Chapter 656 The upcoming wedding

   When the Alliance and Horde began to return to Azeroth in an orderly manner, Charlemagne's wedding invitation had been presented to the desks of leaders of various countries along with the results of the Battle of Sunwell.

  Malygos laughed loudly after receiving the post, "Haha! This kid Charlemagne is finally planning to get married, is any of you going?"

   Both Alexstrasza and Ysera looked a little helpless, "You know the situation of the Scourge. Where can we get away? You should go on behalf of the Dragon Clan."

   "No problem, Elegos! You go with me. I will leave Senegos and Arygos at Wyrmrest Temple to help."

  Alexstrasza glanced at the high elf who was bending over to salute beside him, nodded slightly and said, "That's fine, I can rest assured that Elegos is with you."

  Alegos is a student of Malygos, a Mesozoic blue dragon who survived the battle of the ancients because he stayed behind in the magic hub and did not participate in the battle.


  After Malygos went mad, he once assisted Saragosa in managing the blue dragonflight, until Arygos and Kalecgos grew up and gradually gave up his position.

Looking at Malygos who happily opened the portal and left, and Elegos who was calm beside him, Ysera sighed amusedly, "Malygos feels younger and younger. Compared with him, we are like A lot older."

   Alexstrasza smiled softly and said, "Isn't this a good thing? It's much better for him now than the crazy one before."

  Ysera nodded in agreement, and then asked with some concern, "Speaking of which, where did Nozdormu go? The time of sneaking into other timelines this time is too long, right?"

Alexstrasza looked at the vacant bronze dragon seat on the upper level of Wyrmrest Temple, and he was also uneasy, "I don't know, but this time he took most of the adult bronze dragons away, and I always feel that he might make a big move .”

  At the same time that Wyrmrest Temple received the invitation, the leaders of the Alliance and the Horde also received news that Charlemagne was about to get married.


Varian, who had just returned to Stormwind Fortress, looked a little tired, hugged little Prince Anduin and comforted him for a while, and said to Queen Tiffin, "Of course I will go to Charlemagne's wedding in person. I want Daelin and Magni should be no exception."

  Queen Tiffin smiled softly, "His Royal Highness the Prince Regent really has a lot of friends. I'm afraid the tribe will also send people there. At that time, don't conflict with the tribe at the wedding."


Varian snorted unhappily, but then assured his queen under Tiffin's soft eyes, "I know, no matter how I say it, I can't possibly get into trouble with those orcs at the wedding, besides... this time Orcs don't know if they have time to participate."

As Varian said, Go'el has just returned to Durotar with a population of nearly one million, and Go'el is already very busy. Breaking through the defense of the Sandfury trolls and entering the Un'Goro Crater has become the tribe's top priority. .

   "Varok, please run for me, Vol'jin...I'm afraid it is not suitable to appear in Quel'Thalas."


  High King Saurfang nodded, but then said with some concern, "But those Mag'har brats..."

  Guyle waved his hand helplessly, "As long as there is enough food, they shouldn't have any problems in a short time. I'm worried about the future..."

  With the addition of this group of radical orcs, Goyle had a hunch that his position as chief may not last long. This group of reckless brown-skinned orcs needed a leader they recognized.

  ‘Hope Garrosh can be trained well before troubles arise, otherwise...the Horde may become the target of public criticism. '

In February 27 of the Dark Portal, Kael'thas' final moment is approaching, but before that, he will appear in public for the last time. The Sun King will personally host Charlemagne's wedding and officially pass the throne to his cousin. Sister Lianda.

   On the day of the ceremony, in the embassy area of ​​Silvermoon City, the envoys of various ethnic groups gathered into a huge army and marched towards Wangting Square together.

  Charlemagne stretched out his hands in the living room of the Prince Regent's Mansion, letting Onyxia and the maids work on him.

   Charlemagne, who was about to become the regent, looked a little anxious on his face. He turned his head several times to Malygos and asked, "How is it? This gold and red dress won't look too ostentatious, right?"

  He himself has no objection to the red dress. After all, this color is also used in traditional Chinese weddings. He is worried that this color will make other visiting envoys of various ethnic groups feel that it is not solemn enough.

  Malygos looked at Charlemagne, who seemed to be suffering from premarital depression, and waved his hands helplessly, "No, no! You have asked this question 275 times. You are just getting married. Is it necessary to be so nervous?"

   "You said it lightly, anyway, it's not you who got married."

   "It's not that I've never been married..."


  Charlemagne showed a hint of sarcasm on his face, "Dragon clan is also called marriage? If you see the right eye, find a cave and roll together. It's almost like a wild marriage?"

Malygos looked a little embarrassed, and hurriedly changed the subject, "By the way, that brat Kalecgos has been hiding in his cave for more than half a month since he returned to the Nexus. What happened to Salas?"

  Onyxia finally helped her master put on the green cloak representing the ranger, and the front of the cloak was embroidered with the crest of the Theron family.

  When Charlemagne looked at the outfits all over his body, he said mockingly, "You Dragon King, don't you care too much about your subordinates? Didn't Maticigosa and Telegosa say anything?"

  Malygos scratched his head in doubt, "I didn't say anything, and I was stopped by Saragosa when I wanted to ask. Could it be that they fought with Kalecgos?"

  Charlemagne and Malygos' attendant Alegos rolled their eyes at the same time, and said angrily, "There was indeed a fight, but it was a fight between goblins. Poor Kalec seems to have a psychological shadow."

   Chatting with Malygos made Charlemagne finally calm down a bit, and Lor'themar just walked in from outside the door wearing a slightly darker red best man suit.

   "Brother, the envoys from various countries have arrived at the square, His Majesty Kael'thas is receiving them, and it's time for us to set off."

Charlemagne moved his body, and the dress fit him well without being too tight, then he turned his head and said to Lor'themar, "Let's go, let's teleport directly to the gate of the Sunfury Tower and then return to the royal court." square."

  When Charlemagne and others walked out of the royal court, the entire square was already densely packed with people, not only high elves, but also many races such as night elves, night children, humans, and tauren.

At this time, Kael'thas was receiving the envoys sent by various countries with a smile, and Queen Azshara, who had changed into a purple dress, was among them. Tyrande was still wearing a snow-white sacrificial short robe. He snorted coldly at him.

   "Haha! Charlemagne, you kid is finally willing to get married, by the way, who do you think this is?"

   When Magni saw Charlemagne coming, he immediately ran over enthusiastically on short legs, his right hand was still on the shoulder of another bearded man.

  Although these dwarves who looked exactly the same could not be identified, Charlemagne still guessed the identity of the other party.


   Thanks to the book friends "鬼ovo Remnant Soul", "The Noisy Young Man", "hanhzx", "Liu Shuo 2015" and "Book Friends 20180222153750821" for their support.
