Chapter 676 Chapter 173 Time is money!

In the previous Sunwell War, Jaina went to Outland to mediate the war between the Alliance and the Horde. Theramore did not participate in the rescue of Quel'Thalas. This time she planned to attack Northrend and destroy the Lich King. Provide some help to the coalition forces.

   Jaina asked Charlemagne about a suitable location for Theramore to land, and the Regent of Quel'Thalas offered her two options.

  One is the east side of the Emerald Holy Land, the port where the Scarlet Crusade army landed in history, and the other is Risk Bay at the junction of Grizzly Hills and Keel Wilderness.

  Venture Bay, as you can probably tell from the name, this port was originally owned by the goblin venture capital company.

This group of unscrupulous greenskins can do anything to make money, and dare to go to any dangerous place. Because Northrend has not been extensively developed before, the animal fur, herbs and mineral resources here can all be found in Kalimdor. And the Eastern Continent sold at high prices.

  Naturally, this kind of profitable business has attracted the goblins of venture capital companies. Under their early development, Venture Bay has become a very complete port. Except for the lack of popularity, it can meet almost all the requirements of the fleet.


   Jaina's Theramore fleet launched an attack on a small number of goblins here just after arriving in Risk Bay. These unscrupulous green skins don't need any sympathy for them.

   In addition, the goblins who occupy this place belong to the most unscrupulous part. Venture capital companies, and even Jaina, who has always pursued peace, have no sense of guilt in attacking them. Anyway, they are just a group of lunatics who want to use money to manipulate the world.

  Cooperating with the Kalimdor tauren and Highmountain tauren who arrived in Northrend in advance to support the yak, Jaina successfully defeated this group of green skins.

The goblin's lack of morals is not a joke. This group of greenskins saw that their own ships might sink in large numbers. They would not do this kind of loss-making business. They immediately surrendered to Lord Theramore, expressing their willingness to sell this place at a "low price". port.

   Jaina was not taken advantage of, she taught the group of goblins what "cheap price" means by using the method of a mage, and finally the group of green skins had to cry and agree to give it away for free.

  Of course, before withdrawing, they swept away all valuable items in the port, leaving Jaina with an empty port with only remaining facilities.


  But this is completely enough for her. All Jaina needs is a base, as long as the port facilities in Risk Bay are still complete.

  Just as Jaina was stationed in Risk Bay and began to repair, she unexpectedly encountered a huge fleet. The flag hoisted on the fleet ships made her very familiar, which was the blue anchor navy flag of Kul Tiras.

   "Oh! My dear daughter, have you finally decided to fight those damned orcs together with your father?"

When the fleet entered the port, Jaina choked and rolled her eyes when Dai Lin met her first sentence, "Father! Why do you still have this attitude of trying to drive the Horde to extinction? The Horde has proven its worth to Azeroth right?"

  Daelin didn't care about his daughter's complaints, and gave Jaina a warm hug. He laughed and said, "Father is different from you, a pacifist. I always think that they will pose a threat to the world sooner or later."

"Look, don't the group of Mag'har orcs returning from Outland confirm my hunch? These brown-skinned orcs are more aggressive than Goel's group of green-skinned orcs. If you let them go, one day They will do great harm to Azeroth."


In fact, Jaina is also a little worried about the Mag'har orcs headed by Garrosh. A recent internal meeting of the oath even mentioned that this reckless radical orc might become the next great chief. There are some bad feelings.

   Leaving aside the argument between the two fathers and daughters, the alliance's armies have almost cleared the Vrykul in Howling Fjord, and are already advancing to the Grizzly Hills further north at the same time.

Grizzly Hills was infiltrated by Yogg-Saron's corruption because of several fragments of Vordrassil, and now this crazy factor has gradually begun to spread to the furbolgs living here, even the crows who received the furbolg's offerings in the Emerald Dream Both Thor and Ursoc are affected a bit.

This area has been entrusted by Wyrmrest Temple to the forest demigod Cenarius. This demigod is bringing his Cenarion Council members to station here, doing everything possible to clean up the wreckage of Vordrassil. coming impact.

Varian and Genn joined forces. After purifying Gjalerbron, they went all the way north and entered the Grizzly Bear Hills first. However, they did not stay here for long. They captured the Vrykul stronghold in Grizzly Bear Hills. After Deren went straight west to Dragonblight.

  Varian built the Winter Fortress on the Winter Ridge near the Grizzly Hills in the eastern part of Dragonblight, and he ordered Duke Bolvar to lead the elite of the Seventh Legion to set up a frontline position in front of the Scourge Gate - Fordragon Fortress.

  He himself continued westward with Jinn, and finally arrived at Wyrmrest Temple one step ahead of the tribe, waiting for the coalition meeting held here.

During this period, Daelin, who had finished handling his personal affairs, was also rushing to Wyrmrest Temple. The day after Goel arrived with Garrosh, King Kul Tiras and his daughter Jaina followed closely. The footsteps of the tribe came to the meeting hall on the top floor of Wyrmrest Temple.


  The upcoming wrangling in Wyrmrest Temple has nothing to do with Charlemagne. More than a month has passed since the Battle of the Storm Peaks. He, Raiden and others sent troops to conquer several guardian temples occupied by Loken's remaining forces.

The Forging Temple of Azadas, which was buried by the wind and snow, was also dug out by the earth spirits and refurbished. Through the corridor behind the Temple of Wisdom, the ever-increasing number of Titan-forged troops took back the two places of Odu, the Hall of Rock and the Hall of Lightning. Er Pian Dian.

  Charlemagne set up a pergola with his hands, looked up at the dazzling Ulduar gate reflected in the sunlight from the snowy field, and said to Tyr beside him in amazement, "It really deserves to be a palace built by Titans, and the height is too exaggerated."

  However, his words failed to get a response from Tyr. The King of Order stared at the familiar Ulduar gate in front of him in a daze, and a look of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, " many years have you not been back?"

   Azadas and Elonaya walked up to Tire and patted his shoulders respectively. Azadas also said with emotion, "Yeah, counting... probably tens of thousands of years."

Alonaya said with a smile, "Even though the landscape of Azeroth has undergone tremendous changes, the interior of Ulduar still seems to be the same. I still remember this square. Mimiron used to put his messy experiments here. Taste."

The corner of Charlemagne's mouth twitched, and he interrupted the memory of the three of them, "Although I don't want to disturb your memories of the past, it seems that Mimiron's experimental products are still on this square and training ground, and... they have completely lost control. "


The three turned their heads to look at Charlemagne in unison, and even Thorim scratched his pink hair with a headache and asked, "Mortal, are you kidding? Mimiron's experimental products can It’s not easy to deal with at all.”

  Charlemagne spread his hands with a wry smile, "Obviously, I'm not joking, and this square that you miss so much will become the first obstacle to our progress, you see."

  Charlemagne pointed to the strange spiers inside the square that radiated soaring arcane light and the portals that shimmered at the bottom of the towers. The Titan Guardian obviously knew more about this device than Charlemagne.

  Hodir patted his smooth forehead in annoyance and sighed, "No way...Storm Spire, it seems that there are still a considerable number of defenders stationed in Ulduar, so it's difficult."
