar Mars fled from above the Scourge's Gate in embarrassment, falling stones all the way back to the camp behind the gate to recuperate.

Speaking of Zuldak, under Charlemagne's deliberate laissez-faire, the traitor of the Drakkari troll—Dakuru finally used his three-inch tongue and full of names of brothers and friends to fool a small group Adventurers helped him seize control of Drak'Tharon Fortress and even the entire western half of Zul'Drak.

That team of adventurers included Karl and Dinnigefy, whom Charlemagne had recommended to develop in Sandara. Of course, in the end, these adventurers found out that they had been deceived, and without hesitation broke into the natural disaster floating fortress controlled by Drakuru. kill him.

  But the huge influence brought by Dakulu has penetrated deep into Zuldak, the territory where the Drakkari Empire has lived for generations, and the entire western half of Zuldak has been completely corroded by natural disasters and plagues.

  Undead trolls and Drakkari trolls are fighting each other endlessly, and there are adventurers disrupting the situation, and the situation in Zul'Drak is in chaos.

Charlemagne looked at Zuldak's position on the map and touched his chin, "It's almost time to finish, this group of trolls who love to make trouble and don't know how to raise them...let them drown in the impossible dream of a troll empire." . '
