Chapter 642 The fraudster appears

  Although Charlemagne has never played a warlock, he still vaguely remembers that the two Eredar twins seemed to be enslaved by the legion male warlock in the Legion version.

  Although the method is not known, but since there is such a thing, it shows that his idea has the possibility of realization.

  Malygos and Queen Azshara looked at each other, and they sighed silently at the same time.

  Malygos said with a bit of a smile on his face, "Your idea is very...constructive, but have you learned more about the profession of Warlock?"


  Charlemagne scratched his head in confusion, "No, why should I get to know a group of weirdos who like to hide in sewers? Not to mention that warlocks are notoriously unscrupulous."


  Charlemagne still remembers that warlocks and thieves are called the duo of sewers, and the occupation halls of the two neighbors seem to be in the dirty sewers of Dalaran...

   Azshara shook her head amusedly, "Charlemagne, although these two sisters are relatively weak in frontal combat, they are still demigods, right?"


   "If you want to enslave a demigod-level demon, even if you hold a fel artifact, you need at least the strength of the epic peak. Do you think... there is any warlock in Azeroth who can achieve this strength. Even if there is... can you trust it?"


Charlemagne rested his chin on his hand and recalled. Originally, he planned to let Simfil, who was holding the Ulthalus sickle, take over the pair of twins, but from what Alleria said, it seemed that Simfil was only a while ago with the help of the artifact. Break through to the epic stage.


  As for the other warlocks... Leaving aside whether they have artifacts or not, none of them can be trusted by Charlemagne in terms of character.

  Finally, he lowered his head in frustration and said, "Forget it... When Maiev comes back, lock the two of them in the Watcher's Vault, and wait until Simfier has the ability to enslave them."

  The Catacombs of the Watchers is located on an island in Azsuna, Broken Islands. Countless powerful demons are imprisoned inside. The elite troops of the Watchers are responsible for guarding them. No demon has ever escaped from it in the past 10,000 years.

   During this period of time, the Eredar twins can only be temporarily sent to the Violet Prison in Dalaran. Although there are problems in this broken prison, there is no more suitable option other than this.

  Charlemagne does not hope that in the turmoil that Quel'Thalas may fall into next, someone will take advantage of the chaos to release these two insidious and cunning demons.

They are Kil'jaeden's most valued lieutenants. Over the years, they have infiltrated and destroyed countless civilizations. Whether it's sex...that or conspiracy, they are the best choices. They must be properly imprisoned before fully mastering the method of enslaving them. .



The two sisters, who only wore simple three-point armor, were still struggling, but under the shackles of the spellweaver, they couldn't break free at all. Malygos changed the spell a little, and the Eredar twins immediately flipped over. Baiyan fainted.

  Charlemagne patted the "scarf" on his neck and said, "Eragon, you send the two of them back to the coalition headquarters, and ask Speaker Ronin to lock them up."

   "Okay, Charlemagne."

After Elegon returned to his original form and took off, Charlemagne and the others regained their dignified expressions. Under the leadership of the two big men, Azshara and Malygos, they cautiously opened the door in front of them and entered the Temple of Eclipse internal.

  The temple didn't seem to be affected by the turmoil outside. When Charlemagne and others walked around several layers of red tulle lightly, they finally saw the sun well that still emitted huge energy.

In order not to startle the enemy, Charlemagne gestured to several people with gestures. Queen Azshara led Tyrande and Elisande to move silently to the left, Malygos slipped to the right alone, and Charlemagne He and Onyxia stayed where they were.

   After the two parties were in place, Charlemagne gently gestured with his fingers to signal '3, 2, 1! '


  As soon as Charlemagne's order was issued, Onyxia rushed towards the leader of the five warlocks first.

  Although it has changed into a human form, the Guardian of the Earth is the one with the strongest defense among the five dragon kings. Onyxia's body has been covered with a thick barrier of earth elements, which is most suitable as a frontal meat shield.

  At the same time, Malygos and Queen Azshara also activated at the same time, each responsible for two eredar warlocks.

  Onyxia rushed to a distance of ten meters behind the warlock, and the warlock leader reacted. He hurriedly turned around and began to cast the warlock's instant curse spells, but unfortunately they were all blocked by the element barrier protected by the black dragon princess.


  Onyxia's white and tender fist hit the warlock leader's abdomen heavily, and the fel energy shield on the opponent's body was violently fluctuated by this blow, as if it would burst in the next moment.


   Naturally, Charlemagne would not let go of this excellent opportunity. Within a second, he fired with five fingers, and five arrows of order shot towards the leader of the eredar warlock.

Without any suspense, the fel shield, which was already at the end of its strength, was easily pierced. The terrified eredar was pierced through the head by an arrow before he even had time to ask for help. He swallowed without leaving a last word gas.

  Malygos and Azshara quickly resolved the battle, Charlemagne hurriedly called out, "Quick! Marek, please check the Sunwell and see if you can stop its summoning!"

When Malygos started working, Charlemagne pulled Solidar up again to shoot and kill the demons who had heard the sound on the second floor, and at the same time flew to the exit of the side door on the second floor and used the powerful Arrow of Order to completely collapse the entrance. die.

  Malygos waved a blue-purple wave of arcane light to cover the entire yellow-green Sunwell without saying a word, but then he frowned.

   "No! The interior of the Sunwell has been completely polluted by evil energy. The entire Sunwell is a huge portal. What these warlocks have done is nothing more than expanding the scale of the portal."

  Charlemagne, who had just jumped from the second floor, sighed regretfully, "Really... It seems that it can only be blown up, so back off and get ready, we will fight Kil'jaeden!"

  Malygos nodded solemnly, retreated outside the Sunwell hall and said loudly, "Be careful, Kil'jaeden should have received the news that the summoning ceremony was suspended, and it may appear at any time."

   After finishing speaking, he poured magic power into the Focusing Iris on his chest, and concentrated on preparing to make a big bomb. Before that, he first released a special arcane barrier to hide his body shape and energy overflow.

  The Focusing Rainbow is really easy to use. Using this kind of pure arcane energy can successfully destroy the sunwell polluted by fel energy, but it takes a lot of preparation time to activate it.

  Especially the energy in the Sunwell is huge, and the magic power needed to blow it up is also quite terrifying. It is probably impossible to prepare before Kil'jaeden's arrival...

   Sure enough, when the five of Charlemagne were waiting in full force, the water in the Sunwell suddenly boiled, and then a huge long-horned demon head came out of the wellhead.

   This time Kil'jaeden didn't just poke his head out. After more than a day of summoning, most of his upper body has appeared in Azeroth.

  However, at this time, his face was full of anger, one of which was because the summoning ceremony was interrupted, he could not fully enter Azeroth through the body, and the other...


Onyxia looked at the half of Kil'jaeden's body that got out, and couldn't help laughing when thinking of the previous statement that the master drilled the toilet. Azshara, Elisande and Tyrande also showed their Reserved smile.

Although Kil'jaeden didn't know what the people on the opposite side were laughing at, he instinctively sensed that they were laughing at him, and shouted angrily, "Stupid mortal! I am the leader of the Burning Legion, Kiel the Deceiver Erjadan..."

  Charlemagne waved his hand impatiently and interrupted his pretending, "That's all right, all right, the introduction will be waived, who here doesn't know you?"

  Kil'jaeden: "…"
